08 March 2013

CIA Front Google Loads Deceptive New "Gadgets" In Blogspot After Antitrust CIA Facebook Zuckerboy Misdeeds Crushed By Staggering European Fines

     Friday, 8 March 2013, LANGLEY, VA. - Just days after perennial sneak criminal CIA Tool Zuckerboy (aka "Zuckerman") through his Facebook (CIA codename "Facelog" or "Mugbook") franchise has been slapped down again by European regulators with a staggering antitrust fine nearing one billion dollars, the CIA through its direct Google database retrieval and storage front is encouraging "blogsters" to add new gadgets embedded with costly deceptive "advertising" traps for unwary readers.
     Google allegedly originally was hatched under cover at MIT where many classically illegal CIA covert Vietnam projects were funded (ask Noam Chomsky) as a new generation link-based "searchtool". The CIA believed to have a phony indemnification agreement with Zuckerboy's Facebook reportedly is scrambling for more money through whatever means possible, including duping American readers directly rather than through its so-called "Black-Ops" budget dumped on it annually by Americans' representatives.
     Apparently once European allies are not so amused with CIA attempts to catalog every face and location on the planet via Facebook and Google. Moreover they are recouping the price of former "President" George "little shrub" Bush.dragging them into bogus conflicts which cost them untold amounts of casualties, money and the fall of governments.
     The CIA after the debacle of General Moron Petraeus whose CIA computer was hacked while he served as Director of the CIA spending his time corresponding by e-mail with his paid mistress and using the computer password "Spot" oversaw the CIA through a stunning series of setbacks starting with the Taliban walking unchallenged into the CIA's main Afghanistan headquarters base and mowing down CIA agents eventually all forcing President Obama to fire him from his CIA job as well as his previous job as Afghanistan military commander.
     The CIA is so desperate for funds through its Google front reportedly it also actually is encouraging "blogsters" to put "Paypal" donation buttons as new features on their so-called "blogs" reportedly to siphon off funds for its latest misadventures. Not to mention a daily Marine Corps quote. Reportedly worthy General Petraeus quotes also were to be a proposed new "gadget", but few could be located and those would be unsuitable as they all appeared to CIA analysts to be inarticulate criticisms of the United States Government and/or arguably pornographic.
     As for the "Paypal" begging plan The Ninth Amendment editorial board assures readers it has no plans to join in the classically deceptive new CIA-Google begging plan at least until the CIA either goes away or abides by its charter to stay out of the United States and do something good for the world that would once again make this Great Country proud that it is something more than a base for U.S. Government-funded worldwide assassins, an avid creator and supporter of terrorists who then turn on the United States, an enemy of worldwide democracy, and has proven at least one sadly inept and dangerous spy agency, both to the CIA itself where like the DEA it routinely turns on its own operatives and leaves them out to dry (as documented in its attempted effort to do so in the recent Academy Award winning 2013 Best Picture of the Year "Argo"), and to the citizens of the United States who inevitably unknowingly suffer the "blowback" of its ill-conceived murderous misadventures. God Bless America..

 Coyright 2013 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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