01 September 2013

America's First African-American President Obama Finally Acts On Some Campaign Promises To People Who Elected Him. Can Obama Still Redeem Himself, Treatment Not Prison, Peace Not War, AMA Not DEA, Basketballs Not Bombs?

     Saturday, 7 September 2013, WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Ninth Amendment of late has surprised itself and expressed, we really are not sure why, some few harbored still surviving expectations that President Obama finally may have after all initiated at least some minor long ago we thought for sure forgotten promises desperately needed most by many of those who got him elected in 2008 and even again on faith in 2012 as their last ditch hope to save them, their children and their country on the very, very long road to salvation after the seemingly unsurmountable relentlessly calamitous series of national policy blunders and and ruinous global actions of the unelected Bush "the small shrub's" Administration as he tap-danced the United States off the ''cliff of history" in the greatest experiment ever known in governing the United States under a "Constitution" stripped in the dead of night of all its key provisions.
    This accompanied by the apparent announcement of the resignation from politics by the man who had long been doing the same domestically to Texas, the Nation's second largest state. It just had to be too good to be true. Finally, even George "the little Shrub" of late seeming to have come around of sorts even favoring meaningful immigration reform (before mostly deaf Republican ears). Last but not least the final decimating blow from former Chairman of the Board (and Vice-President) Dick Cheney not even attending the inauguration of Bush' library and video arcade.
    And amidst all this time for premature celebration the Ninth Amendment being denied in the absolutely ultimate blow the protection of one of its other very favorites, the First Amendment, as documented with absolute truth below and in the posts it has gotten out in the past couple months nonetheless. Worry not readers as we study how so-inclined readers may repay our modest work over these past years as we even now assess the real possibility of the formation of a Nonprofit Corporation, LLC or whatever mechanism most appropriate to fully support the best investigators, advocates and prosecutors of our Constitutional Rights against all who would deny us them leaving a trail which cannot be erased but only will be found by the best. So do stay tuned, all the facts you have heard before as summarized again below, will we promise be most compelling when pursued to their ultimate conclusion:

     First let us take a brief surveillance video back at the corners of Market and Van Ness streets in San Francisco : Right across the street from the SFMTA, well known by San Francisco residents and visitors there, the three-wheeled motorcycle triad, streetsweeper tow truck whose ticket and tow fees are all that really keeps the City of San Francisco running (it's so hard!). Yes back there at Cal-Nitwits I.P. snooper as identified in an earlier post here.They really must hand out that new Nolo Presss copyright 2011 "Criminal Law" Handbook at p. 284. If those well-documented hackers of our Google log and other e-mails service(s) who have left such huge cybertrails they could be "cybersleuthed" by even a Boy Scout, say Texas Idiot Governor Rick Perry, they might learn that under the so aptly named "Patriot Act" that "breaking into and damaging any internet connected computer, is punishable by up to 20 years in prison" (emphasis added). Ow!

     Thank goodness patient readers that is about all we have, or to say, right now, but we sure were beginning to wonder if President Obama was EVER going to come through or if these Great United States after the likes of the Bush Administration from Hell with its "little shrub" Bush in power who had been like a deer in the headlights ever since they gave him the skull and bones tap, and he refused to ever even pick a name for himself in that august institution situated on the grounds of the gloomiest gothic urban shambles of a college ever to grace the quaint hamlet of New Haven. "Luxury and Truthness" the Bush clan motto.
     Now this Google-powered blog has taken on a mind of its own or maybe the fifteen national "security" agencies are downstairs unable to agree today with Texas Idiot Governor Rick Payback Perry's henchmen what to order from lunch from BaBa-Ramen where all the Beltway bandits practice eating their prison meals.
     Anyway it was getting to look rather grim as President Barack Obama in his first term and a half in office has seemed largely inclined to do no less than break every promise he made to run the country differently than the tap-dancing little shrub Bush even adopting his predecessor's drug enforcement plan wholesale without even changing a single item line or even pretending to pay lipservice to his so-called emphasis on "treatment" after admitting to America solo on CNN that he Barack Obama used to use drugs because he was "selfish". Or did he say he used drugs because he slightly more accurately "caught dealing".
     In any case we knew we could rest easy once the TSA was reined in and told to stop accepting trinkets for allowing pain pills and handguns go through "security". Well as we said it has been looking pretty grim for the Nation's first African-American President when FINALLY someone must have told him it probably would be a good idea to live up to at least a single campaign promise from ONE of his campaigns to the people who really got elected.
     Low and behold United States Attorney General Eric Holder finally reportedly has sent a letter around to all the U.S. Attorneys in major cities of the states whose citizens have voted to decriminalize marijuana to STOP enforcing federal marijuana possession laws most especially not bringing prosecutions of of draconian minimum sentencing marijuana laws that have help increase the United States prison population to 800% of what it had been when that cynical crook Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon declared the "war on drugs" after his other wars like the "Christmas bombing of the civilian population a neutral country for being next to one with which we were at undeclared war".
     The Gulf of Tonkin resolution was the one that tricked Congress into what was (now there is one that found itself straight into North Korea's playbooks) to become one of the favorite Presidential ploys of modern times to get a reluctant Congress and Country to go to war by LYING to the American people and the Legislative Branch of their federal government. No doubt that one has become one of the very favorite provisions of the United States Constitution, the one that says the President can lie to the Congress and the "National Security Agencies" can lie to the President if and only if it is necessary to get the country into a waronnothing with bonus points if there happens to be a handy Republican vice-President crook who needs to make some money off a criminal (preferably construction) deal and then finish it off with a pardon for the coup de grace.
       Well Google we must say Google the once-vaunted academic bastion of computer "truth search" function later to become "sponsored truth function" has sure made it hard just for a bunch of folks from the local town meeting to make their voices heard throughout America and around the world what with having to form so many identities and "users" that it just makes your head spin. Last we hear "Big M" was our Editor-In-Chief. Next thing we know some hack Max Money is writing our posts when he is not teaching blogs on how to "game the search results."
     Well we must admit all these new terms do have a certain ring to them. President Obama with his fleet of CIA and other drones now stretching around the world and even down into the "Dark Continent" - no, not Detroit when the power plant runs out of coal! Used to be that was the CIA's trip. Now President Obama gets to make the call directly with the help of (no, not his hit men but rather the "lethal surveillance team") one bad guy, two wives, three playing children and a cow. Boom!
       Our thanks to Max Money we do not know where you came from and we do not know where you are going. But thanks Google for sending him to our blog. Not to mention the California Department of Technical Services, DIT-mis, whose IP address can be found amongst other places like illegally taking "Administrator" functions of our blog with an its IP address at Market and Van Ness meet in San Francisco.
      Right across the street from the SFMTA, you know San Francisco residents and visitors there, the ones whose ticket and tow fees are all that really keeps the City of San Francisco running (it's so hard!). They really must hand out that new Nolo Press copyright 2011 "Criminal Law" Handbook at p. 284. If those well-documented hackers of our Google log and other e-mails service(s) who have left such huge cybertrails they could be "cybersleuthed" by even a Boy Scout, say Texas Idiot Governor Rick Perry, they might learn that under the so aptly named "Patriot Act" that "breaking into and damaging any internet connected computer, is punishable by up to 20 years in prison" (emphasis added). Ow!

Copyright 2013 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved (no claim as to Nolo copyright material)

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