02 January 2017

Prosecute Trump Felony Violations Of Logan Act The "Siberian Candidate's" Action To Defeat U.S. Foreign Policy In Russia, China, Israel And Elsewhere

     Monday, 2 January 2017, Washington, D.C. - The editorial board of the Ninth Amendment urges all appropriate federal prosecutors to do their sworn duty and immediately without delay initiate all necessary steps to commence the federal criminal felony prosecution of "Siberian Candidate" Donald J. Trump including for several of "Siberian Candidate" Trump's indisputably known violations of the "Logan Act" 18 U.S.C. § 953 the current text of which federal statute is set forth in its true and correct entirety below.
     This statute officially entitled "[p]rivate correspondence with foreign governments" provides that any private U.S. citizen who without U.S. authority in any way communicates with any foreign government with intent to influence the measures or conduct of that foreign government in relation to any "disputes or controversies" or to "defeat the measures" of the United States is in violation of the statute and shall be fined or imprisoned for not more than three years or both.
     "Siberian Candidate" Donald J. Trump indisputably has been and is in violation of the statute on its face because he currently continues to be and at all times before the present has been a private U.S. citizen unauthorized to act in any capacity for the United States government. Moreover it is axiomatic that "Siberian Candidate" Donald J. Trump's statutory violation(s) extend(s) to any other private U.S. citizen who attempts to act and/or has or conspired to act as set forth in the statute on "Siberian Candidate" Trump's behalf "directly or indirectly" including without limitation for example all Trump's co-conspirators. former and present employees, agents, campaign workers, volunteers, friends, colleagues. advisers, donors, contributors and those appointed and/or to be nominated for a position in any currently expected "Siberian Candidate" Trump presidential administration.
     "Siberian Candidate" Trump's felony violations of this statute are well-documented by his own widespread publication and communication of them to the public including federal prosecutors and widely known including without limitation his illegal and damaging intentional and highly dangerous interference with the United States "one China" policy in place since the administration of President Jimmy Carter, as well as his direct public invitation to and encouragement of the criminal Russian government's military and espionage intelligence agencies under orders from the highest official levels of the criminal Russian Government hostile to the United States to continue to engage in hostilities against the United States by committing both themselves and on their behalf by third parties the illegal theft and hostile to the United States release of the private communications of "Siberian Candidate" Trump's campaign opponent and by extension the private communications of a United States' major political party with "Siberian Candidate" Trump fully aware of his encouragement of the criminal Russian Government's continuing hostilities against the United States with the hostile intent of threatening both the United States' voting public/s and others' confidence in and the bedrock Constitutional integrity of the United States domestic democratic political and electoral institutions and processes.
     These hostilities against the United States including by the highest criminal official levels of the hostile foreign Russian government's direction and participation in intolerable active hostilities to interfere, influence, and invade the sanctity of the United States' presidential election cry out not for thoughtless encouragement from mindless criminal "Siberian Candidate" Trump but for fully justified and doubtless globally supported massive hostile retaliation by the United States including but not limited to against the highest levels of the criminal Russian government whose actions continue to include those meant to irrevocably damage the highest levels of the United States government and thus must be responded to with just and overwhelming retribution.
     "Siberian Candidate" Trump/s current public encouragement both of Israel and the criminal hostile Russian government to "hold out" until his apparently expected but currently non-existent administration takes office with "Siberian Candidate" Trump's stated current criminal actions directly both to "influence the measures and conduct" of those countries contrary to official existing United States government "disputes or controversies" with those countries, as well as "Siberian Candidate" Trump's present actions directly to "defeat the measures" of the United States government all clearly violate the statute.
     These include those articulated and demonstrated by the United States in the United Nations as to Israel which "Siberian Candidate" Trump actively attempted to sabotage by communicating to Israel that they should and could be ignored, likewise "Siberian Candidate" Trump's positive encouragement of continuing hostile criminal Russian government actions and conduct threatening the United States national security by communicating messages directly contrary to the present most serious official retaliatory signaling including by the United States current imposition of publicly announced further sanctions against the Russian government including the United States expulsion of Russian "diplomats" determined to be Russian spies acting under diplomatic cover.
      Criminal "Siberian Candidate" Trump's repeated statutory violations further are evidenced by his intentional interference with the United States observance of the critical "one China" policy mentioned above which in addition to seriously threatening sensitive China relations directly also is especially significant because its recognition further serves to help maintain China as the United States sole viable conduit with any semblance of some apparent measure of control over the entirely isolated most unpredictable highly militarized extremely dangerous nuclear weapon delivery capability determined hostile nation of North Korea.    
     In addition to the above indisputable publicly known "Siberian Candidate" Donald J. Trump criminal violations of the Logan Act which most readily come to mind are at least several others which have been reported and confirmed. Doubtless there are others known to the United States government and undoubtedly further violations which will come to be known to the United States government and perhaps the public in the coming weeks unless criminal "Siberian Candidate" Donald J. Trump's illegal and dangerous conduct is brought to an immediate halt as one component of the imminent initiation by federal prosecutors of criminal proceedings against "Siberian Candidate" criminal Donald J. Trump for his many brazen violations of the Logan Act.
     The editorial board of the Ninth Amendment most strongly believes and emphatically urges the immediate commencement of all viable official legal actions that may be brought against "Siberian Candidate" criminal Donald J. Trump be brought now in the less than two weeks before "Siberian Candidate" criminal Trump expects to be sworn into office facilitating any subsequent criminal prosecutions as soon as possible such that the day of "Siberian Candidate" criminal Trump's expected taking of office may never take place. 
     It should be frighteningly apparent to any conscious sane society that criminal "Siberian Candidate" Trump is far too disturbed to hold the United States presidential authority enabling him to be the sole individual given the singular legally unstoppable authority with or without any counsel whatsoever to initiate the launch sequence of any and all of the United States vast nuclear arsenal which after four minutes will be final and irreversible, as from the very moment that criminal "Siberian Candidate" Trump widely recognized even by members of his own party as perilously unfit were to take office the United States as well as the entirety of human civilization living around the globe immediately would face the most dangerous absolutely unacceptable imminent risk of catastrophic unpredictable total nuclear annihilation threatening all humankind and life the earth has ever known.  

     God Bless America.

True and correct current text of the Logan Act:

18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
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Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 744Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(K), Sept. 13, 1994108 Stat. 2147.)

Copyright 2017 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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