30 October 2019

NAZIs Demand Israel NSO Group Criminal State Silent Stalkware Track Murder Journalists Human-Rights Activists Dissidents Female Leaders Their Families Trump Kushner MbS Saudi Pals NGO Pegasus Tracked Khashoggi To Torture Bone Saw Jamal Alive To Pieces Powered By Amazon Stephen Peel Novalpina Russia Hacks Routers Worldwide US British Govt's Warn Infrastructure Cyberattacks "Russian Fingers On The Switch At Power Plants" Feds U.S. Security Software Had FSB Source Code Review For Russia Sales Illegal Police Stingray Cellphone Tracking Undisclosed "Parallel Construction" NYT-CIA Pals Kill NSA Spy Report NYT Got War Criminal Bush 43 Re-Elected "Perfect Cybercrime" Spy Tool Use Windows Vulnerability To Turn Kaspersky Other Antivirus Software Easily To "Ultimate Counterespionage Spying Tool" Guilty Plea Ex-NSA TAO Taking Classified Information Home By Nghia H. Pho NSA Catastrophic Security Breach Disclosed Secrets Threaten Future Of NSA Kaspersky Found NSA Equation Group Spyware 2014 Before NSA Identified Latest NSA Screw-Up Revealed That Israel Hacks Into Russian Government Hackers Exploiting Kaspersky Software To Search Global Computers For U.S. Intelligence Program Code Names Alerts NSA Which Then Waits Two Years To Alert Other U.S Government Agencies Using Kaspersky As NSA Leaves All Vulnerable Because NSA Uses Same Technique With Other Anti-Virus Software Bigger Question Why Foreign Intelligence Services So Often Must Alert NSA And CIA To U.S. Vulnerabilities Maybe U.S. Should Shutter NSA And CIA Most Adept At Losing Cyberweapons Misreading Intelligence And Spying On U.S. Citizens Have U.S. Contract Out Intelligence Work Improve National Security? Russia Steals NSA Top Secret Cyberweapons Off NSA Worker Took Home Had Kaspersky On Computer NSA Hard At It To Make "No Such Agency" A Reality NSA Smack-Down ISO World Cryptography Experts Again Reject NSA "Trojan Horse" Non-Security Standards NSA Ineptitude Rivaled Only By 162 Countries Including Allies Total NSA Distrust One More Reason Ash Carter And James Clapper Asked Obama Fire Mike Rogers But Admiral Rogers Violated Military Protocol Snuck To Trump Tower As Transition Flunky "Intelligence Obstructor" Dope Devin Nunes (R-CA) Came To Rogers Defense Threatened "Hearings" - "Upstream" NSA Surveillance Internet 2011 FISA Case NYT FOIA Documents - Russia Cyberweapon Suspected GPS Spoofs Of U.S. Navy Ships - NSA Swept 151 Million Phone Records On 42 Terror Suspect "Freedom Act" 2016 Court Orders - NSA Fails Data Security DoD IG 2016 Report - Senior IC Assures: "Trust Us Congress" For 2018 U.S. Permanent Warrantless Wiretap "Incidental" Unconstitutional "Backdoor" FISA 702 Domestic Spying "No We Cannot Count" - Deputy Director Ledgett Confirms NSA Should Have Made U.S. Spying Public Before Snowden - Top-Secret NSA Report Russia U.S. State Voter Base Hacks In Days Before 2016 Election - Wider Russia Vote Hacks Emerge Not Examined - Sanctions Exception For FSB Spy Agency Required Approval Of All Tech Goods With Encryption For Russia Import Required Review By FSB / Military Tied Firms For FSB/FSTEC Of Source Code For U.S. Security Software Sale In Russia $18.4 Billion Market - Israel NSO Group Pegasus Restricted Spyware Mexican Government Abuse International Human Rights Commission Activists DEA NS NGO Levie NO SUCH AGENCY NSA Failures To Secure Hack Exploits Former TAO Lost Cyberweapons Then Global Havoc NEVER SAY ANYTHING

Can you hear me now?: Spooks aren't fond of Mr McCall's spoofing of their spying



                                                                           IS NOW NON-EXISTENT"

                                                            "THEY JUST KEEP GETTING HAMMERED"

American and British officials say the Russian government is behind a global campaign targeting computer routers and firewalls. (Dado Ruvic/Reuters)

