22 June 2018

Tax Lies GOP Worker Disdain Trump Rally "Art Of The Working Class Fraud" GOP Abomination Tax "Scam I Am" Krugman To GOP In 2018: "Make My Day" GOP Kill Safety Net Scheme Cash Dump To Richest Steal Benefits To Pay Debt The GOP Is DOA "Biggest Tax Scam In History" Dirty Rotted Meat Trump GOP GOP Tax "Benefits" All Lies "Professional Malpractice" Per Harvard Economist DJT "Huge Tax Cut For Xmas...Great Big Beautiful Present" (To Himself & Pals) Donors To GOP On Donor Enrichment Plan "Get It Done Or Never Call Again" GOP Tax Cuts Donor Driven 1% Richest Wealthy Corporations Blue Revenge "Morally Treasonable" GOP Lawmakers Agree With Corker and Flake Trump Dangers But Worry More About Endangering Huge Tax Cuts For The Richest "End" Of GOP If No Tax Cut For Richest Says Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) $6.6 Trillion 1% Richest Tax Cut Scam Evade 60-Vote Rule Adds Trillions Debt Trump Lies Huge Tax Cut For Rich Not Others GOP "No Party For Honest Men" KochBros Lie More Make America Pain Again #GoldenTinkleDownEconomics Trump's Tax "Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies" Not One Penny In Tax Cuts For Millionaires Billionaires Wealthy Corporations

REPUBLICATION Update To 7 February 2019


How the Trump Tax Cut Is Helping to Push the Federal Deficit to $1 Trillion

Behind Trump’s Plan to Overhaul the Government: Steal Your Paid Safety Net

Mick Mulvaney, the president’s voodoo budget director, on Thursday at the White House. The plan to overhaul the government would make social welfare programs easier to cut. Trump GOP Corruption Poster Children Mulvaney and ousted criminal Pruit.CreditDoug Mills/The New York Times

"How The Trump Tax Cut Is Helping To Push The Federal Deficit To $1 Trillion" by Jim Tankersky, The New York Times, 25 July 2018



https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/06/opinion/business-economics/trump-tax-reform-state-of-the-union-2019.html "The Global Con Hidden In Trump's Tax Reform Law, Revealed" by Brian Setser, The New York Times, 6 February 2019

GOP "Messaging" And Short-Term Benefits Buoy Tax Plan Polls Ignore Long-Term Disaster Awaiting Most

Huge Tax Cut GOP Donor 1% Richest All GOP Plan Benefits Analysis Confirms:  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/10/26/opinion/tax-state-local-trump.html

"We need to make sure it never sees the light of day. It is nothing but a giant corporate tax cut, the middle class will just be hurt, and the wealthiest will come out even better than they are doing now. . ."
                                                                                                                              Professor Robert Reich  9 November 2017
http:/www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/robert-reich-citizen-activism-is-giving-me-hope-1092125251881 6:20-42
(How wealth inequality works and how to reverse it please see Reich's film now on Netflix "Saving Capitalism")

"Republicans Despise The Working Class, Continued" by Nobel Prize Economics Professor Paul Krugman:

"Tax Bill Lets Trump And Republicans Feather Their Own Nests" by Nobel Prize Professor Paul Krugman:

"Scam I Am: Why Is The G.O.P. Rushing This Tax Abomination?" by Nobel Prize Professor Paul Krugman:

"The Biggest Tax Scam In History" by Economics Nobel Prize Professor Paul Krugman:  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/27/opinion/senate-tax-bill-scam.html

"Everybody Hates The Trump Tax Plan" by Economics Nobel Prize Professor Paul Krugman:  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/16/opinion/trump-tax-plan-hate.html

GOP Scheme To Destroy Social Safety Net Tax Cut To Richest Steal Earned Benefits To Pay Off Tax Cut Debt:

GOP Tax Plan Undo New Deal Return To Halcyon Days Of Hoover Administration Great Depression

Donors To GOP "Get It Done Or Don't Ever Call Me Again"

       Harvard economics Professor Lawrence Summers to MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell 21 November 2017: GOP tax cut and benefits "analysis" feeds more Trump lies on overdrive 98% of actual real economists consider GOP economic "analysis" to be "Professional Malpractice" misrepresenting a financial disaster including a huge economic burden for Americans and the United States to pay off richest 2% GOP donors who bought Republicans their seats.

       GOP House released tax cut plan released 2 November 2017 without Democratic input brings no surprises in proposed massive giveaway to GOP donors richest 1% wealthy corporations already bursting with cash who have no need for it at all while further squeezing middle class with very modest tax cuts and even increasing tax burden for others while admittedly adding at least $1.5 trillion to the national debt while halfheartedly calling back tired old zombie of long debunked false promises of #GoldenTinkleDown economics and jobs that are neither returning nor paying more:

       Economics Nobel Prize Winner Professor Paul Krugman's handy list of some of Trump's biggest lies about his and the GOP's phony Tax "Reform" just massive Tax Cuts cash giveaway just for himself and the very richest payback for greedy rich GOP d/owners demanding a very handsome return on what it cost them buying Republicans into office does nothing good for the Nation and no tax cut cash giveaway for anyone else besides the very richest no more jobs no economy boost and sorry no more money for truckers or anyone else at all just sticking it to honest hard-working Americans with a h-u-u-g-e increase of about two trillion dollars over ten years to the United States deficit that's Trump giving it to his voters doggy-style just doing business as usual the Trump GOP way:

       The vile truth perfectly well understood by lying GOP wretches indifferent to the misery and harm to their constituents whatever honor and integrity they once had long lost along with the complete humiliation of their GOP leaders first silent now actively complicit have fallen in with Trump like him selling their souls in his latest "Art of The Steal You Can't Refuse" bogus "tax reform" fully contemptuous of the overwhelming majority of those deceived voters who elected them.
       Their filthy lies falsely promise meaningful middle class financial relief which in reality is just the GOP's latest scheme for massive tax cuts to the top 1% richest including fully corrupt Trump and family nearly entirely rewarding the richest biggest Republican d/owners screeching threatening drooling and slobbering for their biggest payout yet of which they have no need at all but certainly will let "fellow" Americans stay sick and die to get it. That being quite transparently what GOP so-called "tax reform" is all about leaves Nobel Prize economist Paul Krugman incensed and disgusted with the continuous GOP nauseating lies "justified" if at all by phony paid-off know-nothing "wingnut welfare" ignorant nutjobs peddling long discredited bogus economic "theories":

       House GOP barely passes 216-212 budget blueprint tax cut vote for up to $6.6 trillion tax cut giveaway to richest drops revenue-neutral requirement to allow up to $1.5 trillion added to deficit despite cutting state and local tax deductions as well as drastically reducing middle class savings favorite pre-tax 401(k) limits in fact raising some middle class taxes:

       Even Goldman Sachs back on Wall Street whose partners slimed straight out of the swamp right into the Trump White House to do Trumponomics policy and fly around in military planes predicts at best a very minor boost from a Trump GOP tax cut giveaway only to the very richest:

       Meanwhile the Koch Brothers just slobbering mad for their Republican tax cut payout in the billions stuck on other Americans' debt tab leaked top secret internal memo to their network of the rest of the richest GOP d/owners panting for their own massive tax cut payouts totaling as much as two trillion dollars more to the U.S. deficit  sent out as well to their army of paid phony "grass roots" goons spells out the KochBros marching orders to dupe and defraud their "fellow" citizen slaves to once again buy into the tired old Reagan lie updated especially for Trump to #GoldenTinkleDownEconomics the great fake "miracle" which does nothing but increase the wealth gap even more between the very few richest and the rest being everybody else stuck with a couple trillion dollars more debt:

       GOP voodoo $6.6 trillion tax cuts to 1% richest not the middle class some of whom will owe even more taxes evade Senate 60-vote rule let CHIP kids starve Republican senators no longer "budget hawks" now add over $1.5 trillion to U.S. debt for Trump and d/owners payoff who bought minority GOP lawmakers into office now own them broadcasting lies false promises wedge issues to voters suppress minority voting "Democracy Republican Style":  http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-tax/senate-poised-for-crucial-vote-related-to-tax-reform-measure-idUSKBN1CO0ET    feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29
       FY 2018 Budget blueprint passes GOP Senate 51-49 with only Sen. Rand Paul (R-/KY) voting against it because he wanted an even worse "libertarian" budget . The Senate budget bill also allows Alaska National Wildlife (ANWR) oil drilling + a $1.5 trillion addition to budget deficit without specifying what federal programs need to be cut + must require large cuts over time to Medicare and Medicaid despite Trump's repeated campaign promises never to cut either Medicare or Medicaid. If reconciled with the House budget parliamentary procedure lets the GOP get away with avoiding the Senate 60-vote requirement to go on and next pass massive tax cuts totaling $6 trillion over time for the 1% richest with just the simple Senate GOP majority.
       There will be ruinous consequences for Republicans it still being uncertain if windfalls for the richest driving other legislation will succeed if they fail to cut taxes now as it is the few so richly rewarded (apparently better than from other investments) wealthiest who cynically keep the undemocratic Republican party alive dependent on their mountains of cash pumped in ("oxygen" as Steve Bannon calls it) dictating their terms as they are absolutely essential to the Republicans' survival paying for a vast array of dishonest GOP campaign necessities from phony paid "grassroots" networks of GOP support  to floods of crassly sophisticated television and other propaganda and everything in between inhumanely manipulating, misleading and exploiting the ignorance which they encourage and feed in those as to whom their true dictated GOP agenda is hugely harmful and entirely antithetical to their best interests to the extent that the GOP now relies entirely on these wealthiest as its life support even as Senator Lindsay Graham, Republican of South Carolina and a member of the Budget Committee frankly acknowledged in the below article that without them getting their too long awaited tax cut payoffs and getting them now "that will be the end of us as a party":

Furious "morally treasonable" Republican lawmakers at Senator Bob Corker (R-AZ) Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee who warned of risk of World War III although they share Corker's concern about threat Trump poses to country these Republican lawmakers are more scared about  endangering huge $6.6 trillion tax cuts for the 1% richest including GOP d/owners slobbering mad for returns on the seats they bought GOP lawmakers with huge tax cuts also including Trump and his family and his cabinet expected altogether to add at least $1.5 trillion to the U.S. national debt despite GOP lies about long discredited #GoldenTrinkleDownEconomics:

Copyright Martin P. 2017-2019 All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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