09 November 2017

Trump Lets Putin Cyberattacks Continue Warn Intel Experts Morrell / Rogers Unfit Hack Pompeo Ignores Trump-Russia Grave National Security Dangers Trump Tool CIA Pompeo GOP Liar Incompetent Idiot Or All Three Misstates IC Report Tells FDD Security Summit Trump Election Found Unaltered By Russia SOS Tillerson Revealed Kremlin Pick Spent $0 Of $120MM To Combat Russia

UPDATED to 4 April 2018

       Thursday, 9 November 2017, LANGLEY, VA - GOP Hack congressman Pompeo was laughably more strident about national security matters when they involved nothing more than just mouthing off or criticizing members of the Democratic Party than he has proven under his master mobster GOP Donald "The Donald" Trump. The hypocrite GOP hack CIA Director "Tea Party" Mike "Fatboy" Pompeo formerly undistinguished Kansas GOP hack congressman Mike Pompeo aka "Tea Party" Mike "Fatboy" Pompeo aka "Fatboy Mike" is in bad need of reading the National Security Act of 1947, as amended 1949 ("the Act").
       If Fatboy Mike is himself deficient in reading ability like his master Trump as recently has been suggested by Fatboy Mike's public gross misstatements including without limitation at a recent security summit and intimations since then continuing unabated demonstrating a seeming intractable inability to comprehend the United States Intelligence Community Assessment prepared for former President Barack Obama which widely has been accepted by the sane as relatively important to the future of the country as well as the future disposition of Fat Mike's boss and associates it would be in the best interests of Fatboy Mike and the country Fatboy Mike doubtless loves almost as much as the Trump GOP that Fatboy Mike have the Act described to him with pictograms if necessary such as the pictograms the manifestly unfit CIA Director Fatboy Mike purportedly uses when presenting PDB "Trumptelligence" to the manifestly incompetent President of the United States doubtless telling Donald "The Donald" Trump only "happy" FOX-type "news" that Trump needs to hear especially from Fatboy Mike who knows how to tell it national security be damned so Trump does not throw a tweet tantrum or try to start a nuclear war.
       The Act established the Central Intelligence Agency as the first U.S. peacetime non-military intelligence agency charged with protecting the national security overseas and for better or by all signs worse Fatboy Mike is now the head of the CIA. Fatboy Mike by all accounts is confused in his mistaken belief that above all else his primary role in his post is that he must provide GOP political and/or legal cover for his boss and associates at any cost even as he largely neglects his actual imperative duties to address international cyberwarfare and threats to the U.S. 2018 election and any number of other grave national security dangers originating abroad of which Fatboy Mike likely has minimal understanding grow exponentially swirling around him as his boss allows Fatboy Mike's operatives of whose activities Fatboy Mike likely is clueless leaving them to run amok in virtually unchecked expansions of drone warfare and paramilitary activities and who knows what host of other misguided activities in places such as Afghanistan where the CIA already one would have thought had cemented a disastrous and costly enough history with Operation Cyclone and following disasters at least to keep the CIA away for a couple generations or so having accomplished less than nothing except the creation and arming of terrorist organizations which would come to threaten the United States globally with the CIA then not so covertly having to go back and unsuccessfully help fight against them and suffer most unfortunate staggering losses at the hands of the Taliban when the CIA now instead of re-engaging might have found some other area to infiltrate and support heroin or arms trafficking per usual to fund some new covert unauthorized mishaps.
       Significantly Fatboy Mike specifically showed particular interest in and picked the CIA Counterintelligence Center as the one to report directly to him supposedly to control "leaks" and "misbehavior" which happens to be the group at the CIA most involved in the Trump-Russia counterintelligence investigation from the start after European allies brought suspicions to its attention as well as the CIA group supporting the FBI in the ongoing investigation. Tellingly Fatboy Mike obligingly complied when asked by Don Donald to contact the New York Times and dispute on condition of anonymity what has turned out to be Trump's lie that there was no contact between Don Donald and associates and their now established Russian pals. Fatboy Mike declined to say whether Don Donald asked him publicly to deny collusion between Team Trump and Russians which Trump almost surely did do because he asked the same of other heads of the intelligence community who he knew were not so compliant as Fatboy Mike Pompeo. Although certain CIA personnel apparently dismiss such a "robust" political bent in a CIA Director as to be expected such does not seem acceptable when that bent sacrifices national security to please particularly a president who may have conspired with the enemy to illegally come into power and threaten the constitutional democratic underpinnings of the country.
