19 June 2013

Obama Vapid Response Shocks Again Dismays Entire New York Times Editorial Board On But Most Recent Executive Major U.S. Constitutional Attack

     Wednesday, 19 June 2013, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - The Ninth Amendment most sincerely regrets yet again in what seems to be but a matter of weeks and indeed even through this log's most recent post to inform readers of reports that President Obama continues to dismiss and oddly appear to believe he is somehow even distanced from continuing reports of blatant Executive Branch (of which he of course is the Chief) encroachments of potentially calamitous historical Constitutional proportions on some of its most sacred and fundamental protections of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
     Many are perhaps most specifically and extensively set forth with the ratification by a majority of the several states of the Bill of Rights (which of course still in the view of this log known after all as "The Ninth Amendment"  has some VERY largely obviously to most anyone who can read English individually protective yet oddly indeed near-completely unexplored, unrecognized, unacknowledged and actually effectively ignored provisions which the State in the view of this log can only be said to maintain ludicrously are some sort of vestigial surplusage which would have had to be absolutely uncharacteristically inserted by the Founding Fathers as if they were, say, getting paid by the hour or page.
     In any case it was at most some few months ago that the entire editorial board of The New York Times as reported here called for the complete closure of Guantanamo Bay and release of remaining detainees especially in light of some who had now spent about a decade there even AFTER federal judges ORDERED them released and all essentially agreed that many (but not all - those being segregated) posed no threat at all. But Congress refused to provide funding.
     Then of course heinous legislation such as the cynically entitled "Patriot Act" survives even in all its admittedly worst provisions thrown in in the dead of night with President Obama's administration actually having had its and other legislation's Bush-era "sunset provisions" not only not left effective but having done so by making these laws destroying the fabric of this country permanent.
     And now in the wake of the most recent revelations of the Obama administration's continuation of the NSA's seven-year-old unconstitutional universal surveillance program even as the President and his new century "lethal surveillance teams" and Oval Office direct controlled drone assassinations and murders continue, the New York Times reports on President Obama's shockingly dismal and disingenuous statements in defense of the new surveillance state he oversees, even calling it successful when he well knows that the telephone component in particular produces far less safety-enhancing results.
     The Ninth Amendment has as recently indicated here had about as much as it cares to stomach for the moment. Interested readers are encouraged to click to the New York Times editorial link directly below for further details. God Bless America.

Copyright 2013 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

15 June 2013

Where Are The Snowdens Of Yesteryear? NSA Earns Drone Murderer Obama Big Thumbs Up On NSA Massive Unconstitutional Universal Surveillance

