27 January 2014

NSA And GCHQ Exposed Unconstitutional "Mobile Suck" Massive Privacy Invasion Gathers Readers' Sexual And Political Orientation Data From "Leaky" Mobile Device Games, Smartphones And Androids

     Monday, 27 January 2014, SPYWORLD USA AND UK - The Ninth Amendment Editorial Board in what thoroughly has become a predictably tedious not to mention dangerous diversion of ours and our Nation's national security and other limited vital resources steadfastly does our best to pass on to our most concerned readers the latest daily bombshells of NSA and United Kingdom counterpart GCHQ most recent disclosures of unethical, immoral and illegal (no doubt exposed largely thanks only to Snowden documents) sickly misguided "pre-emptive metadata" privacy invasion practices since an explosion of spending by the two rogue spy agencies in 2007 on tracking readers activities via "leaky" mobile devices while unsuspecting users thought themselves merely immersed in such brainless trivialities as playing games including others recently culminating in the immensely popular (okay if they say so, "Angry Birds").
     And these games sure do squeak to the thousands of your "fellow" UK and US citizens (aspiring KGB agents) keeping you on the unemployment rolls while they rake in the dough illegally selling "useless" information on you (the "target") such as your location, sex, prior and anticipated next locations, personal habits, and, oh yes, marital status, sexual orientation and political beliefs.
     After billions of dollars, computers overflowing with "top secret" information about you so "top secret" you cannot even FOIA it (although hundreds of thousands of your government officials, college interns, former CIA Director General Petraeus and dumpster divers now doubtlessly "mistakenly" can access "you" in a minute), these agencies the NSA and GCHQ, have pitifully little to show for their efforts in terms of "national security" unless they stretch the truth a bit or are just too successful to admit it. They do admit that they have blithely tossed off some of your most important rights to, inter alia, freedom of speech, assembly, press, freedom from searches without "probable cause", those "penumbra" privacy ones that Mr. Justice Douglas just kind of humored the Court on anyway (just lucky "good facts" in Griswold what with the police kicking in married couples' bedroom doors), and so on. All to gather no information of even nearly commensurate value to abruptly finding one living a life pursuing happiness as in say Russia. Finally it is said (anyway) all most important information actually originated with "traditional" methods of tradecraft anyway, like trading national secrets for sexual favors and, oh yes, money. . . .
     One of the largest makers of "leaky apps" mobile device games, Sweden's Rovio Entertainment, making a fortune off the wholesale compromise of readers' U.S. Constitutional and similar (but weaker, remember King George III?) U.K. "Rights" does defend the private company's information collection practices which can then merely be soaked up by the NSA and GCHQ as being adequately self-regulated. Balitimore's Millenial Media, now working in concert to suck up even huger amounts of data with the maker of "Angry Birds" and other "leaky applications" after all proudly "does not knowingly collect private information of children under 13 years of age."
     No wonder the GCHQ code name "Mobile Surge" (should be "Mobile Suck") for this latest daily assault on our U.S. Constitution and each and every one of us who participates in that compact only as a matter of OUR WILL, since all governmental powers under it derive from but one place, and that is we the people, who can call off the deal whenever we care to do so under such relentless government abuse largely at the hands of mere children, certainly in spirit.
     One excited NSA child staffer not surprisingly also excitedly captioned this latest opportunity for the Agency's wholesale invasion of Americans' privacy rights, as can be seen in the NSA's child-like storyboard pictured in the following New York Times article as a "Gold Nugget!" simplifying the spy agency's latest opportunity for a major grab of your big taxpayer bucks to take an even more major grab of your few remaining privacy and other fundamental rights as so ridiculously simple (yes even of course the context must be a "game") that only a child could, or perhaps would want to, do it.
     With all due respect if our readers do not remove their bottoms from their sofas and get out there and vote screaming for their rights, donate what time or money they can, and demand their nearest and dearest to do so as well, we frankly do not know how many more of these articles the Ninth Amendment with be posting. And we may all then find ourselves as suggested in the below article serving as nothing more than beacons in the darkness flashing name, rank and serial number back to roomfuls of techies with no sense of history nor the terrible cost of liberty or anything else of value for that matter drowning under their mountains of metadata desperately clutching their joysticks staring through rooftops at your daughters.


     Readers who read the above New York Times article please should they care to do so be sure and explore the Times generously included references to "DocumentCloud" a most useful treasure trove of government documents used by researchers and journalists to research and uncover government lies, misdeeds, illegalities and so on. In the "do-it-yourself" sample case used in one edition the Times repeated local newspaper inquiries of the decade earlier "Undercover Informant" CIA role of famed 1960's civil rights photographer Ernest Withers is met by more than two years of government stonewalling before a clerk screws up and releases his CIA Informant Code Number by accident. Twice, in the same document.
     Mr. Withers fittingly followed his illustrious career as a CIA snoop on the Civil Rights movement by getting a patronage job with the State Liquor Commission where he extorted liquor license holders from his position as well as buying people's relatives out of early prison releases for more bribes, kickbacks, etc. Former CIA informant (contractor not employee, please!) was never prosecuted for his crimes although they did end the political career of the Governor of the State. We believe the case makes clear that journalists serve no useful purpose and demonstrate just another reason to toss out the First Amendment wholesale rather than going through the tedious exercise of pretending that the U.S. Government still actually respects or acknowledges any of the People's rights under the U.S. Constitution. Clearly the Founding Fathers should have just stopped with the "Commerce Clause" which the U.S. Government with the full support of the Supreme Court has used tortuously to justify any U.S. Government action from drug dealing to murder.
     In the words of beloved Gonzo journalist Dr. Hunter S. Thompson: "Did we say that? Well we must have meant it."

Copyright 2014 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved (No Claim To New York Times Article)

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