05 November 2013

Illegal NSA "Top Secret" Google Encrypted Cloud Data Transmission Interception Revealed, Google And Partner CIA Weigh Cuba Or North Korea Relocation

       Monday, 5 November 2013, HAVANA - The New York Times weekly "Bits and Blogs" section today examines how the United States Government continues to destroy the credibility of some of this Country's most successful modern era high-tech businesses including Yahoo, Google and others. The included Washington Post article below linked continues that newspaper's investigation of illegal NSA interception of Americans' individual personal private and corporate proprietary information apparently under the mistaken delusion that conspiring to commit criminal acts by hiring others to do it for one is itself legal.
       General Alexander's NSA desperate to determine who readers' Google "Circle of  Friends" are and why the NSA has so few is rumored to have followed the lead of other "National Security" agencies believed exclusively to hire first-year law students to issue legal opinions out of their Agana, Guam garage "HQ Legal Cubicle Suite" producing "opinions on demand" such as that any U.S. agency which includes "National Security" can flaunt laws in the United States and in Europe and elsewhere commit even more clearly illegal acts by enlisting assistance from its overseas "partners in crime" including the most recently disclosed GCHQ.
      NSA which is not on speaking terms with its drone-armed archrival CIA presumably is unaware that it has been widely known for a decade that the CIA is both a major Google investor through a Wall Street "front company" as well as business partner through a publicly acknowledged well-publicized joint venture with Google.
        Google and CIA servers in fact frequently are housed  in neighboring buildings although Google usually has nice ones while the CIA's usually are hidden in faux "office parks". This can be confirmed by looking through their garbage on "trash day". The DEA has helped to establish laws that once placed out on the curb trash is "public property" as to which there is "no expectation of privacy". Neither the NSA nor the CIA are known to be conscientious recyclers even where required by law due to a legal concept known as pre-emption.
       Meanwhile Google's President Eric Schmidt last week praised the "connectivity" of Cuba and North Korea presumably hinting that a major relocation of Google and other top American high-tech businesses may be under consideration to such countries with less intrusive governments which have better things to do than read people's mail constantly harassing the businesses to spend their time and money assembling massive illegal government information requests regarding topics such as who got what for their birthday.

Washington Post  article link:


Copyright 2013 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved. No claim as to Washington Post material.

02 November 2013

Lowest Taxes In Thirty Years Rich Do Best Johnston Atoll And Guam Little To Spend It On But Hawaiian Retirement Homes

     Monday, 3 December 2012, AGANA, GUAM - The Ninth Amendment editorial board responded to last December's New York Times piece on inflation-adjusted taxes being lower than in 30 years with the below verbatim comment which was/was not published in that date's Times digital edition. Readers are reminded to refrain from reading UNLIMITED TIMES DIGITAL CONTENT SIMPLY BY SETTING FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING".
       The editorial board of the Ninth Amendment log "Where America's Day Begins" (and goes downhill from here) in Agana, Guam at www.waronnothing.blogspot.com invites readers to drop any notion we are some kind of celebrity charity effort that despite what is clear daily most everywhere except perhaps FOX-TV "News" ignores the truth: "The more you work, the less we pay".
        Not hard to grasp. After all conceived by recession expert Republican "cliff divers". Likewise our global bureaus depart from Cayman Island delusions held dear by fellow legacy "one-percenters" since Skull and Bones. Except Dick Cheney's Spiro Agnewesque exploitation WHILE Vice-President commanding his infamous "Blackdeath" (or latest iteration in a constant quest to escape liability) lunatic mercenaries "gouging the U.S. on contracts payable in advance with new unmarked hundred dollar bills stacked high on pallets lowered from helicopters plus making the U.S. new "friends" if they live the globe over. "Porcelian Club" Cheney ("no comment" on whether Mr. Cheney went to Harvard though confirmed he has a pig's heart). Cheney clawed WHILE in office into rapidly increasing wealth running his criminal enterprise from the largely unused "Situation Room" in the little Bush White House. So sure we may have tax avoidance (never "evasion" please) gold bars in plain sight on Johnston Atoll a few thousand miles south. But the Cayman Islands are old news, we have yet to see an I.R.S. agent dare tread on the Atoll.

Copyright  Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

New Zealand National Party President Reportedly Psychologically Abused Wife, Then "Documentary Evidence Name Suppressed" Per New Zealand Tradition Of Supposedly "Protecting Wife"

Your Love Is Like A Case Of Anthrax, That's One Thing I Don't Want To Catch - Gang Of 4                                                                                                                                                                    Sunday, 2 November 2013 -
Auckland, New Zealand

This country's major "Herald" Newspaper apparently met sympathetic response by at least one Court to release "Suppressed Documents" per transparent New Zealand "tradition" of actually protecting "names" of rich and famous men in ugly matrimonial breakups while ostensibly doing so to "protect" but in reality  shame wives traditionally afforded little or no real protection under New Zealand's divorce "justice" system. 
       According to pleadings Courts actually routinely watch out for the "rich and famous" families and the blatantly unfair protection of them from adverse publicity without regard for often invaluably loyal wives' contributions to matrimonial assets while long-term wives routinely are dumped for "trophy wives" while being denied all but meagre "public assistance" amidst frequent appalling physical threats and harassment bordering on mental torture in which wealthy spouses "meet" with the best potential counsel so as to make them unavailable to spouses even though most are not later retained.
       The Ninth Amendment makes these observations as editorial content based on long-time publicly available information concerning real-life conditions in the allegedly pastoral lands of the four-star label sheepskins (do not run through warm dryer cycle) in New Zealand's perhaps more aptly named enclaves such as the "Bay of Pigs".

Peter Goodfellow is a wealthy businessman and the controversial President of
the National Party, the current ruling party of New Zealand. The following
document is a suppressed 20 Aug 2009 judgement from the Family Court of New
Zealand. The judgement, by S. J. Flemming, is affixed with a media
suppression statement. It finds that Peter Goodfellow psychologically abused
his wife and grants her a protection order.

Although the parties are not named, as is common in such judgements, the
circumstances combined with the public record make it clear that the man
being described is Mr. Goodfellow.

Copyright 2013 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved, No  Claim As To Above  Wikileaks

01 November 2013

REIN IN NSA! CREDO Action (Working Assets Mobile) Urges Readers Please Sign Petition Below That Congress Pass Pending Bipartisan USA FREEDOM ACT Co-Sponsored Even By "PATRIOT" ACT Co-Author Sensenbrenner

                                                A  Brief Digression Before The Petition At Hand

       Friday, 1 November 2013, WASHINGTON, D.C. - The secret fact for the day is that in much of the world Halloween although officially over is still being "partied". With even lucky New York Wall Streeters still able to get in a $100 steak and a few good hours or so trick-or-treating in the hottest club restrooms "for the good old days" while the kids hit friends' penthouses under the watchful eyes of the au pairs. Plus some of that world-famous next phase New York late night partying once your significant "whatother" goes home with a headache.
       Just imagine how good it must feel to stay up all night drinking $1,000 bottles of champagne and going straight via your $200 breakfast into your skyscraper corner office in a genuine office tower built for the ages (such as the Empire State Building where a B-17 could REALLY hit it in the fog and just BOUNCE OFF IT). Where they really are not yet ALL now designed by the architects to be faux corner offices so the CORNER PARTNERS really still do have the CORNER OFFICES. Have your fresh shirt put on and into your private bathroom with your next day's shoes shined while you read the funnies. You are shaved with a super-sharp straight edge by an escort you once dated whom you trust with your life (so long as you keep hinting her those tips "you would play yourself were you still working the trading down the ladder ha! ha! where it made any difference at all whether you came out ahead or behind because now it is all the same it IS ALL AHEAD).

                                                            Lickbacks For Order Flow
       Oh what fun it is to ride where every day is a winning day. However one bets and whether one loses or wins numberswise you always win moneyswise. As we saw with "litttle shrub" Bush and yes again President Obama once Goldman, Sachs shared the imminent (as in at the close of business) evidence of its collapse and thus of its cronies, the Country's and inconsequentially must-not-forget least of all its clients to its former and future bosses through the federal government banking revolving door, that Federal Government sure could move fast for once, as in fat hands reaching for hundreds of billions of dollars in pockets as fast as they could ("the paperwork could be worked out later").
       Candidly this meaning everyone else's money, including the whole Country's, by the way being sold to their fine clients that garbage you would not even take out for the stink and look at that, what did your clients do but go and BEAT YOU with your own ROTTEN ADVICE WHICH HOW DARE THEY SINCE EVEN YOU BET AGAINST THEM. Oh well, as we said, you are where EVERY DAY is a winning day, especially a losing day and a "conflict of interest" is just another trading technique kind of like "lickbacks for order flow"       
       And presto! chango! look at that just as we were taught in school. "How A Bill Is Made." And, boy, it sure is made fast! (Government's not closed that day!) And slipped right there (along with everything else) right in Uncle Sam's pocket and look out comes a fresh new shiny "bill", only this one is straight from the mint, and this one is a WINNER! Winner, winner, chicken dinner! There we go what we intended to say a bit more concisely. About as good odds (for BlackJack our very favorite) as in our TOTALLY UNINFORMED opinion one might expect on an Indian Lands (owned not "managed" please), say eight-deck continuously shuffling shoe where we can only split tens and double down on twenties. . . .

                                                 Sign Credo's Petition For The USA Freedom Act

        All kidding aside the truth is this post has been drafted and lost and pummeled and back again. Speaking of our lead heading NSA CREDO Petition post title readers actually may be interested to learn that the Ninth Amendment's recent informational CREDO Working Assets mobile telephone service apparently has generated a significant amount of interest amongst Ninth Amendment readers as evidenced by an originally strong reader "pageview" showing followed by sustained higher levels than average of return readers to that post in particular.
       Readers may recall that "CREDO Action from Working Assets" apparently follows in the tradition of Working Assets which we recall as originating at the time of the advent of fierce long distance "landline" telephone service competition. Working Assets set itself apart by characterizing itself as socially active (like CREDO today) at that time allowing customers monthly opportunities to make free calls for allotted time periods to designated numbers choosing from a selection of causes to support by volume of mostly "personal" directed telephone calls.
       In any case we do NOT ourselves currently have any staff members whom we can consult personally as to the quality and reliability of CREDO service which apparently follows in the Working Assets tradition of setting itself apart by social activism such as demonstrated here in "Reining In The NSA" along with incentives such as assurances of the refunding of "contract service charges" for readers who decide they wish to try a CREDO telephone contract mid-stream in another but not suffer a financial setback (being held hostage) for doing so.
       In any case we received the below e-mail from CREDO Action which is pertinent to news covered and/or followed here in that it links to a Congressional petition signature drive in SUPPORT of the "USA FREEDOM ACT" to reverse portions of the "USA PATRIOT ACT" and its ilk.  Apparently the sponsors of this Bipartisan Bill (which even INCLUDES one of the Patriot Act's co-authors) could not resist the temptation in the naming of the new bill of flaunting what we can only hope HERE is a like-minded name directed in response to the very widely remarked cynicism in the naming of the Patriot Act. Only one one learns here that in this case the name truly a sincere step in the slow processing step in the process of restoring our constitutional rights.
       Hopefully the urged passage of the USA Freedom Act is but one component in many pieces of legislation, judicial opinions and myriad other steps needed not a moment later to help clean up the detritus of the U.S. Constitution with enough left intact to continue to cleanup the United States Constitution with enough of that great document intact to enable the American people to reclaim it to its original glory consistent with legitimate amendment. Readers please find below the petition circulated to the American people for their signature in support of the USA Freedom Act and more generally to express their support of these great efforts to save our Country from anything but change by legitimate peaceful process as set out in the U.S.Constitution itself.
       The editorial board of the Ninth Amendment log reminds readers that any suggestion, endorsement, recommendation or like support of whether it be a product, candidate, idea, position or whatever, the Ninth Amendment log accepts, receives, discusses nor in any other way communicates with the subject of the body of a post nor receives any of the above nor any remuneration, money, payment or whatever for what the Ninth Amendment posts here.
       The Ninth Amendment is not responsible nor does it have any communication likewise with any such material which may appear outside the body of a post as these materials are arranged and displayed solely by Google, Google's Adsense or some affiliated Google advertisers. To date in several materials appearing in the Google's arrangements the Ninth Amendment to date has not received any money nor remuneration whatsoever.                      