UPDATES to 2 December 2019
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-british-governments-say-russia-has-hacked-routers-used-by-businesses-globally/2018/04/16/90e8d34c-4181-11e8-8569-26fda6b404c7_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_russia-cyber-3pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory  Russia hack millions work home routers spying sabotage
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/15/us/politics/russia-cyberattacks.html Russia In U.S. Power Grid And Plants
https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA18-074A US-CERT DHS-FBI Joint Technical Alert (TA18-074A) Russian Government Targeting Cyber Activity Targeting Energy And Other Critical Infrastructure Sectors, Original Release Date: 15 March 2018, Last Revised 16 March 2018
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-cyber-russia/tech-firms-let-russia-probe-software-widely-used-by-u-s-government-idUSKBN1FE1DT?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29 Long Required FSB/FSTEC Or Contractors Like Echelon Source Code Review Of U.S. Security Software Required Before $18 Billion Russian Market Sales But U.S. Feds Including Defense And Intelligence Sold Same SAP Symantec McAfee Software (More Below)
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https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/01/technology/kaspersky-lab-antivirus.html From Antivirus Software To Spy Tool
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/01/us/politics/nsa-nghia-pho-classified-information-stolen-guilty.html Pho TAO
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/12/us/nsa-shadow-brokers.html NSA Shadow Brokers Threaten NSA Future
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-security-kaspersky-russia/kaspersky-says-it-obtained-suspected-nsa-hacking-code-from-u-s-computer-idUSKBN1CU0TN?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29 Kaspersky PC Scan NSA Equation Group Spyware
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/10/technology/kaspersky-lab-israel-russia-hacking.html Spy v. Spy v. Spy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6zbqtLoHqg Do Not Reauthorize FISA Sec. 702 Ends 31 December 2017
"A Wake-Up Call For Americans" Video 10:49 IC Vast Abuse Unconstitutional Targeted Domestic Surveillance
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjgL6osVpLA FiSA Sec. 702 DNI Coats Lies  Reneges On DNI Promise To Produce # Americans "Incidentally" Surveilled Now Says Promised Statistics National Security Threat Video 4:24
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/05/us/politics/russia-nsa-hackers-kaspersky.html Russia NSA Cyberweapons
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https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/pentagon-and-intelligence-community-chiefs-have-urged-obama-to-remove-the-head-of-the-nsa/2016/11/19/44de6ea6-a Pdff-11e6-977a-1030f822fc35_story.html?utm_term=.cea6951748dd Ash And Clapper Ask Obama Fire NSA Rogers Sees Trump: DNI Dope Nunes Covers
GPS Spoof Attack Fooled U.S. Navy Ships Suggests Russian Cyberweapon Of Type Known Deployed In Kremlin:
NSA Success Zero Ineptitude Infinite Lies Crimes Grow Cyberweapons Lost To Hostile States & Criminal Hackers:
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/09/12/us/document-Savage-NYT-FOIA-NSA-MCT-Bates-Case-Files.html?mcubz=1 "Upstream" Internet Surveillance FISA 2011 Case NSA Documents NYT FOIA And Article Link
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o https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/10/29/whatsapp-accuses-israeli-firm-helping-governments-hack-phones-journalists-human-rights-workers/? WhatsApp Accuses Israeli Firm NGO
Group Of Helping Governments Hack Phones Of Journalists, Human Rights Workers
o https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/29/technology/whatsapp-nso-lawsuit.html WhatsApp Says Israeli Firm NGO Group Used Its App In Spy Programs
o https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/10/29/why-whatsapp-is-pushing-back-nso-group-hacking/ Why WhatsApp Is Pushing Back On NSO Group Hacking
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/06/opinion/whatsapp-nso-group-spy.html?WhatsApp NGO Suit
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/09/technology/nso-group-spyware-india.html? NSO Group Spyware Promises Stop But Keeps Snooping WhatsApp Suit Includes Computer Fraud And Abuse Act Counts

Copyright 2017-2019 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved (No claim to image nor image text)

13 October 2019

Russian Jets Bomb Hospitals Civilians Putin War Crimes Against Humanity

UPDATED 2 December 2019

12 Hours. 4 Syrian Hospitals Bombed. One Culprit: Russia.

The Russians saved Bashar al-Assad’s government. A trove of Russian Air Force recordings obtained by The Times shows how bombing Syrian hospitals helped them do it.

7:59Russia Bombed Four Syrian Hospitals. We Have Proof.
The Times obtained thousands of air force recordings, which reveal for the first time that Russia repeatedly bombed hospitals in Syria.CreditCreditMacro Media Center

The Russian Air Force has repeatedly bombed hospitals in Syria in order to crush the last pockets of resistance to President Bashar al-Assad, according to an investigation by The New York Times.
An analysis of previously unpublished Russian Air Force radio recordings, plane spotter logs and witness accounts allowed The Times to trace bombings of four hospitals in just 12 hours in May and tie Russian pilots to each one.
The 12-hour period beginning on May 5 represents a small slice of the air war in Syria, but it is a microcosm of Russia’s four-year military intervention in Syria’s civil war. A new front in the conflict opened this week, when Turkish forces crossed the border as part of a campaign against a Kurdish-led militia.

Russia has long been accused of carrying out systematic attacks against hospitals and clinics in rebel-held areas as part of a strategy to help Mr. Assad secure victory in the eight-year-old war.

CreditMeridith Kohut for The New York Times
Physicians for Human Rights, an advocacy group that tracks attacks on medical workers in Syria, has documented at least 583 such attacks since 2011, 266 of them since Russia intervened in September 2015. At least 916 medical workers have been killed since 2011.
The Times assembled a large body of evidence to analyze the hospital bombings on May 5 and 6.
Social media posts from Syria, interviews with witnesses, and records from charities that supported the four hospitals provided the approximate time of each strike. The Times obtained logs kept by flight spotters on the ground who warn civilians about incoming airstrikes and crosschecked the time of each strike to confirm that Russian warplanes were overhead. We then listened to and deciphered thousands of Russian Air Force radio transmissions, which recorded months’ worth of pilot activities in the skies above northwestern Syria. The recordings were provided to The Times by a network of observers who insisted on anonymity for their safety.
The spotter logs from May 5 and 6 put Russian pilots above each hospital at the time they were struck, and the Air Force audio recordings from that day feature Russian pilots confirming each bombing. Videos obtained from witnesses and verified by The Times confirmed three of the strikes.
Recklessly or intentionally bombing hospitals is a war crime, but proving culpability amid a complex civil war is extremely difficult, and until now, Syrian medical workers and human rights groups lacked proof.

Russia’s position as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council has shielded it from scrutiny and made United Nations agencies reluctant to accuse the Russian Air Force of responsibility.
“The attacks on health in Syria, as well as the indiscriminate bombing of civilian facilities, are definitely war crimes, and they should be prosecuted at the level of the International Criminal Court in The Hague,” said Susannah Sirkin, director of policy at Physicians for Human Rights. But Russia and China “shamefully” vetoed a Security Council resolution that would have referred those and other crimes in Syria to the court, she said.
The Russian government did not directly respond to questions about the four hospital bombings. Instead, a Foreign Ministry spokesman pointed to past statements saying that the Russian Air Force carries out precision strikes only on “accurately researched targets.”

CreditAnas Al-Dyab/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
The United Nations secretary general, António Guterres, opened an investigation into the hospital bombings in August. The investigation, still going on, is meant in part to determine why hospitals that voluntarily added their locations to a United Nations-sponsored deconfliction list, which was provided to Russia and other combatants to prevent them from being attacked, nevertheless came under attack.
Syrian health care workers said they believed that the United Nations list actually became a target menu for the Russian and Syrian air forces.
Stéphane Dujarric, a spokesman for the secretary general, said in September that the investigation — an internal board of inquiry — would not produce a public report or identify “legal responsibility.” Vassily Nebenzia, the Russian permanent representative to the United Nations, cast doubt on the process shortly after it was announced, saying he hoped the inquiry would not investigate perpetrators but rather what he said was the United Nations’ use of false information in its deconfliction process.

From April 29 to mid-September, as Russian and Syrian government forces assaulted the last rebel pocket in the northwest, 54 hospitals and clinics in opposition territory were attacked, the United Nations human rights office said. At least seven had tried to protect themselves by adding their location to the deconfliction list, according to the World Health Organization.
On May 5 and 6, Russia attacked four. All were on the list.
The first was Nabad al Hayat Surgical Hospital, a major underground trauma center in southern Idlib Province serving about 200,000 people. The hospital performed on average around 500 operations and saw more than 5,000 patients a month, according to Syria Relief and Development, the United States-based charity that supported it.

CreditOrient News
Nabad al Hayat had been attacked three times since it opened in 2013 and had recently relocated to an underground complex on agricultural land, hoping to be protected from airstrikes.
At 2:32 p.m. on May 5, a Russian ground control officer can be heard in an Air Force transmission providing a pilot with a longitude and latitude that correspond to Nabad al Hayat’s exact location.
At 2:38 p.m., the pilot reports that he can see the target and has the “correction,” code for locking the target on a screen in his cockpit. Ground control responds with the green light for the strike, saying, “Three sevens.”
At the same moment, a flight spotter on the ground logs a Russian jet circling in the area.
At 2:40 p.m., the same time the charity said that Nabad al Hayat was struck, the pilot confirms the release of his weapons, saying, “Worked it.” Seconds later, local journalists filming the hospital in anticipation of an attack record three precision bombs penetrating the roof of the hospital and blowing it out from the inside in geysers of dirt and concrete.

The staff of Nabad al Hayat had evacuated three days earlier after receiving warnings and anticipating a bombing, but Kafr Nabl Surgical Hospital, three miles northwest, was not as lucky.

CreditOmar Haj Kadour/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
A doctor who worked there said that the hospital was struck four times, beginning at 5:30 p.m. The strikes landed about five minutes apart, without warning, he said, killing a man who was standing outside and forcing patients and members of the medical staff to use oxygen tanks to breathe through the choking dust.
A spotter logged a Russian jet circling above at the time of the strike, and in another Russian Air Force transmission, a pilot reports that he has “worked” his target at 5:30 p.m., the time of the strike. He then reports three more strikes, each about five minutes apart, matching the doctor’s chronology.
Russian pilots bombed two other hospitals in the same 12-hour span: Kafr Zita Cave Hospital and Al Amal Orthopedic Hospital. In both cases, spotters recorded Russian Air Force jets in the skies at the time of the strike, and Russian pilots can be heard in radio transmissions “working” their targets at the times the strikes were reported.
Since May 5, at least two dozen hospitals and clinics in the rebel-held northwest have been hit by airstrikes. Syrian medical workers said they expected hospital bombings to continue, given the inability of the United Nations and other countries to find a way to hold Russia to account.
“The argument by the Russians or the regime is always that hospitals are run by terrorists,” said Nabad al Hayat’s head nurse, who asked to remain anonymous because he feared being targeted. “Is it really possible that all the people are terrorists?”. . . .

Reporting was contributed by Dmitriy Khavin, Whitney Hurst, Malachy Browne, Quoctrung Bui and John Ismay.

Christiaan Triebert is a journalist on the Visual Investigations team, which combines traditional reporting with advanced digital forensics. @trbrtc


UPDATES 14 November 2019 and 1 December 2019

"We Proved Russian Pilots Bombed A Hospital. Then They Did It Again." By Christian Triebert, Even Hill, Malachy Browne, Dmitry Khavin and Aaron Byrd, The New York Times, 14 November 2019

"'Sent Candy': Cockpit Tapes Show Russian Jets Bombing Syrian Civilians" by 
The New York Times, 1 December 2019



How Times Reporters Proved Russia Bombed Syrian Hospitals

We recreated a day of airstrikes using video evidence, flight logs, witness reports and thousands of previously unheard Russian Air Force communications.

7:59Russia Bombed Four Syrian Hospitals. We Have Proof.
The Times obtained thousands of air force recordings, which reveal for the first time that Russia repeatedly bombed hospitals in Syria.CreditCreditMacro Media Center

Times Insider explains who we are and what we do, and delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how our journalism comes together.
“Srabota,” the Russian pilot said.
The Russian phrase, which directly translates as “it’s worked,” was confirmation that he had released his weapon on a target in Syria: Nabad al Hayat Surgical Hospital near the town of Haas in Idlib Province.
Beginning in 2017, The Times’s Visual Investigations team has tracked the repeated bombing of hospitals in Syria, an apparent strategy of the Syrian military and Russia, its ally. More than 50 health care facilities have been attacked since the end of April in an offensive to reclaim Idlib Province from militants opposed to Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, according to the United Nations’ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Our team combines traditional reporting with advanced digital forensics to understand major events in conflicts that Times reporters can’t access on the ground, like a chemical attack in Syria or an American airstrike in Afghanistan.

Finding visual evidence of Syrian hospitals that were badly damaged was not hard. We collected hundreds of photos and videos from Facebook groups and Telegram channels, two places on social media where Syrian journalists and citizens had shared hours of footage. Along with medical and relief organizations, users on those platforms sent us even more documentation, including internal reports and unpublished videos.
While Russia has long been suspected of being behind these hospital bombings, direct evidence of its involvement was difficult to find, and Russian officials have denied responsibility.
During our investigation, we obtained tens of thousands of previously unpublished audio recordings between Russian Air Force pilots and ground control officers in Syria. We also obtained months of flight data logged by a network of Syrian observers who have been tracking warplanes to warn civilians of impending airstrikes. The flight observations came with the time, location and general type of each aircraft spotted.
Could these communications, each only a few seconds long and riddled with seemingly indecipherable military jargon and code words, be direct evidence of Russia’s violating one of the oldest rules of war?

CreditThe New York Times
We needed to verify and match the Russian communications and flight logs with the other airstrike information we had gotten, including satellite images and doctors’ witness statements. Deciphering the communications and finding the precise time and location of each hospital strike proved to be the key.

We had months of data but decided to focus on May 5 and 6, when four hospitals had been bombed. Each was on a United Nations-sponsored “deconfliction list” meant to spare it from attack, according to the World Health Organization.

We eventually saw patterns in the data. The clearer the picture got, the more damning it became for Russia.
We then organized and merged all of this information into a spreadsheet database. A data analyst in our Graphics department, Quoctrung Bui, designed a tool that allowed us to filter and search thousands of data points by time and place.
For each airstrike, we examined the evidence recorded at the time of the attack: Were Russian Air Force aircraft in the air? Were they spotted near hospitals? What were they talking about on the intercepted audio?
In the case of Kafr Nabl Surgical Hospital, which had been bombed repeatedly and restored with help from the W.H.O. in March, local news coverage and incident reports placed the time of the attack at about 5:30 p.m. on May 5.
Witnesses are often central to estimating timing, so we spoke to a doctor who was working at Kafr Nabl when it was hit. He said the hospital was first struck at 5:30 p.m., with three more airstrikes following five minutes apart.
Local media activists started filming after the first strike. Four of them caught the next strike on video. Did they all show the same airstrike? Or multiple ones — perhaps even four, as the doctor described?

To find out, we needed to know whether the videos were filmed in Kafr Nabl. Using Google Earth, we labeled landmarks, like a minaret and a water tower, and kept track of the nearby hills and mountain ridge.

CreditGoogle Earth Pro
This practice, known as geolocation, can determine the exact site of a photo or video by using landmarks and geographical features and corroborating them with satellite imagery. We managed to geolocate all of the videos and determined that the explosions all happened at Kafr Nabl Surgical Hospital.
We then analyzed the explosions and smoke patterns. After going through each video frame by frame and lining up several videos next to each other, we realized we had footage of three different strikes from multiple angles.

Videos filmed by media activists in Syria capture the moment of an airstrike on Kafr Nabl Surgical Hospital on May 5, 2019. The World Health Organization-supported hospital was bombed four times in eighteen minutes.CreditCreditClockwise from top left: Halab Today TV, Hadi Alabdallah, Euphrates Post, via Facebook. Composite image: Dave Horn/The New York Times.
An analysis of the shadows in the video allowed us to estimate the times of the strikes. But to get the exact time, we asked local journalists and news agencies to send their footage so we could use the files’ metadata to see when each strike hit the hospital, down to the second: 5:36:12, 5:41:14 and 5:49:17 p.m.
We knew that at least three, possibly four, airstrikes had hit the hospital. But we didn’t have a culprit. The flight logs and videos of the aircraft above Kafr Nabl that day didn’t have the key either. Both Russian and Syrian air forces had been active. It was a perfectly ambiguous situation: We didn’t know who bombed the hospital, but it must have been one of the two.

But the Russian Air Force communications provided the clearest evidence of Russia’s responsibility because we had the exact time of the explosions from the video metadata. A Russian pilot released four weapons at those very times.
The pilot, who identifies himself as “72,” says “Srabota” at 5:30 p.m. He repeats that five minutes later, at 5:35 p.m. — and at 5:40 and 5:48 p.m. Four weapon releases in all, each about five minutes apart and about some 40 seconds before the time of impact we had calculated from video metadata.
Because the hospital was dug deep under its original building after repeated bombings, only one person was killed. Many others were injured.
We saw three other instances when the Russian Air Force “worked” on hospitals over a period of 12 hours in early May. The evidence  was clear in each case. Less than a day of air activity in a four-year-old Russian air war paints a damning picture for a permanent member of the United Nations Security. . . .  

Reporting was contributed by Quoctrung Bui, John Ismay and Haley Willis.
Graphics by Dave Horn. Video credits: Halab Today TV, Hadi Alabdallah, Euphrates Post (via Facebook) and Syria Call.
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Christiaan Triebert is a journalist on the Visual Investigations team, which combines traditional reporting with advanced digital forensics. @trbrtc
Malachy Browne is a senior story producer on the Visual Investigations team, which practices a new form of explanatory and accountability journalism combining traditional reporting with advanced digital forensics. @malachybrowne  Facebook
A version of this article appears in print on , Section A, Page 2 of the New York edition with the headline: Proving Russia Bombed HospitalsOrder Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
 Copyright 2019  Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved (no claim to The New York Times content)