18 August 2013

Noose Tightens On Federal-Prison Bound Cybercriminals In Resounding National Endorsement Of Free Speech And Global Thirst For Freedom Of Expression, Cheney To Trade Pigheart For Teenage Human Body Parts

     Sunday, 18 August 2013, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - The Ninth Amendment this week celebrates a spate of birthdays amongst dear friends, close schoolmates, famous persons and B-B-Q lovers not the least of whom is former President Bill Clinton who shares a birthday with one particularly devoted figure who has contributed doggedly to the steady quality growth of readership in the Ninth Amendment for over half a decade now. It is only fitting this post is submitted out of the above dateline location that being the ostensible home of our main server location with of course mirror locations around the globe.
      "Mirror servers" remind us of one particularly ugly investment in Akamai pushed on us by a former sellout friend who was a decent attorney and personal investor but became a very sorry lapboy pig of criminal "full-service" brokerage PaineWebber that sure did some full service on all the retirement money we ever made in public interest work. Later combining with confessed criminal Swiss bank United Bank of Switzerland in the "dynamic criminal duo" UBS PaineWebber those greedy morons actually discouraged investments in Akamai when a prescient non-insider engineer at Akamai who said "buy, buy, buy" with it selling at about three dollars a share pnksheet, because there was nothing in it for UBS PW. Later once criminal UBS PaineWebber underwrote the stock, however (was on the take) it encouraged purchases at $375 a share the day before Akamai plummeted "good-bye" about a third never to return from an excruciatingly long dive to bankruptcy. For most that was a GOOD investment with UBS PaineWebber one's one-place stop for capital losses.
     Come to think of it we cannot wait to write some posts on that and some other criminal financial services "full-service" outfits and their ugly practices such as taking (legal, huh?) kickbacks for executing your orders on the many exchanges which actually make up a single exchange hunting for a trade like a pig snorting for a truffle on which IT not YOU makes the money, innocuously known as "flowback for order flow" as annually fully disclosed on index cards only legible when read in a mirror with 3-D glasses. Yes they sure do give a reader FULL SERVICE with the GARDEN HOSE. 
     The only one that must give us a bigger chuckle is BANK OF AMERICA which is simply put the biggest bunch of "legitimized" thieves in the world (just our humble uninformed opinion) who admittedly cannot even perform simple math without making exponential errors consistently in guess whose favor? Dear Readers, think we would mislead you?  Find out at your peril.
     We cannot even dissuade our mothers from trusting their Canadian pennies (that is usually all that is left by the time BANK OF AMERIKA is done with their change purses and shaking out grandmother's mattresses) at that -- VERY loosely speaking "bank". Do our readers think B your A will come after us for such irresponsibly absolutely totally TRUE statements? Unlikely. We just have one thing to say to our readers who have their money or anything of value (Bank of Amerika shamelessly even steals senior citizens wallets right out of their purses while fingerprinting them --  a practice with which B your A management certainly should feel comfortable) at the money facilitator of that which happens to be the largest criminal or any other kind of bankruptcy in history. PARMALAT, Italian style - look it up and weep.
     And five dollars to cash a check on one of its own bank account holders' instruments?  These people have neither shame nor brains, but their teeth sure are white (and sharp). Our regrets to the many clueless employees of B your A -- in this case we strongly recommend another job or sure even the unemployment line -- better that than working for these crooks unless of course one is in training to become one oneself.
     Gosh, did we say that? Well we must have meant it. Perhaps these cybercriminals who have been chocking up the years -- see earlier posts for their phone numbers and other identifying information they were good enough to leave behind on their criminal hacking forays -- have gotten to us a bit interfering with our speech and threatening our children and those we love. Our thanks again to any and all Feds who have been on the good side throughout. And once convicted we look forward to sharing their sorry attempts in our fabricated e-mails at . . . the English language?
     Please keep posted because should anyone slip through the cracks we fully expect a significant reward will be on the way for information directly leading to the arrest, convictions, and no less than two oh let us say five years federal prison time. First let us sit back and watch the rats jump from the ship, pointing their dirty nails at one another. Everyone loves a rat with dirty nails. . . .
     Finally the Ninth Amendment is delighted to be back with a lot of really fine equipment on loan. And no kidding the "stats" we soon will compile and share with readers not already having done it (somehow) on their own do show the Ninth Amendment is now read by readers in more than half the countries on the planet including nearly the entire Northern Hemisphere with the exception of North Korea. One can only sell so man pairs of the Elvis (later years' look) sunglasses.
     Soon we expect to be sharing the highlights of those stats -- even if they are supplied by Google with joint-venturer the Center for International Assassinations (CIA). If compiling our stats keeps the CIA from murdering people and leaving the American people to face the inevitable unexpected mystery killer "blowback" we are all for that.
     In the meantime think about how much the average reader might wish to contribute to the reward (held in trust) and as with all not to be collectible by those doing their jobs anyway to help send these criminals away -- start dangling a handful of dimes (in the words of Jim Morrison) in front of their noses, and it sure will be interesting to see for how much the rats will sell each other down the river.  Not much we would guess as by all accounts the stupidity of the cybercrime is just how easily the trail leads both ways. Oh my blowback indeed. 
      And soon enough back to some of the pressing questions by necessity pushed aside. Has the DEA really committed YET ANOTHER colossal blunder sending America's sick and in pain and young to the morgue with bodies full of super-strong heroin in the latest in a long uninterrupted history of MAJOR POLICY BLUNDERS in the same sorry name of "public safety"? "Public safety" for the D.E.A. means taking away their guns and giving them water pistols and toy doctor bags somewhere they can stay out of trouble for a long, long time, as in until their D.E.A. mousepads (available in YOUR local dumpster) have rotted away and no one really remembers what the acronym stood for back to its proud (huh?) origins in Prohibition. Dumb Enough Already (DEA).
     But could it be that President Obama former admitted drug dealer himself will actually live up to some of those nearly decade-old campaign promises and, along with Attorney General Eric Holder, let some of the EIGHT HUNDRED PER CENT increase in the federal prison population go into treatment and leave a little room for the truly violent? Those who we largely have the phony "war on drugs" to thank for anyway, and sorry folks by the way it did not start in the 1980's. It has been a cynical ploy since well before that that had nothing to do with drugs and everything to do with all the lies of Republican icon "Tricky Dick" Nixon ("the Christmas Day Bomber") and sidekick "Spiro Agnew" who supplied his failed condo complex as the still present-day EPA Headquarters above a Safeway, pardoned just in the nick of time as they were dusting his cell in the Republican Hall of Fame. Spiro "my man" the only Vice President who maybe even had one up on fellow "construction" investor on Dick "Pigheart" Cheney (we hear he is trading in Central American teenage body parts down on the Mexican-Belize border, may even get one himself a new heart when the kid stops screaming). And the Republicans are afraid of Hillary?

Copyright 2013 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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