CREDO Petition For Circulation To Members Of Congress Linked Below For Signature:

CREDO action
The NSA has become a rogue agency and Congress needs to rein it in.
The petition to the House and Senate reads:
"The NSA has become a rogue agency and Congress needs to rein it in. The USA Freedom Act is a much needed first step that would stop the bulk collection of Americans' telephone records and provide some needed transparency about National Security Letters and other forms of warrantless spying. Please support this important legislation, and oppose the competing bill proposed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein that is reform in name only and would do nothing to stop the rampant and unconstitutional abuses by the NSA and other intelligence agencies."
Automatically add your name:
Sign the petition ►
Dear martin,
Don't let the NSA spy on us
The NSA has far too much power to spy on innocent Americans without any meaningful oversight.
It's gotten so bad that even one of the original ultra-conservative authors of the Patriot Act, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, joined with progressive stalwart Rep. John Conyers and Senator Patrick Leahy in introducing a bipartisan NSA reform bill.
This bill, which they named the USA Freedom Act, would end the bulk collection of Americans' telephone records and provide a modest measure of needed transparency to the use of National Security Letters and other forms of warrantless wiretapping.
It's a good first step, and we need to show the House and the Senate that there’s popular support for Congress starting the process of restoring our constitutional rights.
Tell Congress: Rein in the NSA to stop its unconstitutional spying. Click here to automatically sign the petition.
Let's be clear. We support the full repeal of the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendments Act. The only legislative vehicle for that is Rep. Rush Holt’s Surveillance State Repeal Act, which we will continue to fight for.
But until we succeed in repealing the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendments Act, we should support anything that will start the process of reining in the NSA without making anything worse.
The Sensenbrenner-Leahy bill is a good move in that direction. It will at the very least stop the kind of bulk surveillance dragnets that allows the government to spy on millions of Americans who are not suspected of any wrongdoing. And it will take a minor step toward transparency by allowing companies to disclose the number of requests they get from the government that force them to turn over the private information of their users and customers without a court order and under a gag.
It's important to note that this is far less than what we truly need to rein in the NSA. But it's a good start. The bill preserves much of the status quo. Let's remember, the problem of overbroad and unconstitutionally intrusive government surveillance is so vast that even the president didn't know that the U.S. was tapping the phones of allied world leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
But while the Sensenbrenner-Leahy bill is a good first step, the same cannot be said for the bill proposed by Senator Dianne Feinstein, which in the name of reform would simply codify the ability of the government to spy on innocent Americans without doing anything to prevent the rampant abuses that have become routine practices of a rogue NSA and other intelligence agencies.
That's why we’re asking Congress to support Rep. Sensenbrenner and Sen. Leahy’s USA Freedom Act, and oppose Senator Feinstein’s sham bill which is meant to make the public think oversight is being strengthened over the NSA when there will be no meaningful reform established in the legislation.
Tell Congress: Rein in the NSA to stop its unconstitutional spying. Click the link below to automatically sign the petition:
Thank you for taking a stand against unconstitutional government spying.
Matt Lockshin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
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© 2013 CREDO. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2013 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved, No Claim As To CREEDO Materials

26 October 2013

U.S. Justice Department "National Security" Division One More Reason To Feel Safe In Your Prison Cell

       Saturday, 26 October 2013, WASHINGTON, D.C. - The United States Department of "Justice" (DOJ) reportedly after more than five years of prosecuting criminal cases illegally withholding evidence from criminal defendants presumably now languishing in prisons around the Nation along with other rather variously unfortunate casualties of the "War On The U.S Constitution", under what the New York Times rather generously calls a "narrow" reading by DOJ's "National Security" Division (bet that makes readers sleep better knowing along with the rest of the crowd of federal military forces, other armed forces, secret forces, special forces, contract forces, departments, bureaus, agencies, committees and patrols we now may sleep peacefully with our empty wallets at our bedsides or locked up somewhere outside our prison cell knowing that we have even more lawyers in suits than we probably already even knew or suspected) violating the clearly established restraints of the U.S. Constitution in defense of that document from any and all terrorists so that we unequivocally, unflinchingly, unintelligibly may say: "We won. We beat ourselves. Hurrah!"
       What on earth could merit such a run-on sentence overspilling its banks in an unrestrained (being THEIR very least favorite MOST frightening thought) torrent of words in a conspicuously unbalanced paragraph fairly (or not) screaming to be CONTAINED! Well dear readers basically that would be the not altogether appealing idea of explaining all this. And why we the editorial board of the Ninth Amendment believe the New York Times in this case let DOJ off far too easily our interpretation being that the entire premise of the article to which the link below will lead is flawed to the extent the disclosure of this heinous behavior is any sort of reasoned "policy decision". We agree vigorously with Amnesty International that what we have here is a pure and simple case of DOJ flaunting its sacred obligation to the promotion of justice but rather with its malfeasance for more than five years breaking the law illegally trying yet more of our population and only coming clean (doubtful) now for no better reason than it was CAUGHT IN A LIE TO THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, and if the Solicitor General cannot do the time, he should not have done the crime. As they say. You decide.

Link to NY Times Article:

Copyright 2013 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved (no claim as to NY Times content)

25 October 2013

BREAKING - FDA Finally Caves To Drug Enforcement Agency Latest Policy Disaster Scheme To OK Top Medical Criminal Tier For Vicodin, Lortab Hydrocodone Painkillers

       Friday, 25 October 2013, WASHINGTON, D.C. - In a probable major victory for the DEA in its relentless "battle" to stay alive and ever expand in a nearly 40-year-long ceaselessly losing "war" of its own creation former drug-dealing President Barack Obama's FDA has given the "bombs away" signal for moving long-term painkillers brand names like Vicodin, Lortab (hydrocodone plus totally unnecessary amounts of acetominophen at DEA urging to insure destruction of as many living human livers as possible - a la paraquat, or aspirin) up to the highest tier of prescription medications along with morphine, oxycontin and amphetamines as soon as early next year.
       The DEA as usual follows in the footsteps of its predecessor Federal Bureau of Narcotics infamous for its Chief Harry Angslinger amongst other things (despite not being a doctor last we heard) awarding a lifetime prescription of morphine to former American Congressional hero Senator Joseph McCarthy conveniently refillable at will at the nearest Capitol Hill Pharmacy. If its latest ill-conceived  policy foray is enacted the DEA may have a chance at one-upping its relatively recent drugdealing fed rivals at the CIA ("birth of crack cocaine") outfit, although Afghanistan may present some intriguing opportunities for both drug-dealing agencies. Singer-songwriter Elvis Presley was named an official "special" drug-fighting agent just to demonstrate how seriously the former President Nixon took his completely insincere cynically announced "War on Drugs". Nixon awarded an official badge at the White House for Presley's drug-fighting efforts. Presley later died on the toilet during a drug overdose.

On Thursday, October 24, 2013 3:21 PM, NYTimes. com News Alert wrote:
To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add nytdirect@nytimes.com to your address book.
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BREAKING NEWS Thursday, October 24, 2013 4:02 PM EDT
F.D.A. Seeks Tighter Control on Prescriptions for Class of Painkillers
The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday recommended tighter controls on how doctors prescribe the most commonly used narcotic painkillers.
The move, which represents a major policy shift, follows a decade-long debate over whether the widely abused drugs, which contain the narcotic hydrocodone, should be controlled as tightly as more powerful painkillers such as OxyContin.
The drugs at issue contain a combination of hydrocodone and an over-the-counter painkiller like acetaminophen or aspirin and are sold either as generics or under brand names like Vicodin or Lortab. Doctors use the medications to treat pain from injuries, arthritis, dental extractions and other problems.


Copyright 2013 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved (no claim to N.Y. Times content)

14 October 2013

Google Users And Developers BEWARE Google Lawyers' Unilateral Rule Changes "Effective" 11 November 2013

       Sunday, 13 October 2013, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA. - Well we all know that this is the day and this is the age when a very strange thing has occurred with contracts and other areas of law. As best we of the Ninth Amendment Editorial Board recall there were a great many tenets of the law stretching far back to the common law that long predated the TYRANNY OF THE CORPORATIONS SUCH AS GOOGLE. How long must we close our eyes and pretend that we are utterly blind to the fundamental concepts of the great foundations of the once great and now completely eviscerated foundations of the legal system as handed down from the ironclad principles of such things as the English Common Law?
       Was it not any longer ago than our parents' lifetimes that institutions engaging in the practices of our banks, our credit card companies, our insurance companies and all that ilk would be taken out and strung up for the practices they have come to embrace with reckless abandon today crushing the ordinary workingperson with unilateral after-the-fact dictates of once-"loans" now become champions of "usury" and all form of injustice from which they no longer are held back by any form of BILATERAL (yes, that is correct, two parties) agreement rather than by one party's "fiat".
       Does anyone remember when a contract was a "meeting of the minds", does anyone remember such quaint concepts as a mutuality of consideration and things such as "terms and conditions" which actually were agreed to by the parties rather than simply ANNOUNCED by one party to the other, well, readers here we go again. . . .
       Now does anyone really know what in the world Google has been up to enslaving over two million families around the world allegedly writing their blogs amidst GREAT TALES OF RICHES while how rarely is it that we ever see them actually come to fruition except of course Google's latest joint schemes with the CIA to do what we do not know? Well readers we have been at this Ninth Amendment log some time now and there must be a leak somewhere in our piggy bank. That is all we can imagine as we have yet to receive even our first advertising pay?
       Well be warned Google if these young (yes of course 18+) children can make theirs and their families' fortunes we have decided that we too now shall read up and try to make sense of every bit of this endless series of Google pages that always to point both ways at the bottom (ever seen that one before?) yet never seem to come to any conclusion which yields any more MONEY for the faithful. Google cannot just be in the business of making 2 million families rich, can it? No thank you we do not want anymore "followers" and "+1ers" nor "circles of Google friends", we are going to figure this out once and for all and demand some accounting of exactly in what amounts and to whom and for how long those first checks and long since direct deposits started to flow. We are owed an accounting are we not? Perhaps a FOIA to the right-placed federal agencies?
       We do come carrying some news of WARNING, HOWEVER, GOOGLERS!  You have been warned if you weed carefully through the endlessly back circling computer text screens so start reading up ahead of next month. Yes come 11 November 2013 or on or about same day thereabouts the UNILATERAL GOOGLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE CHANGING ONCE AGAIN.
       As best we can tell you do not need to tell anyone your real name, your real anything, except maybe the tax man, except for now your "Circle of Friends" can "repay the favor" according to Google and repay all the writing you have done with some recommendations where they send on your work to be re-advertised, re-monetized, re-Bloggerized in its entirety.
       Remember that date November 11, 2003, and try to figure out exactly what it is they are up to right to THIS TIME now what have have they planned right that very minute? Roll out the Blogs, Google we are ready for our share of that cash and so much for your "contracts" your "terms and conditions" that are neither but dunenforceable unilateral breaches of contract. Show us the money!
       Now we are no practicing lawyers but we bet that Google has a few lawyers themselves who might explain (to Google in any case) why is it that Google NEEDS TO CHANGE UNILATERALLY THOSE "TERMS" AND "CONDITIONS" such that Google can take and adapt the Google's developers' (that is right, "us", we their friends) "intellectual property" developed for challenges but only for things such as Google's "business purposes" but otherwise "totally" respect our "intellectual property" rights oh yes, yes, really indeed to our ideas.
      Funny we did not see any such language going the other way? Nothing about us being able to make fair and necessary use of Google's "intellectual property". Oh, no, no, quite the opposite. After all we "developers" are not their "employees", we certainly have not been afforded those kinds of rights and assurances of employees have we? No reason Google should have acquired any rights to any intellectual property we might develop on OUR OWN TIME or why WE SHOULD NOT SUE GOOGLE should it mistakenly ascertain that after it it really did need "OUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" to further Google's "BUSINESS PURPOSES".
     Any chance Google might actually write these things down say ON PAPER and STAPLE and COLLATE them in order? So much easier to try and make sense of one's terms and conditions if they are not presented to one in what appear to be home-made movies made by virtual children whom one is not even sure work for Google or, alas, do not?
     Oh we can be so picky! Any chance Google might actually have its lawyers prepare say just a little itsy-bitsy statement that some people might wish actually to have their own lawyers look over all this material presented in such a DECEPTIVELY OFF-HAND WAY? Just a guess. Sometimes we scare ourselves we seem to make so much more sense than the ones who are paid so much NOT to get GOOGLE SUED? Finally while we are at it the "Terms and Conditions" do seem to anticipate at least the possibility of less than total harmony, their close making clear (unilaterally of course) that should their be any little disagreement that "Calfiornia Law Shall Govern". Only that is "As to choice of law provisions".
       Any of you twenty-year-old developers happen to have a clue what that might be about? Well, just going out on a limb, let us just guess that Google believes the laws of the Great State of California can be expected to bring a FAVORABLE outcome in any dispute against Google, which after all pays about half the State's budget, does it not? However, in the rare case where Google might not be expected to win , such as to the children's work laws which instead look favorable in say the Great Nation of Tibet, in that case might it not be prudent to have the Googlers pack up their suits and in that one special-circumstance case make at least just that one long flight over to Tibet, give the others a break on that airfare just that once? Sometimes it is just so hard to make sense of what really are one's best ime/tions

Copyright 2013 Little L & Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

13 October 2013


    Sunday, October 13, 2013 Orlando, Florida    1 + 1 = 2;  2 + 2 = 4;  3 + 3 = 6!!!  It is that simple. Shutdown + Economy = DISASTER.  It is so discouraging to have to witness this unbelievable Government Shutdown.  I, Little L can't tell you how many times I have had to Accept and Live with the will of the ALMIGHTY VOTE.  The people have spoken. The vote has been counted and OBAMACARE won.  This Shutdown is unnecessary.  This Shutdown is a result of Extortion, Extortion of the American People.  I for one am FURIOUS.  Ted Cruz (R) Senator from Texas, please Cruz on down the road..... I wish this Yahoooooo would Cruz on down the road. Go have a cup of tea and leave the Country to people who know how to Govern.  As if TEXAS didn't have enough to be sick about, now they have another disgrace to deal with and his name is TED CRUZ. Please Cruz on down the road TED. I know, I know Ted can not be blamed for all our problems, but he sure has asked for all the credit! I will never read "Green Eggs and Ham" again.....
     Parents from the start teach their children to follow the rules.  They tell their children that rules should be followed and that if they do not like a rule they work to have the rules changed through the appropriate channels.  Parents do not tell their children to break the rules, or to ignore the rules.  Parents also teach their children to respect the vote, they teach their children that voting is a privilege not a given, and that the vote is to be respected.  I have many friends and relatives who do not share my political beliefs.  I respect each and every one of them.
      I respect their right to have their opinion and their vote.  That is what makes this Nation of ours great.  The Government Shutdown is causing unnecessary hardship for American Citizens.  It does not discriminate, all classes, races, and ages are being affected.  I can't even enjoy TEA anymore, because it reminds me of the OBNOXIOUS TEA PARTY.  Power and Money, that is what this whole mess is about in my opinion.
     We the people, need to stand up and contact our public servants and express our complete dissatisfaction with what we see as a complete collapse of Good Judgement and Will of the Majority. You can find out who your Elected Government Officials are by going to www.usa.gov/Contact/Elected.shtml .  Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of this great Nation we call the United States of America.  It does not matter to me if you are a Democrat or a Republican, now is the time to show up and speak up, before irrefutable damage is done.
     If this Great Nation the USA defaults and does not pay our debts we are guaranteed to have a negative outcome.  We are the LAUGHING STOCK OF THE WORLD.  We are being viewed as a bunch of children throwing a tantrum.  A true Brat among Nations.  Enough Already!!!!

Copyright 2013 Little L and Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

04 October 2013

CREDO Phone Service Save Money Get Your Full Cash Credit Switch Back From ATT And Verizon Contract Hell, Plus Stop Readers' Payments Funding Senator Superstupid Ted Cruz "Tea Party" Titantic Plus All Giant ATT And Verizon Giveaways

       Friday, 4 Octobeer 2013, WASHINGTON, D.C. -  Superstupid Senator Ted Cruz (R- Texas, surprise, surprise)  what more perfect de facto voice of that awesome phenomenon in the United States come to be known as the "Tea Party". The name evokes richly textured small-town communities of mostly more mature thoughtful women discussing topics in knitting circles with others they may have known for decades, not to mention of course the seminal American historical Revolutionary event which started the United States on its long and hard-fought road to independence.
       Only fitting that Cruzian "Tea Partiers" of today distort that essential foundation of our Nation's history to debase it to a series of meaningless noisemaker events worthy of nothing more than the decimation of a collapsing country. Only this country to be rendered once again into the Republicans' timelessly failed recipe for repeated homeland economic disasters a la "Apocalypse Now", copyright the Doors, is our own fault.
       As usual the big-slime corporate donors want readers wrongly to believe "they are helpless" but to keep dumping money in the coffers of social pariahs like ATT and Verizon busy using confused callers perpetually extending "contract fees" (i.e. their latest consumer ripoffs) vying for those coveted front tables at the latest iteration of their "Tea Party" luncheon where they can sit just feet (oh boy!) from the Superstupid Tea Partier Supreme (yesterday dragged from the House of Reprsentatives because he did not know which house of Congress to which he belonged blabbing his phony filibuster). Sentaor Cruz may have his no doubt gathering henchman explain to him who is giving what so that it is easier to keep it straight on "payback" day, which in the Republican spirit unabashedly was cemented by former movie star and poster child for the disadvantaged Ronald Reagan.
       As best we recall before his Presidential inauguration speech had even begun Reagan's staff already had started working the front rows assuring luminaries such as then Searle President ("Pigheart") Cheney that that pesky aspartame ruling (causes brain cancer, does not everything?) would be reversed as soon as "Big Ron" could be taught to sign (no, NOT PRINT) his name to the orders to the FDA Administrator. No need to wait even until the Administrator could be replaced with someone more "enlightened", or should we say "encumbered" with the famous Cheney signature pallets of crisp new stacks of $100 bills straight from the mint press to the helipad do NOT pass time-consuming bill serial number recording.
       Speaking of brain cancer why not FINALLY ALREADY turn our attention back to today and the selfless generosity of ATT and Verizon wireless extended to the "Tea Party" morons and most of all their self-styled brainless leader Senator Ted Cruz, hear the tea spoons clanking around in his empty noggin?). The link below will help fill in those "interested" (or shall we just say "thoroughly nauseated" readers) with fascinating key participation of these well-practiced sleight-of-contract cellphone grifters ATT and Verizon whom we might thank our lucky stars do not get in the automobile sales, leasing and repair business (as far as we know, that is) were we not reasonably confident that they left no stone unturned getting a hand in EVERYONE's pocket except maybe in those countries which do not yet have pockets.
       The reported facts are presented in the CREDO cellular service advertisement set out below but are worthy of brief empahsis here. CREDO by the way is the modern-day mobile iteration of Working Assets which was the pioneer in social activism amongst long-distance landline carriers which monthly let its callers make free long-distance telephone calls directly to provided direct-dial numbers of callers representatives in Washington.
       The Ninth Amendment log does not take any money or remuneration whatsoever for any commercial interest that we on a unanimous vote of the editorial board believe worth of presenting in the body of a post. We have never spoken or communicated in any way with any such entity when we have made recommendations solely on the basis of our own observations and opinions. Likewise no guarantees, although we try to be sparing with only those recommendations we deem most worthy of mention in hopes that they may raise readers knowledge base and standard of living as better, more broadly informed consumers. The Ninth Amendment does not however exercise any control over advertisements in the borders of this log chosen through an auction process by Google adsense, and on which we give no input. Readers are encouraged as always to do their own research. For allegedly untracked and unrecorded queries on subjects with a secure connection when available the Ninth Amendment frequently does "searches" with qrobe.it (HTTPS) which is so described by Mozilla.org for its Firefox browser as an additional search engine which can be added to the drop-down search box list by going to the term "Manage Search Engines" after which point it remains available on the drop-down list. The link below the CREDO notice contains the terms of the CREDO mobile offer.

Copyright 2014 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved (no claim to CREDO material)

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Senator Ted Cruz is the ringleader of the current government shutdown—taking millions of Americans hostage in an attempt to thwart the will of voters in the 2012 election by defunding or delaying Obamacare. He even sought to thwart the will of his fellow senators by staging a rambling 21-hour faux-filibuster when he couldn't get enough colleagues to join a real filibuster.

Get 25% off your monthly data plan fee for two years*
Thanks to the shutdown, more than 2 million federal workers won't get paid on time—and 800,000 furloughed employees may never get paid for the shutdown period. The CDC has halted its flu program, just as flu season kicks into gear. National parks have closed, which is expected to cause the communities around them to lose an estimated $30 million a day.

If the shutdown lasts more than a few weeks, millions of veterans may not get their disability claims or pension payments, and low-income pregnant women and new moms may stop getting the help they need to buy healthy food for their families.

And who helped Mr. Cruz go to Washington? Verizon Wireless and AT&T. Both telecom giants contributed thousands of dollars to his 2012 Senate campaign.

On top of that, Verizon has contributed $220,600 and AT&T a whopping $1,093,000 since 2009 to members of the House and Senate Tea Party Caucuses, who have pushed Republicans in Congress to hostage-taking extremism.

At CREDO, we don't fund radical right politicians like Ted Cruz—we fight them. We fight through our powerhouse network of 3 million activists at CREDO Action. Over the past week, we rallied more than 13,000 of our activists to call Republicans and demand that they vote against the shutdown. And another 9,000 called Democrats, urging them not to cave to outrageous Republican demands.

We also donate millions of dollars each year to nonprofit groups working for progressive change. Since 1985, we've raised $75 million for groups like Planned Parenthood, Democracy Now! and 350.org.

The more members we have, the harder we can fight back against extremists like Ted Cruz.

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Call 877-346-0516 and mention special offer code 318145 or join online today. Offer expires October 11, 2013.

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03 October 2013

BREAKING NEWS MANHATTAN: U.S. Drone Reportedly Crashes In Manhattan (After Government Gas Runs Out) Picked Up By Curious Bystander Who Examines Photocard

       Thursday, 3 October 2013, MANHATTAN- CBS Television News reported that just over SEVENTEEN HOURS AGO, when mostly freshman United States Representatives and their idiot House loser leader Boehner along with lost Senate Republican freshman prodigy Ted Cruz (no known relation to the actor) cut of the money for all Americans' headwear just as flu season started, cut off the temporary funds to keep the government afloat with temporary money, and forced the entire United States to stop work and defer paying millions of its Federal employees sending most of them home with no pay for the coming weeks. The Congress is not believed to have chosen to do the same to itself. Meanwhile as we prepared for press reports began coming in from CBS-TV news in New York that a (nonexistent) drone has crashed on a busy street (are they not all) in Manhattan? No government gas.
       Except the really important adolescents who work for the National Security Agencies and those who pack lox lunches and dinners for the generally heavier old Republicans before they go home and pat themselves on the back, Senator Cruz reportedly was either delirious or under the influence of borderline "brain death". Not unlike his beloved protege lame duck Texas "Village Idiot" Rick "Payback" Perry had been at the now infamous Republican nationally televised "Perry brain freeze". Whatever the case Cruz is a Senator with high hopes in the Republican party for carrying the mantle of the "Tea Party Republicans" boldly into the fully forseeable budget disaster which awaits us all.
       Although frugal California Governor Jerry Brown has not ever even been known to set foot in his "California" limo or mothballed "mansion", Texas Brain Duck Governor George "little shrub" Perry could be seen to once again shed a crocodile tear as Bush gleefully loaded his laser-sighted six shooter with some extra bullets in his mouth for good luck. "Better bullets than bandaids" the really extremely  short Perry reportedly quipped as he accidentally clipped a tree beside his beloved Labrador and sent his bodyguards diving for cover from his errant bullets which could have bought vaccine for a whole clinic.
       As reported here some weeks ago the relatively tiny and shrinking number of Texas "Tea Party" dupes see Perry idiot protege Senator Steve Cruz as the flag bearer of the "Tea Party" mantle that confused ignorant hope for salvation, having squandered earlier money on nonexistent coyote problems and boldly living out the fantasy of the "Tea Party King". (Some of those American Republicans sure do like Kings, like George of England.) They know on which side their toast is dusted.
       So Senator Cruz finally last night had to be physically escorted from the House of Representatives reminded that he is a big Senator now but NOT also a Congressional Republican Representative who does NOT get to vote twice to dump our Nation's living and eating money as might have been expected by this latest disastrous Republican financial "hero of ruin".
       And just the most recent Republican to take the Country down the sewer drain amidst fear, stupidity and recrimination. The most memorable last financial disaster of a sick fear-mongering Republican, well that would of course be just another long-time dope addict's run taking the Country along on the road to financial ruin was Republican star Senator McCarthy. As Cruz quivered wondering what next Mengelian medical research hare-brained scheme Republicans (many of whom are too stupid to marticulate from an accredited United States Law School and in any case not be able to succeed on their medical boards without a good deal of  grease-fillled Republican hand-squeezing).
      At least Senator Cruz can take comfort that he is not the only one in over his had as clearly now after his SECOND totally failed chance to divert further compounding of Republican-created disasters in a totally bad faith disingenuous last minute call unbelievably AGAIN to meet with President Obama TWENTY MINUTES before they lock up the government BOEHNER a COUPLE YEARS LATER STILL WANTS TO BE PLAYING with dredging up decades of yet more new dead old issues in a desperate attempt to run down the clock. The United States does not just have to close up the public restroom here and say, phew! that was a close one.
       And they even try to make the Republicans look like someone's heroes? Who their mothers? Do the Republicans WHO CAN ALWAYS SEE THE DOCTOR WHENEVER THEY WANT really believe that for making sure that the Americans' long ago duly fully legally passed universal health care is further diverted while these Speaker Boehner and fellow turkey Republicans play cock-a-doodle-doo with the real hard-working Americns' need for life and death health care now is going to make them some kind of heroes for thinking up stupid old lies as fast they can to kill off the people who voted for them?
       Now that is over how about a litttle time to go out and get a little cash in the palms, eh eh? Heck, their voters can wait all day in the emergency room for basic medical care (paid for by the State not the Feds mind you readers) for a while longer just like always (and probably catch something far worse while they are waiting in that germ pit.)
       No dice for the hot shot Republicans until after they have gone round and gotten paid off by all their insurance company pals and the people THOSE REPUBLICANS REALLY REPRESENT. We know they will be going to see their doctors in the morning, getting paid their Congressional salaries and honorariums and a little of this and a little of that just a small gift oh just fine, and sitting down for a nice steak dinner for lunch before they go to sleep with a job well -- NOT done. But just that one last thing must be sure to collect the dues BEFORE the pressure is off, right?  Oh yes indeed it is business as usual in the Grand Old Party, just do not get stomped on (or worse) by that big old elephant. . . . . Because we will sure want to see you still when we need next need you.

Copyright 2013 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved. No claim to CBS-TV following link.


01 October 2013

Please "Like" N.S.A. To Facilitate Use Of Americans' "Mainway" Metadata To Monitor Your Phone, E-Mail, GPS, Family, Friends, Lovers, Acquaintances, Social Network Relationships

       Monday, 30 September 2013, THE TOWER OF LONDON - "Power Corrupts. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely." What on God's Earth could Lord Acton have meant by those convoluted words so confusing to the ordinary cryptographer as to surely have meant nothing at all? No doubt His Lordship uttered them just as thoughtlessly as the Founding Fathers entirely consistent with their otherwise tediously nonchalant drafting of the United States Constitution included the Ninth Amendment when they circulated it to the several states as one of the original Twelve two of which must have been really bad as the States could not even stomach that balderdash and had to trim the whole lot down to the Ten renumbered and come to be known as the "Bill of Rights" (or to today's three branches of Government the "Invoice of Suggestions".)
       Yea! did the Founding Fathers furthermore that fateful summer in addition to verily vestigial verbiage plunked elsewhere in the Preamble and Body of the Constitution's text lavishly extoll and make use of their many lustrous and other select arsenal of ponderous words for no reason at all other than to waste their time, breath, energy and to avoid having to go back a moment too soon to their families, whom in any case the N.S.A. had it fully metastasized could have been keeping an eye on them making sure lest they leave anything out of their letters or their (beta) Facebook entries.
       We might admit it appeared ever so slightly challenging to this Ninth Amendment editorial board for a while to predict the who and when until having done nothing to stop it came the next wave of perpetration of widespread U.S. Government overreaching, abuses of powers and outright violations of long-established laws as soon as those misdeeds became technologically feasible and "cost-effective" in that special "national security" sense of the term. That is any cost is effective and every security is national.
       Now despite N.S.A. General Keith Alexander's assurances of facile necessity like technology run amok with hackers the breaches of our liberties have rumbled exponentially close behind with the government hacking at the heels of our private lives at 20 million hits of metadata an hour. Turns out we really do not need to know exactly what you were doing on the telephone with the ACLU two hours a week, because we have a pretty good idea, and especially after the N.S.A. Hearing (oh, that is us!) then they spoke with the Center for Constitutional Rights for just another hour (told you those CCRS were always even a wee bit sneakier, a wee bit craftier). And zoom in on that wall at the Facebook birthday party video at their National Offices would you? 25X magnification, 17 filters, and, oh, hand over the night vision goggles while the candles are burning, just make out that "Master Litigation Chart" as if with the naked eye right there, eh? 
       Surely those "powers" of continuous contiguous surveillance which were never granted to any State most definitely not the Federal Government in 1789 nay to the N.S.A. nor any of the other fifteen or twenty others in any of the two-and-a-quarter-centuries thereafter (just thank goodness the Military stays out of our Government, has no interest in it like in those banana republics!) in the solemn and sacred Compact with the People known as the U.S. Constitution, so therefore according to the plain parameters of that document in fact remain vested exclusively as the inalienable rights (cannot take them away) and sole provinces (NO WE NEVER SURRENDER OUR MOST PRIVATE MOMENTS) of  WE THE PEOPLE of THESE UNITED STATES NO OTHER COUNTRY and it is WITH US ALONE they reside. (But who wants privacy if they have nothing to hide? Why not stay pure in the clean bright blinding light of the public arena, like us?)
       Pray read your Declaration of Independence, your Preamble, your Constitution, all your "Charters of Freedom", disseminate them each a thousand times over before THEY tell you SURE they EXIST but NOWHERE do they say YOU can READ THEM! Nowhere do they say we cannot convert them to digital and WIPE THEM CLEAN!
       Readers interested in more lately revealed details of the inexorably growing reality of the N.S.A.'s foreign surveillance turned domestic from warrant to not from cellular phone to e-mail to Facebook to GPS to Cellular Tower/Dishes (No Comment) to acquaintances to co-workers to friends to relatives to family to YOU and your society, media, meetings, schedules, conferences, your children, your pets will not want to miss the following latest New York Times piece including on "Mainway". Please support your New York Times:

Copyright 2013 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved (no claim to New York Times material)

27 September 2013

"Thin Slicing", Necessity To Write, Your Top Public Servants In Congress Vie To Paralyze Government

      Thursday, 27 September 2013, WASHINGTON, DC - The Ninth Amendment Log editorial board recently was pleased to find itself with a thin slice* of free time with digital enthusiasm still growing, even if not necessarily reflected in ability. The dictates of writing emphasizing constantly to the editorial board that this craft unequivocally must have its time for reflection away from the constant demands of continuing publication of this living "tribute" ostensibly to Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.* Blink copyright 2005 Malcolm Gladwell is a fascinating compilation of brief examinations of situations in which literally just a "thin slice" (not really cutting into the brain!) of information in our own and sometimes in experts which enables us to predict human behavior even when provided with astonishingly little information. (As in a college professor who has distilled the work of examining married mail-female couples to the point that by just eavesdropping for a few seconds on a neighboring conversation at a restaurant he can predict to something like 95% accuracy whether they will be married in fifteen years.)
       The act of writing for us has become not just a pleasure but a necessity which drives us through intermediate method to final product. As many readers and others including a range of friends (including former and present government officials) by now are aware from conversations in person and remotely, and physical evidence some of which is under the protection and care of others that the Ninth Amendment (which is made up of individual persons) unfortunately suffered harm, damage, very large (for us) economic loss in order to either repair, upgrade, replace and/or secure former computers' integrity. This includes all manner of injury short of known physical assault from acts clearly evidencing technical malfeasance with our publication, identity theft known to include breaking into e-mail accounts, and related accounts, which were misused for so-called "side-door access" including to all significant functions we control allowing us to bring out the Ninth Amendment as we see fit.  
       Furthermore damages were incurred and federal, state and/or local laws may have been violated under a lay reading of the plain texts of statutes by taking without authorization (theft) "Administrator" status such individuals were acting and purportedly writing legally significant and other correspondence under the name of myself, the editor-in-chief, of this publication. To the best of our knowledge we suffered the first service disruptions of any type consistent with those described above exactly on the same date that information became public of Texas Governor Rick Perry's impending self-imposed end to his unparalleled run in state office culminating in a string of Texas governorships spanning more than thirty-five years.
       According to statistics kept by Google page views of the most viewed page appearing in this Ninth Amendment Log is a more than three-year-old post reporting on Governor Perry which has as of the publication of today's post reached 1,376 specific page views. The Ninth Amendment Log is and always has been political satire, with scattered obvious solemn notes such as our statements honoring our war dead and wounded on Veteran's Day, celebrating the United States Constitution and the pressingly pertinent endurance of its words today, as well of its historical foundation to our County's current experience, and more reflecting a deep and abiding love of that Compact which roots this extraordinary Nation.
       The Ninth Amendment is recognized as such by reasonable persons from the moment they first see the cartoon caricaturing Dr. Hunter S. Thompson on the Ninth Amendment's landing page. Readers easily can discern the focus of the site's mostly political satirical coverage regarding nationally and globally known institutions and individuals.
       Upon learning that Google keeps a record accessible for site administrators such as ours detailing all account activity, including identifying information as to servers and their approximate location including objects from within a proximity of a few feet. More exact location need be pursued through some unfamiliar to us military/national security/similar we expect channels. Upon learning this persons including those participating in the digital publication of the Ninth Amendment consulted the Google listing for this Ninth Amendment Log, a so-called "blog" on Google's "blogger.com". The Ninth Amendment consulted the Google Account Activity site and found that the Ninth Amendment for years has had its server of record at an IP address in Mountain View, California.
       Nevertheless after about five years of uninterrupted publication since its inception in later July 2013 that IP address jumped (in the Google report with no discernable action on the part of anyone working on or for the Ninth Amendment) to a different server having been documented in earlier posts searchable by interested readers. A reverse IP address locater found that the server IP address is at about the southwest corner of the intersection of Van Ness and Market Streets at a facility listed to a previously identified public information search as belonging to the State of California. The reference resource identifies California DTS-cis (?) as providing computer support services to local, state, and federal entities from this location.
        Now patient readers to change gears and assuage your boundless curiosity we reproduce first verbatim the below editorial. As readers see it has been presented by the New York Times unanimously by the Editorial Board. The below is copyright The New York Times. House leaders are threatening economic disaster with an absurd list of discredited demands of "or elses"  that should be:

A Republican Ransom Note

On Wednesday last, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew sent the House a very serious warning that, for the first time, the United States would be unable to pay its bills beginning on Oct. 17 if the debt ceiling is not lifted. House leaders responded on Thursday with one of the least serious negotiating proposals in modern Congressional history: a jaw-dropping list of ransom demands containing more than a dozen discredited Republican policy fantasies.

Today's Editorials

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Readers’ Comments

We’ll refrain from deliberately sabotaging the global economy, Speaker John Boehner and the other leaders said, if President Obama allows more oil drilling on federal lands. And drops regulations on greenhouse gases. And builds the Keystone XL oil pipeline. And stops paying for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And makes it harder to sue for medical malpractice. And, of course, halts health care reform for a year.
The list would be laughable if the threat were not so serious. A failure to raise the debt ceiling would cause a default on government debt, shattering the world’s faith in Treasury bonds as an investment vehicle and almost certainly bringing on another economic downturn. Unlike a government shutdown, a default could leave the Treasury without enough money to pay Social Security benefits or the paychecks of troops.
The full effects remain unknown because no Congress has ever allowed the government to go over the brink before. The Government Accountability Office estimated that simply by threatening to default in 2011, Republicans cost taxpayers $1.3 billion in higher interest payments because of that uncertainty. The 10-year cost of those higher-interest bonds is $18.9 billion.
Any sober-minded lawmaker should realize that the danger of trifling with the debt limit is far too high. But Mr. Boehner has been encouraging his members to toss their pet projects — hey, let’s insist on Congressional approval for every major federal regulation! — onto the towering list of demands.
By day’s end, many Republican members remained skeptical of the leadership plan. But the House leaders clearly hope the president will take the bait and negotiate on a few items on the list, forcing him to break his promise never to bargain over the debt ceiling. Many items on the list are intended to put vulnerable red-state Democratic senators on the spot should the plan wind up in their chamber. One of them, Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, said Thursday he could support a year’s delay on health reform. If the unified Democratic opposition to the debt-ceiling threat is shattered in the Senate, the pressure on Mr. Obama to come to the table would be intense.
But the absurdity of the list shows just how important it is that Mr. Obama ignore every demand and force the House extremists to decide whether they really want to be responsible for an economic catastrophe. He made a mistake by negotiating in 2011, hoping to reach a grand bargain; that produced the corrosive sequester cuts.
To prevent the House from making every debt-ceiling increase an opportunity to issue extortionist demands for rejected policies they can achieve in no other way, the president has to put an end to the routine creation of emergencies once and for all by simply saying no.

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