22 July 2012

Mitt Romney and the Republican Clown Rodeo Keep Peeling Back the Endless Onion of Lies (Per Krugman)

    Sunday, 22 July 2012, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - The Editorial Staff and worldwide global bureaus of the Ninth Amendment are immensely excited now to be back in touch with our worldwide audience sincerely hoping that this post finds all readers, websurfers, and indeed any and everyone here on purpose or by mistake in good health and able to maintain the proper course whatever that may be. We emphatically remind READERS THEY SHOULD NOT BYPASS THE NEW YORK TIMES PAYWALL SIMPLY BY SETTING READERS' FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". So who is getting richer, who is getting poorer and who does not know? Please raise your hand.
     The following comment was submitted by the Ninth Amendment to the New York Times in response to Professor Paul Krugman's alarming piece exposing Mitt Romney to a continuing to all that the man is a liar and like Republicans overall he is just another onion which reveals endless peals of nothingness as he is peeled down to one endlessly metamorphosing lie.
     This comment below to the best of the Ninth Amendment's knowledge was NOT published digitally or otherwise by the New York Times and therefore will only be available to those who read it here or somewhere else, including the soon to be maybe published "Not Necessarily the Best of the Ninth Amendment" which is not expected to be illustrated by Ralph Steadman nor any known blood relation of his.
The Ninth Amendment always found Mr. Steadman to be a most delightful personage even though he spat on his book which we bought when we asked him to sign it. It was an artistic TECHNIQUE.


And now direct from New York, the recent introduction to the Ninth Amendment Romney comment direct from the paper that prints "All the News That's Fit to Print" and apparently tosses the rest off somewhere into cyberspace. "Thank you for your submission. Your comment will appear once it has been approved." The comment subsequently was never approved, but no one said life would be easy. . . .
The Ninth Amendment at www.waronnothing.blogspot.com returns with enormous gratitude to our enthusiastic readers and especially our new immensely modest IT department having assembled a supercomputer with nada but components acquired on "clearance" at the corner Walgreen's for less than it costs the Department of Defense to get Dick Cheney's underwear drycleaned. For national security-like reasons all future communications will be in Linux "Doggy-Style Lite" before re-transliteration to Windows Armageddon Edition undoubtedly the worst, must cumbersome operating system ever devised by primates.

With deepest and abiding respect to Professor Krugman now determined to repeat that Mitt "tie my dog to the car roof please" Romney is nothing but a liar like his protege Texas Idiot Governor Rick "Someone Buy Me Please" Perry with only an onion ring at his core and a very long potential prison term lurking in his past. As for "Atlas Shrugged" only Thomas Pynchon should write books that long though we suppose it keeps certain people off the streets. For F. Scott's ruminations on the super-rich Professor Krugman why not skip on to "The Crack-Up" where they and their progeny doubtless end up? Oops out of time for the Galt's Gulch question would you please just turn to Wikepedia. So great back on the scene, looks as if this one's to be a first-rate clown rodeo worthy of the late great Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, just as soon as Arpaio and the Posse get to DC, if they get around New Mexico....

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