06 April 2010

Drug Cartels Attack Northern Mexico Army Bases

April 5, 2010, NEUVO LAREDO - Mexcian drug cartels armed with United States "over the counter" weapons (available at Wal-Mart) and funded by billions of dollars accumulated since President Nixon's failed phony "War on Drugs", now in its fortieth year, in the past week have continued to attack and ambush Mexican Police, Mexican Federal Police, and Mexican Military Forces in what Mexican President Cardeno somewhat oddly interprets as a sign of imminent government victory over the cartels. Cartels also have established roadblocks and attacked Mexican Army bases throughout Northern and other parts of Mexico.
Mexican law enforcement authorities, politicians, citizens and children have continued to either join the cartels or flee to the United States, while Texas has provided Mexicans with free room and board in prisons while they consolidate in the United States gangs now working with the cartels. The United States finally has another other side to fight against right here at home in the "War on Drugs".
The United States with its ill-conceived drug criminalization policies and enforcement in fact patiently funded, enabled and armed armies of sophisticated global criminal organizations for the past several decades while the United States actually had no enemy to fight in the meantime. However, the "War" did enable many individuals who otherwise would have spent their lives on unemployment to get jobs in the United States law enforcement community.
Black Suburbans previously stolen in the United States and taken to Mexico now are back following school buses full of children in Texas border towns. Mexican Army helicopters "inexplicably" recently have commenced regular incursions into United State airspace including hovering for long periods over San Diego neighborhoods.
Currently it is unclear how eager United States military forces are to begin fighting gangs, Mexican drug cartels and corrupt "official" Mexican forces moving into the United States now that United States forces have been spread all over the world, mostly to fight former "President" little shrub Bush's phony war on terror.
The United States military already repeatedly sends United States troops with serious post-traumatic stress disorders and brain injuries back into combat almost immediately with the kind of compassion shown soldiers treated for "shell shock" in World War One, for a couple of days and then immediately sent back to the trenches. Army psychiatrists who currently are otherwise not occupied killing unarmed US soldiers now have concluded that these repeated missions may not be good for mentally impaired soldiers' "souls".
Meanwhile Blackwater in its latest corporate iteration reports record profits and high prospects for further looting of the United States treasury through bogus contracts in Afghanistan. This in spite of multi-million dollar enforcement actions and lawsuits simultaneously being brought by the United States government against Blackwater in its many guises -- in which the Blackwater family of companies seriously overcharge the United States government on open-ended contracts, do shoddy work or none whatsoever in all operations, and are responsible for death and injury to huge numbers of United States forces due to their lack of adequate performance of critical contracted strategic support.
Blackwater's further responsibility for death and serious injury to untold civilians in "friendly countries" has been confirmed by many reputable witnesses and news organizations. Blackwater "for accounting reasons" prefers to be paid in piles of untraceable hundred dollar bills lowered from United States helicopters.
Former Vice-President (emphasize "vice") Dick Cheney is reported still to be alive and thinking up new monetary and murder schemes as he prepares to spend eternity in hell and take the rest of humanity with him if possible. He celebrated Easter by torturing small animals. This report was contributed to by all major newswires and the few newspapers of any repute still left in the United States.

Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L All World Rights Reserved

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