Thursday, May 27, 2010, AUSTIN - Texas Governor Perry today raised questions as to his fitness to serve as Governor of Texas in remarks showing he does not understand that states are subject to federal law. He also again may have demonstrated that he is the prototype homo sapiens with the lowest IQ since the evolution of the modern human being.
Governor Perry took umbrage with the USEPA Regional Administrator's statement that Texas must clean its air to levels at which humans can live. Governor Perry said that the federal government was again interfering with Texas' affairs. The USEPA Regional Administrator announced yesterday that the USEPA pursuant to federal law was immediately re-writing one air quality permit for a Texas refinery with the remainder of 49 Texas refinery and all heavy industry air quality permits to be taken over by the USEPA within "weeks not months" if Texas regulators proved unable to do so to bring them into compliance with federal law.
Under the Bush and Perry administrations every heavy air polluting facility in the state of Texas has been allowed to draft its own air permits that allow toxic, carcinogenic, and life-threatening levels of air pollutants that far exceed standards allowed under federal law in any state. The state of Texas has allowed all such facilities to violate federal law and emit killing levels of pollutants for many years. The air quality of the entire state of Texas has become far above allowable federal "attainment levels" for all major air pollutants, which now are also about to be made stricter in any case. Living in Texas is now a death sentence for those who care to breathe the air.
Since Texas air regulators have been doing no work and bringing no enforcement actions for years as they allow their state to be poisoned, one wonders about their "Love of Texas" or why they should have jobs. They certainly do not love anyone who breathes in Texas. Governor Perry is expected to retire to another state with clean air if he does not die or is not executed first.
Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved
Governor Perry took umbrage with the USEPA Regional Administrator's statement that Texas must clean its air to levels at which humans can live. Governor Perry said that the federal government was again interfering with Texas' affairs. The USEPA Regional Administrator announced yesterday that the USEPA pursuant to federal law was immediately re-writing one air quality permit for a Texas refinery with the remainder of 49 Texas refinery and all heavy industry air quality permits to be taken over by the USEPA within "weeks not months" if Texas regulators proved unable to do so to bring them into compliance with federal law.
Under the Bush and Perry administrations every heavy air polluting facility in the state of Texas has been allowed to draft its own air permits that allow toxic, carcinogenic, and life-threatening levels of air pollutants that far exceed standards allowed under federal law in any state. The state of Texas has allowed all such facilities to violate federal law and emit killing levels of pollutants for many years. The air quality of the entire state of Texas has become far above allowable federal "attainment levels" for all major air pollutants, which now are also about to be made stricter in any case. Living in Texas is now a death sentence for those who care to breathe the air.
Since Texas air regulators have been doing no work and bringing no enforcement actions for years as they allow their state to be poisoned, one wonders about their "Love of Texas" or why they should have jobs. They certainly do not love anyone who breathes in Texas. Governor Perry is expected to retire to another state with clean air if he does not die or is not executed first.
Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved