27 February 2018

DNC Sues Trump Campaign, Russia Government, GRU, Wikileaks, Assange Cambridge Analytica Digital Treason - Russia San Antonio Texas Nexus 2016 Brad Parscale Digital San Antonio 2020 Trump Campaign Head Parscale Directed Suspect 2016 Trump Digital Campaign Cambridge Analytica Russia Link Kushner Oversaw U.S. Data Analytics Including Likely Coordination With Russians Digital Operation "Project Alamo" San Antonio Trump Aware Of All Digital Team Head Theresa Hong (RNC Likely Data Coordination Also) National Enquirer Widely Distributed Supermarket Trash In Face Of Millions Clinton Hit Pieces Pro-Trump Propaganda Tabloid Publisher NY Mercer Family Financed Up To $15 Million Cambridge Analytica Psychometric Microtarget Data Fed Ads To Embedded Facebook ("Got Trump Elected") Google YouTube Reps Ideal Parscale Trump Team Russia Coordination Possible Treason 18 U.S.C. 2381 (Republicans Imperil 198 Million All U.S. Voters Extensive Updated Personal Information On Unsecured Database By Republican Data Firm Used By RNC)

“This constituted an act of unprecedented treachery: the campaign of a nominee for President of the United States in league with a hostile foreign power to bolster its own chance to win the presidency,” DNC Tom Perez on filing of DNC lawsuit.

Brad Parscale despite being catapulted to manager of the perpetual 2020 Trump campaign from his position less than a decade back of having been a "Kinko's-based" Texas freelance programmer cum novice website designer for the Trump Organization and members thereof for various projects until abruptly one day he was enlisted further ostensibly to "direct" the Kushner 2016 Trump digital operation with Parscale in fact at least apparently having then headed the unpublicized Trump Digital Team San Antonio stealth ("Project Alamo") social media data operation where employees including those onsite provided by Facebook, Google and (likely illegally non-US Cambridge Analytica employees) oversaw, participated in and/or witnessed any likely nexus of voter digital data transfer including "psychometric" targeting advertising and other data between the Trump campaign and the Russia GRU although in his spectacular rise from freelancer on the streets of Texas to designated Trump perpetual 2020 campaign manager Mr. Parscale is not known also to have received legal training or been licensed to practice law.

Nevertheless Mr. Parscale in his new capacity as manager of the perpetual Trump campaign (another likely Trump money laundering and slushfund tax evasion operation presumably much like Trump's unaccounted excess largest massive funds "tributes" from the "smallest presidential inauguration in U.S. history" and Trump's  closed down but not-yet-permitted to be dissolved due to law enforcement concerns so-called "charitable organization" to himself) was in his new position left to issue on the Trump perpetual campaign's behalf a statement in which Parscale tech geek magically cum press spokesman characterized the DNC lawsuit filed against top Trump campaign members, Russian government and Russian GRU, Wikileaks, Julian Assange and others as the product Parscale explained of Democratic dire financial ruin due largely to fleeing donors as to which Parscale (although presumably not still reading Democrats' stolen emails) attests and should know as to the extent any donor loss is true it is because of the Trump campaign and its Russian buddies and Wikileaks making Democratic donors concerned about the security of their private information with the DNC.

According to Parscale financially motivated Democrats (apparently still with enough money to afford some fairly decent lawyers for a not necessarily small matter litigated against the alleged Trump-Russia conspirators) filed the lawsuit including for compensatory as well as  punitive damages in their alleged financial desperation on 20 April 2018 in NY federal district court as a predicate to which statement Mr. Parscale presumably read and analyzed the Democrats' lengthy court filing complaint at a record pace so that on behalf of the perpetual Trump campaign its new manager Parscale was deemed qualified nearly immediately to deliver his statement of legal prognostication handily dismissing the lawsuit presumably on the basis of his IT knowledge and concluding according to The Washington Post with his assessment that the Democrats’ lawsuit was "without merit" further predicting presumably based on Parscale's lack of legal training and analysis that it was "likely to be dismissed."

Parscale's predicted result would be opposite to that in the somewhat analogous matter of the DNC's lawsuit against Republicans related to the Watergate DNC headquarters break-in which only on the 1974 day Richard Nixon permanently exited the White House was concluded by an RNC $750,000 settlement payment to the DNC.   