     "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton

     Saturday, 14 June 2013, REYKJAVIK, ICELAND - The editorial board of the Ninth Amendment is saddened indeed sickened and horrified to hear that confessed worldwide drone murderer Barack Obama, champion and perpetuater of some of the most heinous acts of the unelected former "President" George "little shrub" Bush including perhaps most notoriously, aside from the murder and maiming of hundreds of thousands of citizens of the innocent country of Iraq and the meaningless sacrifice and destruction of the lives of hundreds of thousands of American servicepeople and their families and loved ones, the cynically entitled "Patriot Act" mysteriously placed without conference review in a severely "modified" version in the hallowed chambers of the United States Congress just after dawn the day of the infamous vote ink still wet on its pages which largely had nothing whatsoever to do with so-called "terrorism" but rather the several hundred page deathwish list of the United States Executive branch's decimating attacks on the Constitutional birthrights of Americans which previously had been rejected by legitimate Constitutional process countless times and now finally were only given the "color of law" through fraud, trickery, deception, the most despicable of capital crimes and indeed treason through a rushed Congressional vote with members not a single one of which had had any time to read much less consider the monstrous attack on the very fiber of the United States as proposed by the Founding Fathers and ratified by the original states and without doubt the single most devastating piece of unconstitutionally pieced together jumble of toxic garbage ever shoved down the throats of the American people and endorsed by their (largely) misled duly elected representatives (minus of course the Nation's unelected "President" the "little shrub" Bush and his puppetmaster Dick "Pigheart" Cheney - show him the money the man who would sell his own country for a palette of $100 bills - regardless of the meaningless undeliberated totally partisan pre-ordained same day ruling of a U.S. Supreme Court either gone completely demented and senile to the point of complete unfamiliarity with the plain mandates of the United States Constitution or clearly most likely simply treating the requirement of a majority of the electoral vote especially given a very thinly-veiled obvious loss on the popular vote of the people, with pure disdain and a sacred trust in their jurisprudence only to be ignored by a group not even worthy of the deliberations practiced by the Inquisition , or perhaps all of the above, in fact who cares), and back to this same present day murderer Obama champion and perpetuator of the "Bush" doctrines he a man too stupid to even speak a full English sentence but Obama an incarnation who has proven himself to be far more dangerous and far more evil, this same drone murderer Obama now has bestowed his now rendered meaningless "Presidential" endorsement on the the flagrant, obvious, undeniable, unarguable, undefendable and unforgivable violation of some of the most sacred and fundamental rights of the American people as they insisted 250 years ago they were NOT conceding to any government at ANY level.
     The NSA and the presently flourishing malign tumor of other "national security" Executive branch criminal organizations that may be involved in this presently disclosed abomination in complete disregard we have learned by this time of one of the originally adopted Ten Amendments to the United States Constitution that the United States Government has not only recognized but held up previously as a pillar before the world as a beacon of liberty, hope, strength, and endurance, here the Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights which unambiguously protects all Americans against UNREASONABLE searches and seizures has been treated with such absolute contempt by a Government that has become so dangerously despotic, besotted with misused and misappropriated powers unfettered so as to have completely lost touch with the hard fact that without the powers entrusted to it by the People it is NO GOVERNMENT AT ALL.
     These are not the patriots. These are not the keepers of the "national security" but rather the protagonists of this Nation's growing INSECURITY through the simple device of the alienation of a rapidly growing percentage of its and the rest of the world's peoples. These are the traitors to the founding trust of the American people and the architects of the horror THEY unfold before the world in the American people's name. The only true security they act to preserve is their own.
      In their ignorance and gluttony have they not seen it is THEY who will make WHOEVER really perpetrated 11 September 2001 the victors. Drone murderer Obama has sickened us beyond our worst imaginings with his hypocrisy. Never would we have imagined that HE could further disgrace and disparage the Constitution of the Greatest Nation ever conceived. So now the Ninth Amendment understands from its Hong Kong Bureau that reportedly THEY even can watch and listen to Obama himself in the Oval Office signing off on his next batch of drone murders, kidnappings, tortures, or assassinations somewhere in the world. Because of course once THEY are everywhere preserving themselves above all else who are THEY going to have left to watch but EACH OTHER?
     Well one could say that when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 that the subsequent burning of the Reichstag was one "convenient" way to get things done. And we suppose one could say it worked for a while, perhaps if the "National Socialist German Workers' Party" had Google, Facebook and all the rest in  their wallets and at their command to distract the people in the "comfort" of their homes as the boots marching in the street became a little bit louder, a little more strident, as the yells became a little bit louder, a little bit closer and more desperate, and the sticks that they carried started to look an awful lot like guns people might not really have noticed much of anything for a little while longer.
     But alas, as the World woke up they learned that nothing earthly can last forever. Pity the editorial staff of the Ninth Amendment thought that with a guiding document as thoughtfully, rigorously and profoundly debated by the greatest and most experienced minds of a great generation and indeed even more in our opinion than any document of government that ever preceded or followed it that the United States of America would well be here largely as we knew it, changed only most likely gradually and thoughtfully according to the express terms set out in the Constitution, that we and countless generations would have this great Nation to cherish and preserve for a long, long time to come.
     So sad to have it trampled by pigs and ignorant thugs with no appreciation what we ALL might have if they could just honor their oaths under a Commander-in-Chief with the moral fiber to stand by what we all know this Great Country gave him (or her) all necessary authority to lead this Great Country by what was right and true. Now that we are all under surveillance perhaps it is Snowden who is the safe one. Hong Kong? Iceland? We doubt it. Just a ploy to get the 15 or 20 "national security outfits to race there so they can blunder over the prize (and the funding). Like the Generals and Admirals making the others wait as they made their way not to be left out of the scene where bin Laden had been trapped within days. So eager for the credit they left the Pakistanis to guard him and, well, you know, he just sort of slipped away.
     No our guess is Snowden's best bet after China and South America must be North Korea. Somehow we doubt the United States has too many thugs who have quite made there cover there yet. Oh but who does come to the rescue when there is no United States left as we know it because, if you have not yet gotten the news, kill your television and get the news, there is no United States of America left as we knew it. United We Stand, Divided We Fall, it is the "People United Will Never Be Defeated".
     God Bless America.

