06 December 2012

Idiot Texas Governor Rick Perry Flies Private Jets Courtesy Of "Poultry Kings" And Others In Return For Blatant Official Favors, Prepares For 2016 Comeback

     Thursday, 6 December 2012, AUSTIN - The editorial board of the Ninth Amendment does wonder from time to time about the where and whatabouts of Idiot Texas Governor Rick "Payback" Perry since his historic presidential election campaign debacle later labelled by James Carville as the "worst" the Country had ever seen, ever. Readers may remember that when last heard from stomping back off to secede Texas from the U.S. again Idiot Perry was complaining that his loss was due either to a lack of sleep including his lunch-to-dinner naptime apparently handed down from his former boss preceding Governor Bush "little shrub", a leg which hurt, or maybe even both of those things at once.
     His embarrassing placement of blame for his early withdrawal from the race within practically weeks of entering it as the apparent Republican frontrunner little known at the time would only foretell much more massively immature idiotic self-serving and immensely revealing statements of the final Republican candidates "Richboy" Romney and "Yes Man" Ryan who later lost the Country for the whole Republican party later blaming their landslide loss in what Romney at least apparently believed by a close call the result which he thought he had already purchased but for the nagging fact that the American people did not vote for either "Richboy Romney" or his ticket.                                                                                                          
     Readers please recall the Ninth Amendment's ritual reminder not to attempt to defeat the New York Times paywall by setting free Firefox Browsers to "Private Browsing" nor in the absence of that technique working executing a search  for something like "override New York Times paywall" nor definitely not by implementing one of many other simple techniques many of which involve deleting most of the URL (top address line) from Times pieces they are reading so as not to have their reading interrupted.
     As for Idiot Texas Governor Rick "Payback" Perry he has since reingratiated himself with the majority of the American public by recently clarifying that in being the first known human to shoot a coyote in cold blood Perry used a laser-sighted handgun when he shot and killed from amongst the morning crowd of  his forced running-mates security detail, or perhaps better described as "large paid heavily armed entourage", who normally travel in force whenever he and his wife have made their "goodwill" trips separate (which can get really expensive for the Texas taxpayer) or together to drum up more of the tourist business swamping Texas from such such dangerous and exotic foreign lands as Japan and New York City (where Perry spent the entire day of his last gubernatorial victory in Texas promoting his book about "Spitting Up" when he was a boyscout and also how he promised he never-ever would run for the office of United States President like that scoundrel he used to work for and therefore only pretended he liked who would of course be former "President" George "little shrub" Bush, the guy who stole the Presidency but was too dumb to know he had done it.
     The following Ninth Amendment editorial staff comment was written in response to an article on Perry's unprecedented use of private planes from executives and other rich people who want favors from him or more precisely the taxpayers of Texas. It is not known if this comment appearing directly below was or was not published amongst other readers whose comments were published in the digital New York Times of that date.                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tuesday 4 November 2012
Comment Submitted By Big M On Behalf Of The Ninth Amendment Editorial Staff

How fitting that "poultry magnates" have "effectively" underwritten Rick Perry's use of, inter alia, corporate jets. Perry is one shrewd operator who realized long ago that to quit the "animal business" after making no better than C's and D's in his alleged Texas A&M college veterinary major was the only way Perry could ever "make it" with the "big boys". Perry figured out that selling out was the only way a guy of his "potential" could ever be flying around in planes rather than driving 30-year-old pick-up trucks that some relatives gave him to use for "coyote hunting" and leading boy scout expeditions for the rest of his life. Rick "Payback" Perry has long been followed in our Ninth Amendment log at www.waronnothing.blogspot.com. Just like his hated boss George Bush (who no doubt reminds Perry just a wee bit too much of himself), Perry long ago would have been pegged as nothing but a lifelong loser were he not bailed out constantly in return a few small "favors" say, for example, his making a career of selling Texas to the highest bidder, including those who felt it had been a few too many months since the last innocent Texas inmate had been put to death by the State.


Copyright 2012 All World Rights Expressly Reserved Big M And Little L

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