The conservative donor Robert Mercer invested $15 million in Cambridge Analytica, where his daughter Rebekah is a board member. 

CreditPatrick McMullan, via Getty Images

       Wednesday, 21 March 2018, NEW YORK/LONDON  UPDATES Wednesday, 11 October 2017, SAN ANTONIO, TX UPDATES Thursday, 22 June 2017, WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Republican massive online all parties' voter information leak first referenced above from an unsecured database reportedly exposed complete personal hard information as well as extensive data analytics extrapolated personal updated information for virtually every American voter which in light of now further known information regarding the Trump 2016 campaign digital operation conceivably may have been an intentional plausible deniability "cover" should this data appear at some point in suspiciously inappropriate databases had it been provided to the Russian FSB and military intelligence GRU as well as the Moscow "Internet Research Center" troll farm and collaborating Russian criminal hackers during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
       This data analytics is the same information likely previously weaponized in coordination with Trump later senior White House advisers prime national security risk Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon using the newly formed Cambridge Analytica data analytics which U.S. shell company (to support the appearance that its U.S. election campaign work was not being done by foreigners in violation of U.S. election law) Steve Bannon named and invested in as well as served as a board member along with Rebekah Mercer whose father Robert Mercer through a "convoluted corporate structure" owned almost entirely due to his $15 million investment in it structured through a joint venture with London-based SCL Group elections division which in fact serviced Cambridge Analytica (all detailed in the second up link from the foot of this post New York Times article) potentially to coordinate the Trump "Digital Operation" with ostensible Director Brad Parscale knowingly or unknowingly enabling Trump knowingly unlawfully to coordinate with Russia State authorized multi-pronged targeted election illegal interference to attain an illegitimately Trump "victory" in the 2016 presidential election through precise "psychgraphic" microtargeting including by Russian parties and/or their assistance including possibly using stolen hacked voter information as well as more recently revealed Facebook wrongly obtained user information of an estimated 50 million Facebook users in order for Trump ostensibly  to "win" the presidential election by an unlawfully microtargeted electoral college victory even while still losing the popular vote by more than 3 million votes despite apparent heavily significant foreign assistance both to assist his campaign and unlawfully damage his opponent Hillary Clinton's campaign.
       The Trump electoral college strategy originally was opposed by the broadly ignorant con man Trump until he was convinced by others principally led by Jared Kushner that the vestigial slave era constitutional construct today could greatly favor Trump running as a "populist of the people" falsely courting the greatly disproportionately overly weighted typically Republican more rural less educated state voters particularly when properly manipulated in other words perfectly vulnerable to Trump's one true area of expertise -- fraud (as well boosted by some related vote count enhancing illegal methods).

