23 June 2010

General McChrystal and Aides Give Idiot Interview to Rolling Stone Magazine

        Wednesday, June 23, 2010, EN ROUTE TO WASHINGTON, D.C. - General McChrystal reportedly is en route to Washington, D.C. a day after a story broke that the General and his aides will be featured shortly in a Rolling Stone article in which they criticized President Obama, Vice-President Biden, the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, and U.S. Special Envoys to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
       The General, who for some reason is the commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan despite the fact that all his military experience is in Special Operations and not formal military command is widely admired for his hard work ethic and willingness to say whatever he wants whenever he wishes. His pedigree is markedly opposite from General Petraeus who preceded him and was schooled in military protocol. Likewise, the General's aides are career Special Operations personnel who know nothing of military protocol and were not trained for formal military leadership positions.
       Recently, despite his inability to think before speaking, the General and his aides were permitted a limited interview with Rolling Stone magazine. The interview later dragged on for days after the explosion of the Icelandic volcano made air travel impossible. The General reiterated his belief that, despite the fact that largest number of American troops ever serving in Afghanistan are already there or en route, what the General believed was the only hope for victory was a further "surge" of troops and the commencement of counterinsurgency opertions.
       Since the General and other top military leaders met with the new President Obama in the White House within days after the Obama Presidency began, it became clear that General McChyrstal seemed to have some trouble understanding that President Obama is the Commander-in-Chief and that the General is basically nothing. After the General observed that Obama appeared "intimidated" by all the brass that the four generals sported at the meeting, Obama should have immediately fired the General, given him a dishonorable discharge for insubordination, sent him to Leavenworth, taken away his pension and all benefits, and given his family directions to the nearest place to get food stamps.
       Nevertheless, as of yesterday the General had not yet been fired by the "furious" Obama, who refused to accept his resignation presumably so he could have the option to fire the General in person with a dishonorable discharge. The General's press secretary did immediately resign yesterday after the story of the upcoming Rolling Stone article was leaked. Apart from trying to exert pressure on Obama, the General also called the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan a "liar" and further strained his relations with the Special U.S. Envoys to Pakistan and Afghanistan. The General's aides made disparaging remarks about the Obama administration and referred to the Vice-President as Joe "Bite-em", maybe because they are unable to read.
The General leaves President Obama in a tenuous position having made his comments on the eve of the massive Afgan invasion which is supposed to end the war for good. Since President Bush started the conflict it is expected to become the longest-lasting conflict in which the U.S. ever has participated. As far as is known, the General's strategy for winning the conflict has never worked in any conflict of significance in which the U.S. ever has participated. He may manage however to kill many civilians.
       Furthermore, the General's timing is somewhat less than ideal since most of the international force which the General commands has already fled the country and will therefore be unavailable for the General's big invasion. Some of the few other countries left there with a token number of troops were expected at least to call in some more, but the General's remarks demonstrating that he has not even agreed on a course of action with his commander-in-chief cast doubt on whether any other countries will be eager to send any troops when the U.S. cannot even figure out what the strategy is. Incidentally, the Taliban enemy in Afghanistan was created by the CIA.
       It is time for President Obama, one of the smartest and best educated Presidents that the U.S. has ever had, to take a firm hand with rogue generals, BP, banks, or anyone else who continues to fail to recognize Obama's rightful authority as President of the United States. It is time for the President to use his mind to strategize against those who clearly are not of his mental caliber and then to come down hard on them. General McChrystal may be the favorite of the fraudulently elected President Karzai of Afghanistan, but who cares. If the General's judgment regarding a mere interview is so poor, why should anyone believe it is any better in any other area. His plan as disclosed in music magazine Rolling Stone is nothing but another repeat performance of a losing U.S. strategy.
       All the General and the military in Afghanistan have managed to do do is once again let opium production run wild, and allow most citizens to become opium and heroin addicts. The Taliban reduced opium production to 5% in Afghanistan. The U.S. has let it get back up to over 90%. Shown direct evidence the U.S. military just says "well, that's not our job." So if you leave a country with 95% heroin addicts, is that somehow "bettering their way of life"? Get real. President Obama must fire General McChrystal in the Oval Office, remove all his "brass", issue him a dishonorable discharge, and send him to military prison for insubordination.
       President Obama, the time has come. Please do not spend your entire Presidency cleaning up George "Little Shrub" Bush' mess. His day will come to be executed for treason, staging a coup d'etat, and crimes against humanity. Meanwhile, President Obama, please get on with your own agenda. Give this world some hope. Too bad you were stuck with Afghanistan, but get real, has the United States ever prevailed in a conflict like that?

Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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