Copyright 2013 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

08 June 2013

Experian Credit Bureau Flunks Own Standards With Dismal Score Reports In All Areas

     Saturday, 8 June 2013, DUBLIN, IRELAND -  The Ninth Amendment's most recent post provided readers preliminary information on different means in many instances to quickly get free official credit bureau reports or in any case much of the information derived from them at sites always providing at least some of their recent content with the participation of the credit bureaus so as to "alert" consumers when it would be best to acquire (pay for) the official reports along with tailored commercial objective-appearing credit recommendations.
     Even a cursory examination by the casual observer reveals that the bureaus share a keen interest in maximizing profits as the lapdogs of big business whose information they disseminate wholesale rife with errors and no initial check at all before churning out sloppy and careless errors which consumers can only hope to have corrected before seriously erroneous reports often wreak havoc on their financial, housing, employment and every other aspect of their lives that the credit bureaus can get away with as they search for more areas in which to intrude with reckless disregard for accuracy every day before another law can be enacted to stop them.
     In a very unscientific hasty study members of the editorial staff particularly found
 that it was the widely hated Experian was nearly universally cited in various rejection letters often doling out scores of as much as one hundred points below the other two major agencies mentioned, Transunion and Equifax. To add insult to injury although Experian sent these devastating numbers far and wide to businesses at the drop of a hat, when then legally required to provide the credit reports for free to consumers Experian of the three agencies by far most frequently refused to send them out online claiming that consumers could not adequately verify who they were although the other agencies had no problem doing so.
     Only after sending Experian a packet of information akin to that required to refinancing a house were consumers told they then could expect reports delivered by "slow mail" and consequently dragging out the dispute process by weeks if not months. Somehow these same consumers by sending money for reports they were entitled to for free under law could consumers be assured of the immediate provision of an online report and opportunity for online disputes by the "leader" in online reports, along with a sneaky hefty subscription fee for ongoing overly frequent credit information at fees guaranteed to never allow one to lift their score.
     Do not take our word for it. Just to take one site devoted to an examination of customer satisfaction we recommend http://www.customerservicescoreboard.com/Experian . Readers who just click on that site will find that of 284 customer reviews with comments Experian achieved a dismal score of 22 positive reviews and comments versus 262 negative reviews and complaints. Equifax employees were given an opportunity to comment and had a robust showing with only two responding which the Ninth Amendment neglected to review on the grounds that they might be biased.  (As opposed to the 22 positive reviews which Experian employees most likely were "encouraged" to write under pseudonyms under threat of being fired.)
     In any case considering that if Experian were scoring Experian it most likely would be homeless without  a car, job or credit the Ninth Amendment believes that this site was more than fair even with these numbers assessing Experian's customer satisfaction performance just above the line of the worst category "terrible" but instead rating it a "disappointing". Which we suppose just goes to show there is always room to do even worse when one is at the bottom.
      Interested readers who find they encounter similar problems with say Experian as is discussed here from personal experience of Ninth Amendment editorial board members are encouraged to use readers favorite search engines to find actual living persons to speak with at Experian. Just avoid the official Experian web page "insanity" loops and search under such terms as "Experian live person telephone numbers", "Experian Corporate Offices", etc. We assure readers that there indeed are real live people lurking behind that Experian website and "official" number telephone recordings just trying to do their jobs and discourage as many people as possible from pursuing getting their free credit reports as provided for under various laws.
       But as we said they do not have any trouble instantly providing businesses with all the information they have about you, so it only seems fair that they admit you are you and at least extend you the same courtesy.

The real site for free annual credit reports remains www.annualcreditreport.com                                                                                                                                                      
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