03 May 2010

Texas Governor Demonstrates Shooting Prowess

3 May, 2010, AUSTIN, TEXAS - In addition to recently waving a six-shooter and firing it in the air at the start of a NASCAR race, "Having a Little Fun" San Antonio Express-News, A Hearst Newspaper. Texas Governor Rick Perry this past week became the first Austin resident to shoot a coyote within city limits. He shot the coyote while on his morning jog with a handgun he always carries in his running shorts.
Although a coyote has never been known to threaten a human, Governor Perry shot the animal in "self-defense" when his security detail apparently proved unable to protect him from the threatening coyote. It is not known if Governor Perry plans to shoot it out with any potential future assassins or leave the task to his security detail.
Mr. Perry also recently rejected federal funding to help the underclass in the state of Texas, much as he had rejected earlier federal funding for education apparently on the basis of his inability to comprehend the law.
To date he is not believed to have carried out his threat that Texas would "secede" from the United States. Mr. Perry is perhaps best known for his refusal to stay the execution of a Texas inmate, because Mr. Perry believed it might hurt his political chances, although the inmate was found shortly before his execution to have been convicted with tainted evidence.
Apart from his demonstrated abilities to kill animals and humans, Mr. Perry has been mentioned as a possible candidate for future election as a United States President. Texas is known to have provided the country with some of the worst Presidents in history, often after they have "successfully" served as Texas Governors. Many Americans are aware of the Bush family's service to the United States. Lyndon Johnson did not even run for Presidential re-election.

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