27 May 2015

UPDATED: Obama Betrays U.S. Constitution And Electoral Base Presses Congress Keep Illegal Mass Surveillance Metadata Collection After Lying To People "50 Terror Plots" Thwarted When In Fact "Zero" Have Been Per CNN

     Wednesday, 27 May 2015, WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Obama this week continues to betray the United States Constitution and his electoral base with the increasingly falsely transparent Obama urging the U.S. Senate and all Congress to continue unconstitutional adjudicated illegal federal government mass surveillance of all Americans essentially continuing the most repugnant illegal provisions of the so-called "Patriot Act" then later passing off metadata collection to private telecommunications firms which will doubtless "securely" store all Americans' private communications for later use by the State under the so-called "USA Freedom Act".
     Obama national security agency mostly criminal directors and officials unsurprisingly faithfully have voiced a weak chorus of urging for the endorsement by those in Congress of their continuation of unconstitutional illegal practices which to date have accomplished nothing at all in protecting Americans from any terrorists whatsoever [UPDATE] even while President Obama outright has lied to the American people that "50 Terror Plots" have been thwarted when in fact CNN on air confirmed Friday, 29 May 2015 that President Obama now has been forced to admit the that the true number of terror plots thwarted in fact is "zero" even as the president still attempts to fan false terror throughout the nation without regard for the great cost to core essential American constitutional liberties. Meanwhile crybaby FBI Director James B. Comey badgers on for the endorsement of illegal unconstitutional "roving" wiretap activities of his agency plus a couple of others including strangely unused but nevertheless claimed essential authorities under the non-existent what the Obama administration calls "noncontroversial" provisions of the legally discredited so-called "Patriot Act".
     Not to be outdone in showing further her rote loyalties right out of the gate to her new boss Obama the presumably spoon-fed rantings of new Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch continued her threats that without the use of unconstitutional illegal authorities a "serious lapse in our ability to protect the American people" would result even as a senior Obama administration official unbelievably went so ridiculously far as to accuse the recessed Congress of "playing national security Russian roulette."
     One wonders to what hysterical heights White House terrorspeak rhetorical garbage might ascend were the country actually facing some real acute danger as the Obama administration appears prepared to wager a great many unfounded scare tactics on getting its way in just this week alone. Perhaps President Obama might be better advised to review the record of his claimed hero President Franklin D. Roosevelt before allowing his administration to continue to spout such obvious nonsense accomplishing little but discrediting the Obama administration now and in the future especially in a time of real crisis.
     The so-called "Patriot Act" must be allowed to expire 1 June 2015 and Congress reject any new unconstitutional criminal legislation such as the so-called "USA Freedom Act" which hardly has been debated in any meaningful way for such momentous legislation so seriously impacting core constitutional rights. False flag cries of desperation or Armageddon if no replacements are put in place of such illegal trash legislation as the "Patriot Act" by week's end are rightly disregarded as the Republican controlled Congress continues to demonstrate it has apparently neither the aptitude nor desire to engage in meaningful debate which cannot be replaced by last-minute horsetrading and dealmaking robbing the American people of the deeply thoughtful and comprehensive debate which Congress must have and the American people deserve and demand before the State take any action impacting these hugely significant areas to the future of our nation and the principles upon which it was founded.
     President Obama now repeatedly has done little but continue Bush administration illegal "national security" and law enforcement priorities despite pledging to do otherwise while at the same time allowing key Bush-Cheney administration torturers and other criminals to go completely unpunished and/or even giving them continued federal employment still engaging in existing and expanded illegal unconstitutional federal government encroachments on the People. The Obama legacy domestically in critical areas of promised change appears more and more to be little but an extension of the criminal Bush-Cheney administration policies with few lessons learned by key figures in a State run amok. The federal government intrudes further and further with dangerous challenges of the People's rights with the State's unconstitutional illegal actions anathema to the United States Constitution which the State continues to betray at its peril.
     Readers interested in more information on the above can go to the first two links below. Those readers interested in more background with extensive source links can go to the earlier Ninth Amendment 26 June UPDATED "Patriot Act Illegal Section 215" post where it first was published below on 9 May 2015. Readers further interested also can go to the last link below a very large collection of sources covering different aspects of NSA surveillance programs.    




Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

19 May 2015

Iraq Invasion "Crime" Guilty Bush-Cheney Officials Must Be Held Criminally "Accountable" For Lies Per NY Times Nobel Prize Winner Prof. Paul Krugman

Surprise! It turns out that there’s something to be said for having the brother of a failed president make his own run for the White House. Thanks to Jeb Bush, we may finally have the frank discussion of the Iraq invasion we should have had a decade ago.
But many influential people — not just Mr. Bush — would prefer that we not have that discussion. There’s a palpable sense right now of the political and media elite trying to draw a line under the subject. Yes, the narrative goes, we now know that invading Iraq was a terrible mistake, and it’s about time that everyone admits it. Now let’s move on.

Well, let’s not — because that’s a false narrative, and everyone who was involved in the debate over the war knows that it’s false. The Iraq war wasn’t an innocent mistake, a venture undertaken on the basis of intelligence that turned out to be wrong. America invaded Iraq because the Bush administration wanted a war. The public justifications for the invasion were nothing but pretexts, and falsified pretexts at that. We were, in a fundamental sense, lied into war.
The fraudulence of the case for war was actually obvious even at the time: the ever-shifting arguments for an unchanging goal were a dead giveaway. So were the word games — the talk about W.M.D that conflated chemical weapons (which many people did think Saddam had) with nukes, the constant insinuations that Iraq was somehow behind 9/11.
And at this point we have plenty of evidence to confirm everything the war’s opponents were saying. We now know, for example, that on 9/11 itself — literally before the dust had settled — Donald Rumsfeld, the secretary of defense, was already plotting war against a regime that had nothing to do with the terrorist attack. “Judge whether good enough [to] hit S.H. [Saddam Hussein] ...sweep it all up things related and not”; so read notes taken by Mr. Rumsfeld’s aide.
This was, in short, a war the White House wanted, and all of the supposed mistakes that, as Jeb puts it, “were made” by someone unnamed actually flowed from this underlying desire. Did the intelligence agencies wrongly conclude that Iraq had chemical weapons and a nuclear program? That’s because they were under intense pressure to justify the war. Did prewar assessments vastly understate the difficulty and cost of occupation? That’s because the war party didn’t want to hear anything that might raise doubts about the rush to invade. Indeed, the Army’s chief of staff was effectively fired for questioning claims that the occupation phase would be cheap and easy.
Why did they want a war? That’s a harder question to answer. Some of the warmongers believed that deploying shock and awe in Iraq would enhance American power and influence around the world. Some saw Iraq as a sort of pilot project, preparation for a series of regime changes. And it’s hard to avoid the suspicion that there was a strong element of wagging the dog, of using military triumph to strengthen the Republican brand at home.
Whatever the precise motives, the result was a very dark chapter in American history. Once again: We were lied into war.

Now, you can understand why many political and media figures would prefer not to talk about any of this. Some of them, I suppose, may have been duped: may have fallen for the obvious lies, which doesn’t say much about their judgment. More, I suspect, were complicit: they realized that the official case for war was a pretext, but had their own reasons for wanting a war, or, alternatively, allowed themselves to be intimidated into going along. For there was a definite climate of fear among politicians and pundits in 2002 and 2003, one in which criticizing the push for war looked very much like a career killer.
On top of these personal motives, our news media in general have a hard time coping with policy dishonesty. Reporters are reluctant to call politicians on their lies, even when these involve mundane issues like budget numbers, for fear of seeming partisan. In fact, the bigger the lie, the clearer it is that major political figures are engaged in outright fraud, the more hesitant the reporting. And it doesn’t get much bigger — indeed, more or less criminal — than lying America into war.
But truth matters, and not just because those who refuse to learn from history are doomed in some general sense to repeat it. The campaign of lies that took us into Iraq was recent enough that it’s still important to hold the guilty individuals accountable. Never mind Jeb Bush’s verbal stumbles. Think, instead, about his foreign-policy team, led by people who were directly involved in concocting a false case for war.
So let’s get the Iraq story right. Yes, from a national point of view the invasion was a mistake. But (with apologies to Talleyrand) it was worse than a mistake, it was a crime.


Copyright Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved (no claim to New York Times content)

"Home Brewed Morphine" From Yeast Now Possible With Beer-Making Kit As UC-Berkeley Scientist Team Produces Final Intermediary Chemical Reticuline

     Tuesday, 19 May 2015, BERKELEY, CA - A team of University of California at Berkeley scientists published yesterday online in the journal Nature Chemical Biology findings that the team finally has synthesized the last "stumbling block" being the intermediate step of producing reticuline in genetically modified yeast in order to perform the complicated chemistry necessary to convert sugar to morphine. The scientists reportedly say that it should now be possible to perform all the required steps to "brew" morphine at home.
     Dr. John Dueber a bioengineer at the University of California, Berkeley said,
"What you really want to do from a fermentation perspective is to be able to feed the yeast glucose, which is a cheap sugar source, and have the yeast do all the chemical steps required downstream to make your target therapeutic drug. With our study, all the steps have been described, and it's now a matter of linking them together and scaling up the process. It's not a trivial challenge, but it's doable." 
     Morphine currently requires a poppy harvest to manufacture. Not only could morphine brewed from genetically modified yeast become easier to produce the steps in the process can be modified by scientists to develop new types of painkillers. A comment to the published findings notes that "[i]n principle, anyone with access to the yeast strain and basic skills in fermentation would be able to grow morphine producing yeast using a home-brew kit for beer-making."
     The use of microscopic organisms to make drugs is not a new concept in medicine as for example insulin for people with diabetes already for decades has been make in genetically modified bacteria. Although currently it purportedly is "technically demanding" to make these yeast strains needed to brew morphine at home some already are calling for consideration of how these yeast strains might be regulated since currently they can be used to produce morphine and with expected modifications other opioids and painkillers.
     Readers interested in more information about the above can go to the link to the BBC Health News article directly below including therein a direct link to the above journal article preview as well as adjacent links to related BBC News articles including "Morphine: The Cheap, Effective Pain Drug Denied To Millions." Readers interested in going directly to the the Nature Chemical Biology preview published yesterday can go to the second link below and/or those interested in going to the full study article can go to the final third link below.




Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

18 May 2015

CIA Facebook Tool Zuckerman To Control "Fake" Internet Online Content To Billions Of World's Neediest In Latest Greatest "Zuckerboy" Sham Scheme Yet

17 May 2015

"Dual Justice" Obama Prison Terms 3-1/2 Years "Espionage" For Ex-CIA Officer Attorney Jeffrey Sterling While Ex-CIA "Love Note" Director Petraeus Leaked "Exceptionally Grave" National Security Secrets Walks Out Free Man

     Sunday, 17 May 2015, ALEXANDRIA, VA - The blatant hypocrisy of President Obama in his selective prosecution of those who dare "leak" to the press what apparently does not suit Mr. Obama's political nor "legacy" agenda played itself out once more as expected this past week as anticipated in earlier posts here in the sentencing of former CIA officer attorney Jeffrey A. Sterling who "stiffly" consoled his grief-stricken sobbing wife after Federal Judge Leonie Brinkem (doubtless pursuant to marching orders spoken or unspoken) meted out a three-and-one-half year prison sentence to Mr. Sterling that he now will serve at a federal penitentiary in Missouri while the Court at the same time consoled him that "[y]ou have a lot of talent -- and an ability to live a law-abiding life" (which presumably once out of prison can be spent working at a car wash unless Mr. Sterling is appointed to the federal judiciary or elected to political office).
     Mr. Sterling last January was convicted of "espionage" allegedly for providing New York Times reporter James A. Risen with "confidential information" that Mr. Risen used in his book "State of War" which at the time according to Obama stooge then-Attorney General Eric Holder allegedly "put people's lives at risk" and "endangered" national security by disclosing information about yet one more failed CIA plot in this instance attempting to dupe Iranian nuclear engineers by using an apparent CIA "asset" playing the role of a phony "turned" Russian scientist who would provide the Iranians with fake plans to construct non-functional components disrupting alleged Iranian nuclear weapons development. (Not yet made into a major motion picture.)
     No evidence is known by the Ninth Amendment (whose reporter got lost in Old Town) to have been introduced at Mr. Sterling's trial which confirmed that anyone allegedly put "at risk" actually had been harmed in any way nor that the failure of the CIA's plot to disrupt any Iranian nuclear weapons development had anything to do with Mr. Sterling's "leaks" to the New York Times. Mr. Risen also had been harassed with threats of federal prosecution himself although the federal government disabused itself of that notion and the threat was dropped as Mr. Risen made it clear that he would spend as long as necessary in no doubt well-publicized (at the least by his employer) imprisonment for "contempt of court" for refusing to reveal his source(s).
     In any case the federal government thoughtfully continued Mr. Sterling's sentencing to this past week given the inconvenient fact that it happened originally to fall on the exact same date as and therefore so as to serve even further to highlight and give even more the blatant "appearance" of impropriety as if that were possible that the Obama administration faced with the grossly obvious disparity of the incidentally African-American Mr. Sterling's "expected" stiff sentencing with that of Caucasian former CIA "Love Note" Director former Four Star General David A. Petraeus who originally was to be handed a mutually agreed-upon sentence on the same day as Mr. Sterling under which for Mr. Petraeus' "exceptionally grave national security" disclosures (as previously described by then-Attorney General Eric Holder's D.O.J.) including providing not only an oral (as it were) overview of notebooks of his personal notations taken during National Security Council meetings which he attended but further physically (as it were) providing them to his biographer cum lover Patricia Broadwell which notebooks the F.B.I. after Mr. Petraeus lied to them at a later point in a search of his house also found along with other critical national security information unsecured in Mr. Petraeus' home study unlocked desk drawer under which Mr. Petraeus would walk out free under a plea agreement of two years "probation" and a $40,000 fine.
     Federal Magistrate Judge David Keesler who presided over Mr. Petraeus' hearing as previously reported here felt the agreed "sentence" could not even pass the "credibility" much less "laugh" test and therefore obligingly raised to $100,000 the fine most likely so as to make some weak effort to protect and not expose the whole sham prosecution of Mr. Petraeus as a total fiasco no doubt raising even further loud objections of other attorneys for defendants such as Mr. Sterling and others prosecuted by Mr. Obama for "leaks" to the press most notably the as yet to be "brought before justice" Mr. Edward J. Snowden (his attorney already screaming "dual system of justice") with Snowden increasingly seen throughout the world as a "hero" unlike his former putative boss Obama.
     Clearly there are wrongful uncertain and uneven risks under the Obama administration faced by those former or present government officials and others who serve the vital role of providing legitimate information to the press and People which as Mr. Obama knows being a constitutional scholar is essential to the preservation of the People's liberties and protections from State abuse as made abundantly apparent by the fact that freedom of the press is one of the core rights included in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the Bill of Rights.
     President Obama now far has outdone all his predecessors in office who prosecuted a combined total of three persons for "leaks" to the press with Mr. Obama himself alone now having overseen the prosecution of at least eight persons for "leaks" to the press including to some of the most essential "newspapers of record" in the United States as well as Mr. Obama overseeing or allowing as well an apparent witch-hunt for Edward J. Snowden who as it turns out as of this time rightly has revealed illegal secret U.S. government mass surveillance and metadata storage practices of momentous scope in the unprecedented enormous illegal invasion of Americans' privacy and other rights now determined to have been continuing by a secretly invasive government without any bona fide legal basis for nearly fifteen years.
     Mr. Obama in his election efforts and purportedly in his time in office has cast himself as a virtual champion of White House "transparency" on a scale never before enjoyed by the American people which Mr. Obama presumably expects and hopes to largely define the overall contours of his presidency. Unfortunately events and reports of events concerning what Mr. Obama and his White House know and what they disclose to the People appear rapidly to be becoming more and more divergent. At this rate Mr. Obama may well be remembered for his "transparency" but not necessarily at all in the way he would wish because the "transparency" of a false transparency would seem to be the worst transparency of all.
     Readers interested in more information on the above can go to the link below as well as recent posts here in the Ninth Amendment providing more background and source material links on the above.


Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

Rejected "War On Drugs" By Latin America After Enduring 40+ Failed Years Of Bloodshed And Misery Under Cynically Bogus Corrupt U.S. Policy Disaster

     Sunday, 17 May 2015, BOGOTA, COLOMBIA - As previously reported here Colombia this week defied 40+ years of U.S. financial and other pressure on sovereign Latin American and other nations refusing to play along any longer as a reluctant forced U.S. "partner" aerial spraying its own land and people with U.S. supplied RoundUp herbicide-homicide poison considered a "crucial aspect" of the D.E.A.'s "Plan Colombia". But this episode highlights just one more incremental U.S. international drug policy blunder in this instance incidentally chemically assaulting human beings and the environment in the ridiculously counterproductive arsenal of idiocy long deployed without regard for consequence in the name of the totally inept endemically corrupt morally bankrupt U.S. cynically bogus permanent welfare fund for hard-partying D.E.A. agent drug cartel buddies and so many parasitic others including in the "law enforcement judicial system prison industries" totally invested for their livelihood in inflicting horrific misery wantonly destroying untold lives of others including their families and children.
     Such is the legacy of the stupendously utterly predictable epic failure of the cynically bogus Nixon-created "war on drugs" idiotically degrading and destroying entire nations and peoples including so many thousands of those incarcerated in the United States meanwhile having created and now generously sustaining the ever-growing monster of continually empowered viciously dangerous deeply entrenched global criminal organizations relying for their constant stream of enormous income on the moronic continuance of obviously idiotic completely failed U.S. drug criminalization policies. Such enormous sums of cash long as well have been known to fund sometimes with C.I.A. assistance terrorist activities once believed presumably "controllable in U.S. interests" but now escalated exponentially worldwide expanded geographically and in strength to the degree believed to pose most serious immediate threats to the national security of the United States.
     Despite the above dismal recounting of the past near half-century of failed U.S. "drug policy" there may be some indication that the United States after 40+ years of promoting and financing at enormous cost little but devastating misery while creating a much more dangerous world for all with near absolute zero success in its stated objectives may finally be recognizing the potentially catastrophic consequences nationally and internationally that may well result if this most hideously dangerous U.S. fabricated so-called "war on drugs" is not tethered and brought to a reasoned halt with all due haste. To wit the following excerpt from the New York Times link below bears insertion here so readers themselves who wish to may assess the degree to which U.S. officialdom at long last may be far too belatedly but nevertheless beginning to acknowledge the magnitude of the U.S. near half-century of grossly erroneous "drug policy" phony "war on drugs" which a sick criminal President resigned in disgrace declared solely for completely unrelated typically delusional self-serving manipulative ends yet has persisted like a zombie on its disastrous course ever since:

"Colombia is one of the closest allies of the United States in Latin America, so its decision to stop aerial spraying was highly symbolic. The tactic was a central part of its American-backed antidrug effort, and Colombia’s decision was made over objections from Washington.
But once it was clear that Colombia would go its own way, Washington’s response was relatively muted, with American officials offering their public support.
The American reaction was a strong contrast to its approach in years past, when Washington would have been much more insistent, analysts said.
“I believe we’re at a transition point right now,” said William R. Brownfield, the American assistant secretary of state for international narcotics and law enforcement affairs.
As former American ambassador to Colombia, he spoke in favor of the coca spraying program before the Colombian government’s decision to end it. But he also said that the dialogue on drug policy in Latin America was a positive development.
“We are effectively in the middle of this discussion,” Mr. Brownfield said. “We should be talking about considering and where appropriate adopting moderate and reasonable reforms to international drug control policy."
     Readers interested in significantly more information about the above including the reaction of other Latin American nations to the U.S. drug policies hoisted or attempted to be on their countries and where those countries stand today such as Bolivia which "kicked out" the D.E.A. in 2009 can go to link below detailing the reactions and attitudes of many of Colombia's Latin American neighbors to the U.S. sponsored indeed created "war on drugs" where no such war nor accompanying extreme bloodshed had existed before.


Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

16 May 2015

UPDATED REPUBLICATION: U.S. Torturers Can Be Prosecuted For The Rest Of Their Lives U.S. And Abroad Including International Criminal Court Analysts Agree As Obama DOJ So Far Fails To Prosecute Under Sham "Legal Memos"

     16 May 2015, WASHINGTON, D.C. - [ REPUBLICATION UPDATE] Not-really-elected Bush-Cheney administration and top C.I..A.officials along with C.I.A. torturers exposed in the U.S. Senate Torture Report in December 2014 committing war crimes against humanity have faced no known domestic prosecutions whatsoever for these actions as of 16 May 2015 a full five months after the Senate Torture Report summary's release.
     This absolute lack of criminal prosecution is consistent with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) legally, morally and ethically bankrupt stated position (not legally binding) that it will not prosecute American torturers at its discretion based on what are known to be totally bogus crank legal justifications with DOJ therefore selectively enforcing U.S. laws even while intentionally ignoring what may well include grave capital offenses subject however to no statute of limitations. Readers interested in more information on this can go to the the first link below to an article from earlier this year.
     Analysts however remain in agreement that even given and regardless of the Barack Obama administration's expressed unwillingness to enforce enormously significant U.S. laws against heinous crimes against humanity including those applicable under international signatory treaties that the American torturers known at the least directly to encompass Bush-Cheney administration and then top CIA officials as well as those under their command and responsibility directly committing torturous war crimes against humanity still also can be prosecuted in various international forums including but not limited to the International Criminal Court at any time for the remainder of their lives. Readers interested in more information on this can go to the second link below to another article from the New York Times published earlier this year.


Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

Poland C.I.A. "Black Site" Pays $260,000 Detainee Reparations Per European Court Of Human Rights For Allowing C.I.A. Poland Torture Site Imprisonment

     Saturday, 16 May 2015, WARSAW - Marcin Wojciechowski the chief spokesperson for Poland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday said that Poland will meet the deadline set for today by the European Court of Human Rights last July 2014 for Poland to pay $260,000 in reparations to two C.I.A. detainees for Poland having allowed in "violation of their human rights" the C.I.A. in 2002 to imprison them in a reportedly now closed C.I.A. "secret facility" in northeast Poland to "interrogate" (unspecified as to whether C.I.A. "enhanced' or C.I.A. "not enhanced" version) the two alleged terrorism suspects with Mr. Wojciechowski stating of Poland that "[w]e will abide by the ruling, as we always do".
     Mr. Wojciechowski this past February said that authorities had made arrangements for the $260,000 reparations money to be put into accounts that the two "suspects" could access only after they have been released. The two men Abu Zubaydah, identified as a "high-ranking Al-Qaeda official", and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, "accused" in the planning of the 2000 attack on the American destroyer Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden, currently still are being held by the U.S. apparently 13 years later without charges (and therefore may not have a very good idea when they might access their reparations money assuming they even know it has been awarded and paid to them) in the American "military" prison in Guantanamo Bay.
     Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) endorsed by other U.S. senators at the time of the public release of a summary of the U.S. Senate Torture Report last year which concluded that the C.I.A. under the control and responsibility of the not-really-elected Bush-Cheney administration and then-current top C.I.A. officials unequivocally committed acts of torture stated that the continuing operation of Guantanamo Bay is "the best recruiting billboard that terrorists have today".  The Ninth Amendment editorial board would like to suggest that at least the second best "recruiting billboard" terrorists now have today is called CNN (aka TNN "Terror News Network").
     Readers interested in more information about the above can go to the link below.


Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

10 May 2015

UPDATED: Colombia Bans D.E.A. Poison Spraying Monsanto RoundUp WHO Probable Carcinogen Glyphosate After Health Ministry And Farmers Outcry

     Sunday, 10 May 2015, BOGOTA - In another installment of the aggressive U.S. international "goodwill" and environmental destruction strategy component of the 45+ year cynically bogus totally ineffective yet employing while also incarcerating tens to hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens so-called "War On Drugs" epic saga apparently gone once again predictably awry the indiscriminate U.S. funded aerial poisonous fumigation spraying over Colombian farms ostensibly directed at coca but reportedly which also unsurprisingly has "destroyed entire fields" of coffee and other produce (pilots presumably must dump loads of poison somewhere to get paid preferably not where FARC guerrillas are shooting at them) therefore doubtless actually effectively forcing other farmers into coca production in a "US-sponsored anti-narcotics crop-spraying programme" nearly certainly overseen on-site by U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency agent enthusiasts sure not to miss any drug cartel hosted prostitute drunken sex parties has been banned by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos.
     President Santos in the wake of the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer belatedly this past March declaring glyphosate a "probable carcinogen" the active ingredient in the world's most hated food poison and mutagenics company Monsanto's RoundUp not only a "herbicide" but now a "homicide" took the action in response to urgent calls to do so from Colombia's Health Ministry as well an ongoing outcry from Colombian farmers, environmentalists and the Colombian public all subject to indiscriminate aerial spraying of the "probable" carcinogen on the Colombian people and their land. Colombia has celebrated its 30th year participating since 1994 in worldwide U.S. drug eradication efforts which last year resulted in a 39% increase in that country's coca production and presumably being awarded money regularly for its unsuccessful efforts in U.S. dollars by the U.S. although the official U.S. "drug certification" process appears long ago quietly to have been dropped as nothing but a corrupt slush fund totally lacking integrity nor any relationship to reality.
     The obvious culprit D.E.A. failed poison spraying programs presumably although not confirmed by the Ninth Amendment South American bureau continue aerially spraying probable cancerous herbicide-homicide laying waste among other coca growing countries in the region in addition to Peru and Ecuador specifically being named as still being aerially fumigated with the Monsanto RoundUp World Health Organization designated probable carcinogen glyphosate. Today encouraged through the D.E.A. most recent failed "diversion" efforts much Latin American cocaine production now again re-directed flows unencumbered into northern Africa where it is transported across the Saharan desert and through convenient adjacent countries up across the Mediterranean to consumer markets largely funding terrorist organizations such as ISIS according to CNN's "VICE".
     Readers interested in more information about the above can go to the first link below while those interested in more background can go to the recent Ninth Amendment 29 April 2015 post reporting on the aerial glyphosate spraying of Colombian farms and people presumably perpetrated by the D.E.A. either by scrolling down or going to the second link below. [UPDATE] Despite late objections of the U.S. Ambassador to Colombia no doubt at the behest of the increasingly if such is possible corruption-riddled D.E.A. over a cherished "crucial aspect of its Plan Colombia" which saw a 39% increase last year in Colombian coca production meanwhile demonstrating a wanton and reckless disregard for human life (especially in other countries) based on doubtless politically motivated totally discredited "findings" of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (also it now seems in the back pocket of Monsanto the world's most hated food poison and mutagenics company) that "there is a lack of convincing evidence to consider that" Monsanto's RoundUp active ingredient glyphosate "causes cancer in humans"  apparently blatantly dismissing the conclusion of  the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer that Monsanto RoundUp glyphosate is a "probable human carcinogen" the Colombian government on Thursday, 14 May 2015 nevertheless "defied" U.S. objections and went ahead with its ban ceasing the U.S. government funded reportedly indiscriminate poisonous aerial spraying of its country and people with the RoundUp herbicide-homicide glyphosate. Readers interested in more information on this most recent report can go to the final link below.



Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved