19 September 2017

A.I. To Kill Google Cloud "Salivates" Over DoD Contract As Employees Revolt Google "Do Some Evil" To Rights Fined Billions "Project Owl" Search Censors Uses "Fake News" Pretext As Google YouTube "Terror" Policy Kills "Offensive" Legitimate Content In Gross Abuse Of Unlawful Monopoly Violates Free Speech Trump Nuke Launch Threat Despite Military Law Warn Nonproliferation Experts ICBM Near Launch Errors Strategists Say Scrap ICBMs Rely On Bombers/Subs Trump Nuke Order Subject To Military Law Experts Allay Some Senate Concern Menaced Korean Peninsula U.S. B1-B Bombers South Korea Japan Jets Again Frantic Con Man Trump Lashes Out As Justice Closes In On Life Of Corruption Dow Bribes Trump $1 Million To Drop Ban On Deadly Dow "Safe" Nerve Agent Pesticide Chlorpyrofis Cause Of Childrens And Trump Brain Damage Now In 87% Americans Blood Free To Ingest Toxins Carcinogens Infertility Chemicals Congress Duty To Impeach Trump As Founding Fathers Intended To Remove A President Who Is Exactly Like Trump Corrupt, Venal, Inattentive, And Impulsive N.K. "Critical And Imminent" Threat "Unprecedented" Japan To U.S. And S.K. Trump "Acid" Eats At Integrity Of All "Guardrails" Gone GOP Dragged Off Cliff Trump Mulls DMZ Holiday Family As Human Shields Just Like Pence DMZ Visit "Nuclear War May Break Out At Any Moment" N.K. Says As U.S./ S.K. Begin Five-Day Naval Drills In Response To N.K.s Renewed Guam Missile Threats Trump Brain Gone NYC March Psychiatrists Psychologists Mental Health Pros "I Hate Everyone In The White House" Trump Advisers Fear He Is "Unraveling" U.S. B-1B Bombers Korea Flyover In Show Of Force Fire Missiles In Sea Both Japan And South Korea Fighter Jets In Escort First Time On Trip From Guam Trump's Volatility May Start "World War III" Senator Bob Corker Of Tennessee Tells The New York Times The GOP Chairman Of The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Says The White House Has Become An "Adult Day Care Center" Oct 2017 Trump Disapproval Hits 67% As Dive Continues To Just 32% Support Rocketman L-R Missile Test To Hit Golden State Says Pal Putin Even Got Math Putin Usual Chaos For Evil Empire v. Trump Usual Chaos From Brain Damage Most U.S. Say Trump Unfit Former NATO Head 50-50 NK War Chance 10% Nuke "Don't Believe In An Honest Republican, Heard Of Them, Just Never Seen One"

UPDATES to 31 May 2018

CreditMinh Uong/The New York Times

       Tuesday, 22 November 2017, LONDON / Updates 14 October 2017, SILICON VALLEY / SAN ANTONIO / 3 October 2017, WASHINGTON, D.C. - Alphabet Inc.'s Google long has collaborated including in publicly but not limited to joint venture(s) with the CIA "private" company In-Q-Tel as well as providing the CIA (like other "Intelligence Community" entities) through "interfaces" all Google user traffic and content (as do other social media platforms) without the State having to go through the tedious formalities of actually requesting it.
       This is roughly similar to the State avoiding Fourth Amendment search and seizure constraints by having a private entity such as, say, Federal Express, "accidentally" rip open suspect packages for contraband and then hand it over to the DEA (whose acting Administrator incidentally just resigned in protest against President Trump including Trump's encouragement of police brutality coupled with AG Sessions vigorous idiotic universally opposed attempts at regression to the long-proven catastrophic "War On Drugs") thus efficiently streamlining the process of conducting searches and seizures without being inconvenienced by the encumbrances of the United States Constitution. Such matters in fact may be of particular interest to some engaged in U.S. cocaine trafficking as relevant authorities just have notified the public that at least some U.S. postal service employees no longer will be available to accept bribes for safe passage of cocaine shipments through the U.S. Postal Service.
       In any case in the strictly lay opinion of the Ninth Amendment the CIA's in-house and Department of Justice attorneys including former Cheney favorite evil Neil "Golly Gitmo" Gorsuch surprisingly were not at least disbarred and forever banned from federal service for advising the CIA that torture was not torture under U.S. and international law as well as treaties and conventions exposing the Bush/Cheney administration including its CIA officials and others to this day to lifelong prosecution for war crimes and crimes against humanity should they venture into the wrong countries.
       Said DOJ attorneys now seemingly having given up enforcing U.S. civil rights, antitrust and other cumbersome laws unlike the European Union here under the leadership of Return to the Dark Ages champion Republican Senate hero security clearance liar serial perjurer racist "disgrace" Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard "Jefe" Sessions III in his single-minded fevered and demented quest encouraging police brutality in bringing back like zombies thought dead long-proven failures such as the "War On Drugs" with interminable incarceration to benefit his own and his pals private prison investments and the dismal failure "D.A.R.E."
       D.A.R.E. is a most telling example having years ago been shown actually to have increased drug use in the young. Sessions has joined our Russisa-elected president in encouraging a militarized police state assault on the U.S. population which Sessions persists in claiming is endangered by an imaginary increasing violent crime rate while actually violent crime has been plummeting for decades should not be relied upon by the State for legal advice as it remains the Ninth Amendment's lay opinion that any CIA domestic U.S. activity is unauthorized and unlawful on its face while conversely Alphabet, Inc. Google has so effectively entangled itself with State actors that it is only fair that acting like one that it be treated like one and subject to the same constitutional constraints.
       Those wishing to pursue remedies against Google for unlawful activities such as illegal searches and seizures, censorship, any other civil rights violations as well as for monopolistic market practices, censorship, invasion of privacy and so on might wish to consult with the ACLU or the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) or other such entities should those organizations be in agreement with the above or other pertinent theories or through private counsel where laws which go unenforced by the State still may have private party enforcement provisions such as for antitrust, invasion of privacy, gang stalking, racketeering and so on.
       However, as an example of Google's pervasive efforts to influence and/or co-opt those most involved with significant public policy issues affecting Google a New York Times op-ed piece linked to below reveals that Google actually now has become a significant funder and thus potential co-opter of EFF an organization one normally would expect to most vigorously represent the public interest in matters involving Google's market dominance and other matters concerning especially the internet. Vigilance in protecting consumer interests and online rights is most important including because now the Republican Trump administration has taken majority control of the FCC five person board so significant in making decisions regarding profound internet issues affecting the public such as preserving equal internet access in all regards including under the doctrine of "net neutrality" which had been protected under the Obama administration FCC with the finding that internet access could be regulated as a "public good". The new Trump GOP FCC Chair Ajit Pai's appropriately misnomered "Restoring Internet Freedom" proposal to reverse Obama-era net neutrality received an overwhelming 22+ million comments by the Wednesday 30 August 2017 close of the comment period.
       Interested readers below will find some sources that may be in agreement that Alphabet Inc. Google's time has come to face the consequences of its global corrupt monopolistic malfeasance not the least of which being that it should be broken up mercilessly this once arguably long ago beneficent company rumored born of good intentions at MIT to develop a better search engine with site rankings based on legitimate links to Alphabet Inc. Google today being the harbinger of an Orwellian dystopia whose founding motto "Don't Be Evil" has metastasized into the embracing of Lord Acton's admonition morphing "Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" into its creed and guiding light, or rather darkness. The European Union (EU) has been much more aggressive than the U.S. in pursuing American-born technology companies' privacy and other violations the most recent major action being the assessment of a record $2.7 billion antitrust fine against Google reported in the CNBC link below.
       As most (especially Russians apparently) agree nothing is free including from Google or any social media site which in return for what they provide they each time in turn take and keep one's every word, phrase, sentence, and/or paragraph, one's every thought of the moment now even absolutely unethically also undertaking without notice or knowing permission scientific experimentation on users' emotions and so on much like Zuckerboy with Facebook or, surprise, the CIA had with MK-ULTRA (ahem, attempted) mind control or of course the OSS/CIA good old pal Josef Mengele unmentionable psychotically sadistic "experimentation" (he's our boy, just fly him to South America).
       Therefore if convinced Google is not altogether beneficent why not take a moment each time one does a search or whatever to just also entirely randomly quickly search several other bizarre words or inane terms in which one has absolutely no interest at all. As the acting head of DARPA testified before its oversight Senate subcommittee as to artificial intelligence one major challenge DARPA had identified was "garbage in, garbage out" which meant DARPA had to be quite careful as to what input the A.I. was exposed as the wrong input could result in some very unpredictable consequences of significant concern.
       YouTube effective censorship of "controversial" material "not in violation of our policies" has arrived heralded within an apparent non-controversial "Fight Terror" posting . Official YouTube Blog August 1, 2017 post reports YouTube in past month used "machine learning" (primitive A.I. precursor) for 75% of removals of "terror content" videos with no human flagging. However YouTube uses the same post to slip into announcing it now also is taking steps to effectively censor video content by isolating it as "limited" separated by an interstitial, not recommending it, not recording likes, not allowing comments and ending monetizing of creator content of "controversial" material admittedly "not in violation of our policies" but presumably to kill off content unwanted or inconvenient to Google by means still evolving but given the entirety of the body of the post to include just by "machine learning" rather than just human censors either of which in any case is absolutely objectionable effective censorship of free speech on a grossly monopolistic platform.
     Alphabet, Inc. Google more recently has been suspected of practicing further unlawful monopoly censorship violating free speech and association rights without limitation by changing and/or eliminating delivery to users of search results yielding links to more fringe, alternative and/or progressive content in its "Project Owl" claimed fight against "Fake News" also used as a pretext for admittedly censoring "offensive (to Google)" content as set out for interested readers in the uppermost New York Times 26 September 2017 "Search Bias Claims" article linked to below. 