       Finally Fatboy Mike's refusal to say whether Don Donald asked Fatboy Mike to try to shut down Comey on the Flynn matter is entirely unsurprising since to have admitted having done so would either have cast the heavy shadow of guilt on one or both of them for obstruction of justice. CIA spokesman Ryan Trapani's denial of any impropriety by Fatboy Mike as "ridiculous" immediately calls to mind the response of Vladimir Putin's all-round henchman and spokesman Dmitry Peskov's dismissal of any question as to any worngdoing at all ever by Putin or Russia similarly as either "ridiculous" or alternatively "absurd". In fact Donald Don personally could have recruited Fatboy Mike Pompeo's CIA spokesman Trapani for him from the Kremlin as the way the Trump-Russia investigations are progressing it would not be altogether surprising if Don Donald and associates had some sort of worker exchange program going with Putin and the Kremlin to overcome language barriers and facilitate any conspiracy.     
       In any case it is most vital to the national security which implicitly includes the future survival of the integrity of the United States system of constitutional democracy which implicitly further includes confidence in the security of voting that Mike "Fatboy" Pompeo aka Fatboy Mike should his history and civics knowledge be as "challenged" as his apparent English comprehension skills at least be made aware of the existence of the U.S. Constitution and its significance impressed upon him to the limited ability of pictograms as needed to do so. The CIA's mission despite the fact that GOP hack Director Mike "Fatboy" Pompeo has amply demonstrated himself to believe otherwise is not to above all else protect the presidency of Mobster Donald ("the Donald") J. Trump even if "Don Donald" chose Fatboy Mike specifically for that purpose but rather to rise above or at least to float atop the Trumpian cesspool and cease to misdirect the Agency's resources thereby gravely further endangering the United States but instead at least somewhat properly devote the CIA's resources to its mission to protect the national security. One good example not to learn from would be to study the tenure of CIA Director David "Love Note" Petraeus and definitely do not do anything that he did or even think about it at all. And choose a better password. 
       UPDATE to 7 March 2018 The reason the Trump State Department also has done nothing under the worst Secretary of State the United States has never before seen in its life namely "Hex" Rex Tillerson violating his sworn oath to preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution but instead failing to make any effort to spend a single cent of the $120 million allotted the State Department to protect the United States from Russian election "warfare" comes into sharper focus as the nation learns that Tillerson was in fact "chosen" by Trump under direct order of Trump's owners at the Kremlin. Readers interested in more information on how Tillerson managed to spend "$0" of the $120 million allotted the State Department to protect the United States from Russian "warfare" can go to the second link below.
       UPDATE to 4 April 2018 Army Lieutenant General Paul Nakasone is expected to be confirmed as head of the National Security Agency (NSA) and the US Cyber Command (CyberCom) succeeding retiring Admiral Mike Rogers in those positions. Nakasone if confirmed will serve as the first Japanese American ever to head a major United States spy agency. Readers interested more information about Mr. Nakasone can go to the first link below.

U.S. officials said the strikes accelerated in late 2015, at the same time the Russian interference in the American election was underway. CreditSpencer Platt/Getty Images

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/11/07/trumps-cia-director-mike-pompeo-keeps-doing-controversial-and-suspiciously-pro-trump-things/?utm_term=.17c8f6ab24be CIA Danger Unfit Pompeo Trump Hack
http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/10/27/mike-pompeo-could-stop-robert-mueller-in-his-tracks/ Pompeo Obstruction?
http://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/19/mike-pompeo-cia-russia-influence-election-243967 CIA Pompeo Unfit
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/at-cia-a-watchful-eye-on-mike-pompeo-the-presidents-ardent-ally/2017/08/24/18c1d716-7ed0-11e7-9d08-b79f191668ed_story.html?utm_term=.2c6e1c8ca7b1 Pompeo Lies Direct Eye On CIA Counterintelligence Mission Center Trump-Russia To "Prevent Leaks And Misbehavior"

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