27 May 2010

Governor Perry Voices "Thoughts" on New Policy to Clean Texas Air

Thursday, May 27, 2010, AUSTIN - Texas Governor Perry today raised questions as to his fitness to serve as Governor of Texas in remarks showing he does not understand that states are subject to federal law. He also again may have demonstrated that he is the prototype homo sapiens with the lowest IQ since the evolution of the modern human being.
Governor Perry took umbrage with the USEPA Regional Administrator's statement that Texas must clean its air to levels at which humans can live. Governor Perry said that the federal government was again interfering with Texas' affairs. The USEPA Regional Administrator announced yesterday that the USEPA pursuant to federal law was immediately re-writing one air quality permit for a Texas refinery with the remainder of 49 Texas refinery and all heavy industry air quality permits to be taken over by the USEPA within "weeks not months" if Texas regulators proved unable to do so to bring them into compliance with federal law.
Under the Bush and Perry administrations every heavy air polluting facility in the state of Texas has been allowed to draft its own air permits that allow toxic, carcinogenic, and life-threatening levels of air pollutants that far exceed standards allowed under federal law in any state. The state of Texas has allowed all such facilities to violate federal law and emit killing levels of pollutants for many years. The air quality of the entire state of Texas has become far above allowable federal "attainment levels" for all major air pollutants, which now are also about to be made stricter in any case. Living in Texas is now a death sentence for those who care to breathe the air.
Since Texas air regulators have been doing no work and bringing no enforcement actions for years as they allow their state to be poisoned, one wonders about their "Love of Texas" or why they should have jobs. They certainly do not love anyone who breathes in Texas. Governor Perry is expected to retire to another state with clean air if he does not die or is not executed first.

Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

20 May 2010

BP Oil Spill Reaches Louisiana Beaches, Headed for Florida and Atlantic Ocean

May 20, 2010, WASHINGTON, D.C. - British Petroleum, one of the richest corporations in the world, now claims to be capturing more than fifty per cent of the oil spewing from its Gulf of Mexico well in US waters for more than a month. 29% of U.S. Coastal fishing waters now have been destroyed by spill. BP asserts its newest effort to stem oil flow will be made this Sunday. Meanwhile the oil spill now coats Louisiana beaches and is headed for Florida's western coast. The spill is expected to destroy Florida beaches and estuaries as it heads around Florida and streams up into the Atlantic Ocean.
BP's claims are estimates of BP's ability to stop oil spew and are expected to be completely inaccurate and worthless since BP has proven totally incapable of controlling the oil spill which it let loose. Meanwhile President Obama has broken up the MMS division of the Department of Interior into three branches. All former MMS employees, who apparently have failed to do their jobs for their entire government careers, will be sent to Afghanistan strapped with locking suicide bombs and sent out to find Taliban to blow up. This should save money on their funeral expenses.
Oil and water separation efforts are to be undertaken using technology privately funded by Hollywood figure Kevin Costner. BP and other oil companies were unable to fund development of this separation technology because they earn so little money, despite their heartfelt and genuine concern for the environment of the Earth.
Meanwhile no one has publicly mentioned the possibility that the US might want to consider actually prohibiting off-shore oil drilling since oil industry experts have pointed out how "safe" it is and how much money oil companies can make from the oil, the worst energy source ever used.

Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

19 May 2010

BP CEO Tony Hayward Pleadges to Pay for All Costs of Environmental Disaster

May 19, 2010, WASHINGTON, D.C. - British Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward has sent a letter and testified before Congressional Committees that BP "will pay all legitimate claims" by coastal residents, communities, and businesses affected by the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, expected to destroy one third of the United States coastline. He failed to mention the willingness of BP executives to spend several years in federal prison.
Mr. Hayward's disingenuous remarks contradict recent disagreements between BP and its contractors as to who bears financial responsibility for the disaster. Typical of high-ranking executives Mr. Hayward's obviously false testimony was accepted by Congressional Committees whose individuals rely heavily on the oil industry for campaign contributions.
President Obama "excorciated" those responsible for the disaster including the Interior Department and its MMS unit responsible for inspecting the thousands of oil wells sunk in the Gulf.
Although required every thirty days, the MMS inspectors actually rarely inspected the rigs. When they did, they spent an average of two to three hours conducting inspections which were totally inadequate while devoting the rest of their "work" hours to viewing internet pornography. Completely uninspected, BP well safety valves completely failed in the disasters since they were powered by batteries that did not operate and which valves contained experimental components which did not operate.
Like BP, the Interior Department played down the disaster without any serious opposition or intensive questioning from Congressional Committee members who are all tools of the oil industry. To date, one third of the Gulf of Mexico is now closed to all commercial and other fishing. There has been no serious discussion of terminating off-shore oil drilling.

Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L, All World Rights Expressly Reserved

18 May 2010

U.S. Supreme Court Rules "Sex Offenders" Can be Imprisoned Indefinitely

May 18, 2010, WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today it was reported that the U.S. Supreme Court voted 7-2 that "sex offenders" may be held indefinitely in prison after they have served their prison sentences. The Court established no requirements for rehabilitation, counseling, or any other therapy.
"Sex offenders" now can be held in prison cells for any period or the rest of their lives despite having served and completed their prison sentences. Several members of the Supreme Court are expected to retire or die while President Obama is in office. For unclear reasons, Mr. Justice Clarence Thomas is not being held indefinitely in prison, although he may be suffering from AIDS or any number of other STD's.

Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L, All World Rights Expressly Reserved

16 May 2010

President Obama and Janet Napolitano Dismay Supporters on "Drug War"

May 15, 2010, WASHINGTON,D.C. - The Associated Press today reported news of the forty year failed "War on Drugs" started by Richard Nixon and reported in this log weeks ago. The AP largely reproduced without accreditation information earlier reported here.
Despite pre-election President Obama's pledge to re-orient US policy regarding drugs to treatment, particularly in light of his own confessed use of marijuana and cocaine, not criminal enforcement, the White House reported that Obama's proposed budget actually exactly duplicated "President" Bush little shrub's failed budget for police with no more money for rehabilitation. When questioned Janet Napolitano affirmed her complete support for the failed "War on Drugs" and law enforcement budget.
Obama has proven himself to be a liar, incsincere and undeserving of re-election. Napolitano has exposed herself to be an idiot. Both are expected to return to their home states and never hold federal office again. Obama incidentally announced during his campaign that he was both a cocaine and marijuana user, as mentioned above. Janet Napolitano apparently was not as she did not know where to "score" the drugs. Bush was an idiot who abused cocaine for years, but Obama and Napolitano have no such excuse. The coming revolution is inevitable.

Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L, All World Rights Reserved

03 May 2010

California Wal-Marts Settle on Multi-Million Dollar Fine for Dumping Poison

3 May 2010, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA - Today reports were that Wal-Mart stores, currently also facing numerous other lawsuits across the country for sex discrimination, violation of labor and antitrust laws, as well as crimes against humanity, settled for a multi-million dollar penalty with environmental regulators for illegal storage and dumping of hazardous waste at 234 stores in California.
The cost of cleaning up hazardous waste from one 55-gallon drum that reaches the water table can cost over one million dollars and take over one hundred years. Wal-Mart is expected to recover penalty costs by further cutting employee "benefits", to the extent that any exist, and by continuing to sell unadvertised items at above-market prices after driving local retail stores out of business.

Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L, All World Rights Expressly Reserved

Texas Governor Demonstrates Shooting Prowess

3 May, 2010, AUSTIN, TEXAS - In addition to recently waving a six-shooter and firing it in the air at the start of a NASCAR race, "Having a Little Fun" San Antonio Express-News, A Hearst Newspaper. Texas Governor Rick Perry this past week became the first Austin resident to shoot a coyote within city limits. He shot the coyote while on his morning jog with a handgun he always carries in his running shorts.
Although a coyote has never been known to threaten a human, Governor Perry shot the animal in "self-defense" when his security detail apparently proved unable to protect him from the threatening coyote. It is not known if Governor Perry plans to shoot it out with any potential future assassins or leave the task to his security detail.
Mr. Perry also recently rejected federal funding to help the underclass in the state of Texas, much as he had rejected earlier federal funding for education apparently on the basis of his inability to comprehend the law.
To date he is not believed to have carried out his threat that Texas would "secede" from the United States. Mr. Perry is perhaps best known for his refusal to stay the execution of a Texas inmate, because Mr. Perry believed it might hurt his political chances, although the inmate was found shortly before his execution to have been convicted with tainted evidence.
Apart from his demonstrated abilities to kill animals and humans, Mr. Perry has been mentioned as a possible candidate for future election as a United States President. Texas is known to have provided the country with some of the worst Presidents in history, often after they have "successfully" served as Texas Governors. Many Americans are aware of the Bush family's service to the United States. Lyndon Johnson did not even run for Presidential re-election.

Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L, All World Rights Reserved