20 June 2019

CIA Director Murderer John Brennan Not Denied By A.G. Eric Holder Architect Of 2010 "Disposition Matrix" Capture/Kill List Included U.S. Citizens On U.S. Soil - Senate Over Dire Warnings Confirms Brennan CIA Director - "Shadow CIA" Stratfor Discloses Obama WH Directive To "Go After Persons Publishing Material Negative To Obama WH" Was Executed - 2013 Murderer CIA Director John Brennan Now On MSNBC Orders "Investigative Reporter Witch Hunt" Rolling Stone Reporter Michael Hastings' Cyber Car Hack Murder Aided By FBI (Classic "Cyber Car Attack" Per Former Bush Official Richard Clarke) On Eve Hastings' Article To Reveal CIA Director John Brennan Criminal Past Rolling Stone Editor Coward Jann Wenner Post-Murder Not Publish Story Nor Report Hastings' Murder - REPUBLICATION 4 (MERCEDES EXPLODE VIDEO BELOW)

      Monday, 5 January 2015, WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Ninth Amendment editorial board in an effort expeditiously to disseminate information via the enclosed link to interested/concerned readers briefly here summarizes some of the most serious assertions made in the Digital Journal article (the "Article") linked to below.
       In short according to the Article CIA Director John Brennan somehow has survived through both the Republican Bush (43) and now Obama Democratic Administration first as National Security Adviser despite a very shadowy past of significant concern including a very disturbing record of deep involvement with and leadership roles in illegal deadly "covert" operations such as "Assassination Czar" giving rise to inquiry as to why President Obama ever would have placed one with such a dangerous and/or murderous history in the position of CIA Director. Brennan has been "credited" with being the "architect" of the 2010 initiated "Disposition Matrix" operated by the executive branch highly secretive National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).
       The NCTC as reported here in previous posts routinely directs heinous illegal acts including those extensively documented in the official U.S. Senate Torture Report in small part made public in December 2014 yet most all its thousands of pages still not released. Those all locked away reputedly along with the infamous Panetta Report which the CIA consistent with many historical events most likely mistakenly made available to its Senate overseers who the CIA made up some reason needed to work only in a secret leased remote storage unit forced to piece together everything from many thousands of pages the CIA first using its secret CIA tactic of thoughtfully having scrambled out of order before executing a CIA many thousand page "document dump" on the Senate interns presumably in furtherance of the CIA's "classified" other mission:
"Intelligence By Confusion".
       This is getting a bit far afield so to wrap up this digression the Panetta Report prepared for then CIA Director Leon Panetta revealed that all the mess of CIA documents engulfing the Senate Intelligence Committee interns had been intended to distort, conceal, confuse, obfuscate,  hide, misinform, delay and so on the true facts of the totally failed "Cadillac" CIA Torture Program. The Panetta report was prepared for CIA Director Panetta to concisely cover the actual CIA torture history and then present situation.
       The CIA using both its own and contract torturers when CIA employees began to feel "uncomfortable" being present at the site of flagrant war crimes against humanity in Guantanamo perhaps also "black sites" and asked to go home to their cubicles at Langley far from this unsupervised horrorshow of newly untrained contract torturers arriving to try out whatever new forms of human rights violations they might think up. The type of people who are not overly concerned about their resume when seeking their next job.
       Later torturer arrivals reportedly just freelancing with no interrogation training whatsoever improvised torture techniques after the other $80 million worth some shyster psychologists had sold to the CIA achieved nothing of value although perhaps serving as a useful guide to committing human rights crimes when followed and also misread, embellished and improved upon spontaneously in the heat of the moment. The CIA perhaps did give the U.N. Torture Committee perhaps more to include in its torture technique list although nothing of value to national security.
       One notable success the CIA did manage to intercede in the script for "Zero Dark Thirty" to include some ambiguous reference to the key Osama bin Laden lead concerning his messenger convincing the film's makers to make some changes to enhance the CIA's image but must importantly to have some detainee come out and spill the beans on the messenger not being tortured but while sharing a smoke because he told the CIA agent the CIA had done such a good job of torturing him before he was just ready to get it over with and hop a flight home. (Actually the truth now widely is believed that the messenger information came from the Pakistanis who told the U.S. when someone walked into a police station and identified the messenger.) This CIA script review technique first was perfected by the Los Angeles Police Chief who required that all "Dragnet" scripts be shot only after his review with changes as necessary and approval. In return the makers of "Dragnet" were given generous access to Los Angeles law enforcement property, premises and presumably streets for shooting the television show. In any case the CIA for some years running had managed to violate various portions of the U.N. Convention Against Torture as to which each year no doubt appreciated by President Bush and since then Obama each annually had to sign a certification of U.S. compliance with the U.N.
     Although the CIA doubtless handed over the Panetta Report itself to the Senate intern staff it first wanted it back claiming it was a draft. When that technique failed the CIA went to DOJ to fill out a police report alleging the Panetta Report had been stolen from documents either the CIA hand-picked to turn over to Senate interns or (less likely) who alternatively cleverly broke into Langley CIA headquarters one night when it was closed and hacked into the CIA's computer system to steal it. Along with the thousands of unreleased pages of the U.S. Senate Torture Report it too reputedly is being held by a U.S. Senate safe presumably obstructing justice by withholding evidence of doubtless many more very bad crimes which considering those made public documenting torture war crimes against humanity it is hard to imagine they how much worse the information on those not released could be.
       Back to the NCTC its heritage is rich with years of a history of globally violating fundamental human rights directing the perpetration of war crimes against humanity to mass drone and other murders as if it were above the Constitution and all laws understandably perhaps never having faced criminal prosecution for anything to date. All such illegal acts perpetrated under the direction and/or responsibility of the NCTC are both reprehensible and profoundly damaging as anathema to the fundamental values held by Americans confident those proclaimed values genuinely held define the very framework of their country and serve to justify its actions at at home and abroad.  Moreover these fundamental values must continue to inform the moral authority of this country in the greater world community as inherent to it not only at the time of its creation as the realization of the unique genius of the U.S. Constitution.
       Today the NCTC's and such like-minded U.S. officials' and agencies' although sworn to uphold the Constitution brazenly wanton disregard and reckless absolute contempt for all that it stands only can succeed in making victors of our inconsequential enemies by allowing them to win with their maximum phony staged "terror" shows backed up by nothing yet all too often simply allowed to succeed as if they earn by their acts of "terror" the result they seek. This is of course a much wider audience gladly handed over by media who obediently amplify one staged "terror" event from a hundred perspectives repeated as if it were one thousand occurrences even if the result may be much less significant than other dangers Americans regularly face daily such as the latest mass shooting yet count it their success if allowed to instigate self-perpetuating terror resulting in one further misstep to our own self-destruction rather than preserving our fundamental values imperative to our continued long-term prosperous existence.
       Instead the fundamental values both as set forth in the U.S. Constitution and when accurately further enacted in laws faithfully must be executed and must continue to be recognized not as encumbrances to the State but as essential to the People living in reasonable security still also in a country which places value of the highest order on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in other words which refuses to transform itself into the model presented by many who would destroy the U.S. presumably left to live under the intolerable conditions they exemplify enforced by rule by force on nations of unfortunates.
       As to adherence to fundamental American values serious concerns have arisen one glaring example being those identified in the U.S. Senate Torture Report inexplicably still not prosecuted by but seeminly under the protection of the Obama Administration which refuses to take any Justice Department action as if perhaps some of the most dangerous murderous criminal U.S. officials are immune to domestic punishment including just as one example its criminally insane deranged conspiracy targeting U.S. citizens for assassination even on U.S. soil by use of a metadata matrix supposedly identifying persons with whom to be "dealt" up to and including murder killed with no judicial process whatsoever.
       Apparently now that the CIA is killing people through "Lethal Surveillance Teams" with murder by drones and the NSA, NCTC and others through the use of "metadata" a new term has had to be devised for the new century of government-sanctioned murder for "operations" which now are to be known apparently as the more modern ambiguously uninformative term "dispositions" at for least ones in which persons are "disposed of" such as unwanted U.S. citizens. Apparently the Founding Fathers overlooked proposing an Amendment making clear that the new Country's citizens also had the right "Not to be killed by the State with no adjudication for no reason". Incidentally there is no need for a "new" term for these age-old activities which have been known since English common law as well as long-established U.S. laws simply as "first degree murder" and "intent" and "aiding and abetting" and being "accessories before and after the fact" as well as "conspiracy" to commit murder just to name a few.
       The systematic killings "based on metadata" confessed to by former C.I.A. chief General William Hayden referred to here in an earlier November 2014 post in the Ninth Amendment of U.S. citizens on U.S. soil reportedly is a fact which Attorney General Eric Holder refused to deny when asked point blank. Brennan's extremely disturbing record previously as a CIA deputy director and chief-of-staff to George Tenet also with connections to the highly secretive NCTC in murdering U.S. citizens was cause for great concern by the Senate upon President Obama's nomination of Brennan for CIA director which concern prompted letters to Brennan by Senators querying Brennan if he considered killing U.S. citizens to be Constitutional which also included an unsuccessful filibuster to block Brennan's confirmation by Senator Rand Paul.
       The Obama Administration reportedly later issued a secret order disclosed in a "Shadow CIA" defense contractor Stratfor email to "[g]o after persons publishing material negative to the Obama White House" followed by a Brennan-ordered "Investigative Reporter Witch Hunt" of investigative reporters. Following the issuance of this order Rolling Stone "Fearless" 33-year-old journalist Michael Hastings was killed in a horrendous assassination by probable "Cyber Car Attack" not difficult to do according to former Bush Administration Official Richard Clarke in which control of Hastings' brand new leased Mercedes could easily have been seized remotely accelerating the car to over 100 miles per hour rendering the car such that he could not brake running six red lights and shortly thereafter swerving sixty degrees also by possible remote CIA seizure of steering control into a tree and exploding with a huge fireball rising into the sky.
       Witnesses and a nearby pizza shop video made of the assassination (murder) of Michael Hastings show that the car probably actually exploded in a tremendous probable on board explosion throwing up a huge fireball actually before hitting the tree. The apparent CIA (possibly FBI aided) bombing appeared a bit too large for the purpose as any reasonable person witnessing the event or watching the video available in the Article linked to below may observe that this in no way appears the result of just a car explosion.
       The video appearing to show the probable Brennan ordered assassination (murder) is available for interested/concerned readers in the Digital Journal article linked to below. After initially being helpful local authorities reportedly have clammed up and repeatedly delayed disclosure of any police report or information from Hastings vehicle's "black box" now secured into cars just as in airplanes. Mercedes in Germany which for the past years has improved the safety of its vehicles such that it is virtually impossible for them to explode on any impact whatsoever immediately sent a team of shocked engineers to the United States to determine what had happened to the car. After first being allowed to do an initial inspection of the car Mercedes to has been rebuffed despite repeated requests to continue its investigation of the the cause of the explosion. Not surprisingly the car is not available for inspection.
       The probably assassinated (murdered) Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings had been on U.S. Government military and clandestine agencies' "hit lists" since his well-known investigative report published in Rolling Stone magazine after spending three days with then General Stanley McChrystal commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces - Afghanistan and in which McChrystal and his senior staff repeatedly made made disparaging and possibly racist remarks openly mocking their Commander-In-Chief President Barack Obama and their civilian commanders in the White House. Rolling Stone's publication of Hasting's article then brought down the career of General McChrystal who was recalled by President Obama to Washington at which time McChyrstal resigned his post.
       McChrystal's former boss General David Petraeus was at that time commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Princeton Woodrow Wllson School Alumnus Petraeus later was named CIA Director by President Obama serving briefly for just over a year from 2011 to 2012 before resigning his position confronted by a stupefying scandal in which the former four-star general had an extra-marital affair with his "biographer" reported using his CIA computer for email communications with his mistress in which his chosen CIA a password was equivalent approximately to using the name of a family pet such as "Spot."
      Finally the normally fearless Michael Hastings on the day of his probable murder was according to friends as "frantic" sending out e-mails to all his friends without his customary polite greetings but telling friends he believed he was being followed by the FBI and uncharacteristically telling one Army friend that he "had to get off the radar" for a while. He was later seen looking underneath his car and told his wife that he was "onto a big story". He told her that his next story due to come out in Rolling Stone magazine was on CIA Director John Brennan. Rolling Stone said in the wake of Hastings' death that it still would publish Hastings' Brennan article in two weeks in any case. Rolling Stone however in fact did not publish the story two weeks later as promised and never has since. Moreover it also has said that Hastings' information on Brennan has become unavailable.
       The Ninth Amendment's query is if the reported information about President Obama's CIA Director John Brennan is true besides the numerous murder charges listed above and many possible other criminal charges would these facts also make him a serial murderer? The linked to Digital Journal article with videos of Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings' death and local television news reports for interested/concerned readers follows directly below. Our hearts go out to the wife, family friends and loved ones of Michael Hastings. May God Rest His Soul.

1) http://www.digitaljourn
2) al.com/news/world/wikileaks-cia-s-brennan-on-witch-hunt-when-hastings-was-killed/article/421913#ixzz3NKZ36pIm

Copyright 2015-2019 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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