26 March 2014

Obama Deceives Again Remains Silent As President Himself Has Power Immediately To Halt Unconscionable Unconstitutional Repulsive Executive Spook Agencies' Recording Of All Americans' Phone Calls, Yet Obama Misleads Americans As To Congress' Unneeded "Approval"

     Tuesday, 26 March 2014, WASHINGTON, D.C. - The entire New York Times editorial board in today's edition flat-out calls President Obama on that repeatedly disingenuous not-so-cool a guy as he might have you think side of President-Bam-Bam-Bama-Orama (as locally known in the days living with Grandma getting "selfish" doing drugs -- well-crafted words on his first election CNN hour -- or did that really refer to dealing below-par product?) who has exposed himself failing to act "under stealth" instead again shown himself possessed of a most distasteful and unforgivable trait of betraying those who got him elected.
     Here the immediate issue disclosed by the Times is that President Obama while he would have the Country believe he waits on his recent request to Congress immediately to cease collection of ALL Americans' telephone calls every time we have used the phone since "little shrub" Bush the "not really elected" President approved recording everybody obviously illegally -- "yeah, Dick, okay sure" -- between daily afternoon rounds of video golf during naptime at the White House.
     President Obama so far as we know has not gone to any great lengths to disabuse the American people of their encouraged misunderstanding, as best we understand the Times, because the fact is that President Obama made his request fully aware that he as President Obama by virtue of his position whether under law, arcane budget or other clause, or who really cares what is in an absolute position immediately to shut down this massive heinous invasion of all of our privacy simply by stating "Stop, I terminate requested authorization for this "program" of recording all Americans' telephone calls (on the grounds of no cause whatsoever)".
     Now on that dishonesty, too, given the continuing misinformation of the American people making zero effort to correct their belief that the responsibility for continuing to conduct such a horribly illegal executive spook agency action actually rested with no one but Mr. Obama himself, well might Mr. Obama again step way out there on a limb and "frankly" assess his own behavior as "selfish"?  
     While he is at it might President Obama even really let himself have it for "admitting" his drug "selfish[ness]", but then completely ignoring that he promised his constituents when he became President that such persons who had such a health issue and were non-violent (in which group President Obama evidently included himself) properly would be treated as such. Only problem Mr. President Obama is that then immediately upon becoming President and soon having the opportunity to present his own budget on such matters, Mr. Obama unbelievably merely re-proposed verbatim intact no new treatment programs whatsoever but almost beyond belief an exactly duplicated drug enforcement budget proposal of the recently departed not-really-elected "little shrub" Bush.
     Now in a court of law eventually repeated acts which bear an uncanny resemblance to one another at a certain point might become admissible evidence of "habits", or God forbid even repeated so often with such similarity that they may be taken by the trier of fact to prove "character". Well, Mr. President Obama these early morning ramblings neither have been long-considered, long-researched, nor do they purport to be "all-inclusive" pro and con. Nevertheless we believe there are a GREAT many of us who voted for you who sadly may well never forget these and at least a few other of your Presidential acts (we will put aside your acceptance (and frequent use of) sole authority to murder by being the sole person self-permitted to give the "Fire" (or is it "Kill") order to a drone under the entirely distasteful newly updated for a new century CIA assassination protocol developed under your first Administration, if memory serves, as a the final component of the work of "lethal surveillance teams").
     And finally let us not forget those of us caught up in the tremendous fury of massive Constitutional upset and horror as to all sorts of loathsome provisions tossed into the so-called "U.S. Patriot Act", that apparent hodge-podge of yes maybe a little terrorism, and, well, yes, maybe quite a few "other" items as to which Congress had already unequivocally innumerable times told law enforcement and the spooks "no", which frankly well no one was really at the time of signing what-all given the circumstances not the least of which was that the strangely altered final draft allegedly mysteriously appeared up their on the podium with the first rays of dawn's early light its ink still fresh from the press, and no need to get one's fingers dirty as what was it, four or five hundred pages and the vote if four minutes?
     Mr. President, now on that one you definitely were against it. If anyone was against it, in case you forgot, that was you. Going into your first Election Day were there one thing we knew for sure about you it was that. So, Mr. President Obama-bama-bo-bama-orama the one saving grace, if one could call it that, was that the Bush administration's legislative nightmare thrust up the American people's *** that day must have been so beyond the pale even for that so-called "President's" crew, the usual cast of characters, that they must have felt compelled to see that the Patriot Act at least was not literally written as in stone, nor even in permanent marker, because the one thing it had was "sunset provisions" providing that if not specifically re-enacted the days would come when sections of it would fall off of it as the dead law it had always really been, but now longer effective.
     Our only question on that one Mr. Obama would undoubtedly have to be, we are sure you must have guessed it by now, is why the hell after all you had said and represented in your campaign, was your Administration actually in the end not the impetus to eliminate the legislation but in fact the opposite. Because it was your Administration that then took the fantastically unbelievable betrayal of your Aeministration's own initiative before those sunset provisions dropped off to propose that much of that most heinous in the Patriot Act become permanent law! Your administration took the initiative to make it the permanent law of the land! So, tell us please, sir. To trash our Constitution. Were you selfish?

Copyright 2014 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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