The White House advisers Stephen K. Bannon and Kellyanne Conway with Ms. Mercer at the 2017 inauguration. The firm helped the Trump campaign target voters.
       By fraudulently presenting himself as a champion of the "working man" Trump schemed to get the least votes necessary to win exploiting these voters and their hunger for change after decades of wage stagnation only to later relentlessly pound them down with an endless series of governmental assaults on nearly every aspect of their already meager standard of living. And so those that got Trump elected did so as he used the circumstance of the vestigial but still controlling U.S. electoral college sharply under weighing the presidential votes of mostly coastal urban state more highly educated largely Democratic voters who were all too familiar with Trump's legendary hard-earned and well-deserved reputation as a leading U.S. con man who somehow managed to keep scraping by as dubious but welcome business opportunities again opened up to him while somehow the gates of prison did not.
       He apparently remains unable to bear the fact that in Trump's case even assuming additional vast unlawful Russia pro-Trump election multi-pronged U.S. election interference likely with unlawful Cambridge Analytics microtargeting and other coordination with illegal Russian cohorts as well as quite possibly incorporating RNC data analytics into the conspiracy still Trump was able only to win a much lower absolute number of American popular votes to achieve his "election" with more than three million votes less than his opponent Democrat Hillary Clinton who also had long been under unlawful attack by an array of Russians under Putin's direction regardless of what Trump has since found it necessary to believe in order to maintain what to date given GOP unconscionable inaction to remove Trump must pass as his "sanity".
        The supposed reasoning for Trump's continuing denial of Russian interference has not been coherently addressed by him presumably in his ongoing attempts to obstruct discovery of Trump's likely treason under 18 U.S.C. 2381 or more readily provable criminal conspiracies, obstructions of justice and so on probably arising from the same essential facts. Another obvious motivation given the Trump administration's complete ethical void for its overt lack of any defensive preparation for the 2018 U.S. interim elections would clearly be because although known to be continuing actual or constructive coordination in his likely treasonous relationship with Russia it would be consistent with Trump's assumption that any unlawful Russian interference will be to his benefit just as in 2016 extending in 2018 to those whose election Trump supports because of the only reason of any significance to him being that they might be expected to help delay the ultimate day of reckoning on earth which awaits.
       Although no Republican lawmaker has told Trump unequivocally and consistently the above even at the expense of any remaining integrity they have been willing to exploit his likely vast criminal acts for their own corrupt personal interests betting they can jump off his train of destruction at the last possible moment before he and all his crew of criminal co-conspirators slam head on into the harsh reality of rightful destiny that dreadful fate long ago well-earned by the repulsive Trump .
       Trump rightly after all the lies are stripped away long has been known by the American people to be a lifelong lowlife lying deadbeat loser taught the life and business absolute lack of values other than purely selfish expedience of his father a convicted Nazi sympathizer mobster Trump himself also a documented boastful admitted criminal sexual predatory assaulter. That those shameful Republican sycophants know deep inside that the great American travesty of 2016 was that mobster Trump never should have nor could have won the presidential election fairly in a million years regardless of what anyone may tell him to assuage his gnawing insecurity without the vast criminal interference of an entire additional hostile nation on his behalf regardless of which in any case it remains axiomatic that mobster Trump must perhaps sooner but if not later be doomed in his criminal conspiracy and cover-up be bound to repeat the absolute worst that history teaches as all history in Trump's case is history never learned.
       Back to the details at hand after the above diversions from an earlier publication of this post the exposed data described above is the largest leak ever of voLter information in the history of this or any other country. Johnny Stefano was head of Data Trust (aka GOP Data Trust) which reportedly performed the mfain Republican National Committee ("RNC") data analytics for the 2016 election and was one of at least three firms whose data was combined the other two being Deep Root Analytics and TargetPoint, Inc. on the RNC voter database found unsecured on the internet by U.S. cybersecurity firm UpGuard of the 198 million voters' information updated with a post-election version of the data at least up through the Trump presidential inauguration. Trump Digital Team leaders have said that micortargeting data propelling Mr. Trump to election was provided by San Antonio on-site Cambridge Analytica supplying "psychometric" / microtargeting data to be used in ad placement with the help of on-site assistance of embedded Facebook, Google and Twitter representatives made available because of the large amounts they were paid by the Trump campaign and to whom the Digital Team credits Mr. Trump's victory. Mr. Stefano has since left GOP Data Trust for his current position serving as White House Director of Personnel for the Trump administration. Readers interested in more detailed information can go to the first link below.
       UPDATE to 27 February 2018 Texas-based Brad Parscale "Trump's secret weapon" reportedly has been named Trump 2020 Presidential campaign director. Despite Facebook's denial that as Trump's 2016 campaign Digital Director (presumably under Kushner) Parscale's use of Facebook advertising had no overlap with Russians' ads suspicions remain that Trump's digital campaign would be a clearly logical nexus for coordination with Russia in microtargeting voters. Interested readers can go for more information to links below to video pieces previously done by the BBC on the Trump "digital team" San Antonio operations as well as a CBS "60 Minutes" piece specifically on Brad Parscale's unlikely rise at least to be the ostensible Trump 2016 campaign Digital Director as well as newly added videos directly below those from among MSNBC's Katy Tur, Nicole Wallace, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, and Brian Williams segments today (as available).
       So have the mechanics of Trump-Russia treasonous coordination been hiding at least in part in plain sight as previously speculated here in the Ninth Amendment perhaps also suggesting that the miraculously effective small Trump advertising budget perhaps was not as miraculously effective as thought if given substantial foreign augmentation? Readers may note that Special Counsel Mueller's recent publicly available indictment of 13 Russians engaged in foreign social media unlawful interference in the U.S. 2016 presidential election also made reference specifically to an unnamed party located in, guess where? Texas. (Latest updates at bottom.)

Christopher Wylie, who helped found the data firm Cambridge Analytica and worked there until 2014, has described the company as an “arsenal of weapons” in a culture war.

CreditAndrew Testa for The New York Times
Original Post Exposed Trump / RNC Personal Data Citations
https://theintercept.com/2017/06/19/republican-data-mining-firm-exposed-personal-information-for-virtually-every-american-voter/ Republican unsecured database exposed 198 million all U.S. voters personal updated information
http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/mueller-probing-republican-non-trump-work-with-russian-hacking-1125032515802 (Video 12:59) RNC/Russia Data/Target Collusion Other GOP Candidates Paul Ryan Made Ads
o https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/3/23/1751522/-Ryan-s-Super-PAC-and-NRCC-used-info-hacked-by-Russian-intelligence-in-ads-against-Democrats-in-2016?
http://www.businessinsider.com/mueller-questions-rnc-digital-operation-trump-campaign-russia-2017-12 RNC/Trump Data Ops Cambridge Analytica Russia Nexus Trump Digital Team Alamo Project San Antonio

Updated Post Trump Digital Operations "Project Alamo" Social Media Data Target Election Citations
http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/47517_A_Stunner_One_of_Trumps_Digital_Campaign_Leaders_Explains_That_Facebook_Google_and_YouTube_Helped_Get_Him_Elected (BBC Video 4:41) Cambridge Analytica data used by Facebook "got Trump elected " plus Google and YouTube per digital Alamo Project head Theresa Hong
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/facebook-embeds-russia-and-the-trump-campaigns-secret-weapon/  (Video 15:11) 60 Minutes Leslie Stahl "Brad Parscale, digital director for Trump's campaign, was a critical factor in the president's election. Now questions surround how he did it."
http://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/watch/why-trump-tapping-brad-parscale-to-lead-2020-campaign-is-significant-1172140611524 Video 2:26 Brad Parscale 2016 Digital head to be Trump 2020 Campaign Manager
http://www.msnbc.com/katy-tur/watch/one-more-thing-trump-names-his-2020-campaign-manager-1171956803682 Video 1:06 Brad Parscale named Trump 2020 campaign manager
http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/suspicious Doubts Parscale claim web designer to Trump data analytics?
http://www.msnbc.com/hardball/watch/wapo-russian-linked-ads-found-on-google-1066827331860 + Video 5:22
https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/09/jared-kushner-data-operation-russia-facebook Cambridge Analytica
https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenbertoni/2016/11/22/exclusive-interview-how-jared-kushner-won-trump-the-white-house/#3f3558433af6 Foundational Kushner Cambridge Analytica digital campaign facts not the whole story

UPDATE to 3 March 2018 "Brad Parscale Linked To Company With Fraud Scandal Past"

The London offices of the political research firm Cambridge Analytica. Facebook is reeling from revelations that Cambridge Analytica harvested the personal information of up to 87 million of its users.CreditChris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images
UPDATE to 26 March 2018 Interested readers as to the prior history and role of Cambridge Analytica in the 2016 Election including the recent revelations of its Russia ties and its having taken personal information without consent of about 50 million users of Facebook can go to the links below. The Ninth Amendment in previous posts has cited information sources which have raised possible concerns about the Trump digital operation including the extent and nature of its role in the 2016 election including at its San Antonio, Texas location. Interested readers can find all prior cited information at the comprehensive republished citations above.

http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/cambridge-analytica-scandal-rocks-already-rattled-trump-world-1190020675802 Video 22:45
http://www.msnbc.com/am-joy/watch/cambridge-analytica-facebook-data-of-50-million-allegedly-seized-1188990531822 Video 10:35
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/former-cambridge-analytica-workers-say-firm-sent-foreigners-to-advise-us-campaigns/2018/03/25/6a0d7d90-2fa2-11e8-911f-ca7f68bff0fc_story.html?utm_term=.2fa157d7d864 2:08 2:09

UPDATE to 29 March 2017 "Leaked: Cambridge Analytica's Blueprint For Trump Victory"
"Trump May Rue Selection Of Bolton For National Security Adviser" TRMS
http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/trump-may-rue-selection-of-bolton-for-national-security-adviser-1197541443503 10:37

UPDATE to 3 May 2018 Cambridge Analytica Bankruptcy Shuts US UK Faces Global Probes

Cambridge Analytica to shut down

Cambridge Analytica announced May 2 it would cease operations and declare bankruptcy. In March, it was revealed that the political consultancy had improperly ob 

Copyright 2017-2018 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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