10 October 2016

CIA Medical Torture "Legacy Of Damaged Minds" NY Times Documents CIA Guilt Mengelian Atrocity War Crimes And Crimes Against Humanity UPDATE

       Monday, 10 October 2016, NEW  YORK, NY - The editorial board of the Ninth Amendment provides interested readers with yet further gruesome evidence documented firsthand in the extensive New York Times articles linked to below of some of the resulting ghastly often apparently permanent psychological damage to victims directly caused by torture crimes against humanity largely committed by criminally insane CIA career psychopaths such as Alfreda Bikowsky perpetrating a covert sick depraved criminal enterprise initially under the auspices of those such as notably the notorious head of the CIA Counterterrorism Center, drone mass murderer and principal architect of the CIA kidnapping, detention and torture criminal conspiracy namely the still as yet unprosecuted Michael D'Andrea aka "the Undertaker" aka "the Wolf" aka "Mike" aka "Roger".
        The CIA clearly criminal program of glaring basic human rights abuses encompassed many deeply disturbed others at every level down to some remaining on site eventually lacking any meaningful oversight at all thus left to descend into the "heart of darkness" inspired to commit further self-devised criminal atrocities with no apparent consequences at Guantanamo and CIA global "black site" secret kidnap torture prisons ostensibly in and under the direction of the Bush/Cheney administration with the culpability including up to the highest DoD officials and further atrocities committed by the DIA all in violation of domestic and international laws, treaties and conventions. To date none of those involved have been prosecuted under the Obama administration nor in any other proceeding.
       All responsible, conspiring and/or connected to including as accessories may be brought to justice and prosecuted in various jurisdictions, countries and tribunals including without limitation the International Criminal Court for the remainder of their lives.

UPDATES: For interested readers see added second link below to more recent New York Times article detailing inadequate psychiatric care of "detainees" at Guantanamo due among other things to requirement that doctors ignore all evidence of ongoing effects and evidence of torture of "patients". Interested readers may also go to a more recently added third link below detailing how CIA doctors contributed to CIA torture practices by actually developing enhancements to torture practices such as waterboarding which exposed CIA victims to actual near-drowning that risked death. The op-ed piece relates that the CIA withheld information of CIA doctors participation in torture in direct contravention to their Hippocratic oath.
     The documentation finally was released pursuant to an ACLU lawsuit with an example document accessible in the body of the piece. It notes that no CIA physician ever objected to the torture practices their only contributions to be to make the torture worse. Because of the delay in this information becoming public CIA physicians up until its release have been spared the excoriation to which psychologists who participated in designing the worthless CIA torture program have been subjected. The CIA torture program caused untold human suffering and death while yielding absolutely no intelligence whatsoever of any use in fighting terrorism or preventing a single terrorist act but did succeed in making all involved including CIA psychologists and also CIA physicians the new evidence shows subject to prosecution for torture as well as war crimes and crimes against humanity for the remainder of their lives.
     Interested readers also may go to the new fourth link below to a 3 November 2016 New York Times entire editorial board opinion arguing that the U.S. should join the ICC also providing more information on the ICC and noting that the United States "shamefully" was one of only seven countries in the world to reject and refuse to join in the 1998 "Rome Statute" which is the foundational document of the ICC with jurisdiction over atrocities such as genocide and other crimes against humanity which have failed to be prosecuted at home.
     Although President Clinton had finally signed it before leaving office the U.S. Senate did not ratify it. Later after 9/11 when the George W. Bush administration adopted the practice of among other things perpetrating torture in violation of U.S. domestic law and international treaties and conventions to which the U.S. is a signatory party the not-really-elected Bush-Cheney administration "actively sought to undermine the ICC".
It gave specious reasons but actually doubtless sought to destroy the ICC out of self-centered perhaps well-founded fears that its own administration members and co-conspirators up to and including, e.g., Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bikowsky and others would be further subject to prosecution by the ICC for what they clearly knew to be their torture atrocities among other things comprising crimes against humanity.
     The U.S. Congress also tried to seal the deal by passing a bill barring any U.S. cooperation with the ICC even authorizing the use of force to "rescue" any American on trial before the ICC. The manifest acts of kidnapping, torture and murder as well as other blatantly unconstitutional unlawful atrocities of the United States condemned worldwide up through and including the Obama administration have marked a new era for a new millennium in U.S. history gravely damaging the United States moral authority globally as well as threatening the very foundational principles of its system of government .
     Those grossly thoughtless of long-term consequences blindly vengeful U.S. government knee jerk responses obviously have played right into the hands of terrorist groups seeking to discredit the United States as hypocritical and unworthy of any claims as a beacon of moral integrity in the eyes of other countries. All the while incrementally itself planting the seeds of destruction domestically as the State adopts and/or practices now merely on the pretense of contrived knowingly bogus legal authority if any at all steadily incremental encroachments on domestic liberties as claimed necessary to secure but ironically actually threatening to destroy the core values of the U.S. Constitution which alone has graced the United States with its continuous unparalleled in modern times strong and prosperous continuity of existence for nearly two and one half centuries.
     The fifth link below for interested readers with further links therein is to a letter published in the New York Times from the U.N. and European Union Director of the Global Justice Center supporting and urging demands that the United States join the International Criminal Court (ICC). ICC jurisdiction already extends to citizens of all countries including even the United States whether ICC member or not where those individuals are charged with committing genocide and other crimes against humanity in any ICC member countries such as, e.g., in those which have "hosted" CIA black sites operated by U.S. citizens.

     UPDATES: More recently two CIA secret prison torturees and the representative of a third torturee who was murdered by the CIA after lengthy torture by being short-chained to a wall and frozen to death at a CIA "black site" have succeeded as of late November 2016 in advancing a lawsuit filed in October 2015 in Washington Federal District Court in Spokane against the pair of notorious CIA contractor "Torture Psychologists" Drs. James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen together paid over $80 million by the CIA to design and evidence now released shows actually participated directly in the worthless unconstitutional and blatantly illegal under federal and international law and treaties CIA post-9/11 depraved torture atrocity program.
     The extensive illegal brutal CIA (as well as DIA and "freelancers") torture yielded no actionable intelligence of any value whatsoever as extensively documented in the 2014 Senate Torture Report which indisputably established the CIA pervasive worthless criminal barbaric use of illegal torture for years which further passed the threshold for findings of war crimes and/or crimes against humanity.
     It seems highly unlikely the not-really-elected "Vice-President" Dick "Criminal Notorious" Cheney who as validated by his own tax returns sought to and did wrongly vastly augment his personal wealth through control of and/or deep involvement in criminal conspiracies for profit abusing the power of his office all the while taking every possible opportunity his position afforded him to perpetrate for his own enrichment U.S. government international contract fraud and blatant rip-offs as well as atrocities for profit which have even eventually culminated in murder and other most serious criminal convictions and sentences for a few of his lawless associates while Cheney "served" (himself) under the Bush/Cheney administration but nevertheless somehow missed the opportunity to acquire his share of the inevitable spoils of this CIA torture program he after all championed as well "and would again". Given his reliably horrendous record which makes his disgraced party predecessor Spiro Agnew look like a rank amateur choirboy Cheney doubtless would see his own profit from the CIA torture program of unimaginable human suffering to be no less than one more instance of his entitlement which suggests that even if not yet found out it may well still prove to be so.
     None involved yet have been subjected to any prosecution shielded domestically to date illegally and immorally by President Obama and DOJ although various courts and tribunals still have jurisdiction over all involved from the very BushCheney top to bottom in the CIA torture program for years of heinous criminal actions which cry out for justice to be served under domestic and international law, conventions and treaties including by the International Criminal Court which is but one venue where they all will remain subject to international arrest and prosecution without limitation for the remainder of their lives.
     The instant case is significant particularly because it may serve as a precedent for civil justice to CIA torture victims as it has gone forward this far since filed despite objections to this federal court proceeding by DOJ which to date however has not derailed the case by having it summarily dismissed asserting the much abused made up by the Executive Branch actually non-existent under actual law so-called "state secrets" bogus privilege. It is one of several bogus privileges often wrongly claimed by the State merely with the rote essentially unchallengeable assertion of a proceeding being a threat to "national security". That often suspect claim itself in reality appearing nowhere as a privilege under statutory law but nevertheless used to force a legal proceeding to an immediate conclusion requiring no show of evidence or support at all.
     Readers interested in more information about the above lawsuit can go to the sixth link below including links to newer CIA documentation of torture unwillingly made public as a result of an ACLU lawsuit as well as including a description of a book just being published written by Dr. Mitchell long excoriated by his former colleagues and most of the rest of the world including terrorists that would like to kill him in which he seeks to rehabilitate his reputation, exonerate himself and convince readers of his innocence despite having designed and actually participated in the CIA torture program while seemingly wrongly characterizing both his prior actually very limited relevant experience and downplaying the grave nature of and his responsibility for and participation in the resulting CIA worthless criminal torture he designed. For good measure apparently to win over even more skeptical readers Dr. Mitchell reportedly also asserts in his book that he actually got only a very little (unspecified amount) of the over $80 million of taxpayers' money the CIA paid to just him and his partner Dr. Jessen to design the less-than-worthless CIA torture program. Perhaps tellingly very early on before implementation it was called by the one apparently experienced CIA official in this area who then promptly left the agency "a train wreck waiting to happen".
     Putative "President-elect" Trump who reportedly does not read promised in his campaign to revive "waterboarding and worse" even when informed that it constituted torture and also repeatedly has proven consistently not to provide any useful nor actionable "intelligence" results nevertheless replied "[t]hey deserve it anyway" still may have difficulties should he attempt to revive it for reasons that interested readers can find by going to link seven below. Josef Mengele heinous medical war crimes and crimes against humanity have been specifically analogized including on the floor of the U.S. Senate to the CIA deceptive inclusion of its "doctors" and psychologists in the medical atrocity designing of and participation in the CIA perpetrated barbaric unconstitutional and domestic and international unlawful "torture program" war crimes and crimes against humanity as set forth for interested freaders in the link eight below.









Copyright 2016 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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