A little over a month ago, we told you about the four new steps we’re taking to combat terrorist content on YouTube: better detection and f...

"Silicon Valley Is Not Your Friend" Essay Adapted By Noam Cohen @noamcohen Author Of "The Know-It-Alls: The Rise Of Silicon Valley As A Political Powerhouse And A Social Wrecking Ball" New York Times Sunday Review.

                                               "We are beginning to understand that tech companies don't
                                                         have our best interests at heart. Did they ever?"


Links For All Other Preceding Post Topics Above
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/30/technology/google-project-maven-pentagon.html Google A.I. To Kill Humans
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/posteverything/wp/2017/11/22/if-trump-wants-to-use-nuclear-weapons-whether-its-legal-wont-matter/?utm_term=.24d266cfee2f Warning Trump Nuke Use Possible Despite Military Law
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-nuclear-icbm-specialreport/special-report-nuclear-strategists-call-for-bold-move-scrap-icbm-arsenal-idUSKBN1DM1D2?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29 Launch Risks Nuke Strategists Say Scrap ICBMs
http://billmoyers.com/story/dangerous-case-donald-trump-robert-jay-lifton-bill-moyers-duty-warn/ Duty To Warn
https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/868551/google-artificial-intelligence-AI-deepmind-alphago  Human Data
https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/766612/Google-DeepMind-artificial-intelligence-AI Highly Aggressive
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/05/technology/machine-learning-artificial-intelligence-ai.html A.I. Build A.I.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2018/04/23/google-parent-alphabets-profits-bounce-to-an-all-time-high/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.c930a23762cd Alphabet Profit $9.4B Record Qtr 1 2018 Google YouTube
https://gosint.wordpress.com/2017/08/12/one-year-ago-is-the-cia-behind-facebook/ BE AWARE: 1st Video By RT
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-socialmedia/u-s-senators-hammer-facebook-for-power-over-elections-idUSKBN1D014V?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29 Senate Judiciary Slams Facebook Twitter Google
http://www.msnbc.com/hardball/watch/wapo-russian-linked-ads-found-on-google-1066827331860 + Video 5:22
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/facebook-embeds-russia-and-the-trump-campaigns-secret-weapon/  Video 15:11
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/02/las-vegas-shooting-facebook-google-fake-news-shooter?CMP=share_btn_fb Google Facebook Flood Internet With Right-Wing Sites Fake News Of Las Vegas Shooter
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-google-news-publishers/google-relaxes-rules-on-free-news-stories-plans-subscription-tools-idUSKCN1C709E? feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29 Top Search Results No Longer Need Free Content
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/26/technology/google-search-bias-claims.html?mcubz=1 Google "Project Owl"
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/12/technology/tech-giants-threats.html Tech Giants Democracy Speech Danger
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2018/02/09/how-public-media-could-become-a-casualty-of-youtubes-war-on-propaganda/?utm_term=.a6b6e8c73676 British lawmakers scathing critique of YouTube label plan
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-internet-politics-analysis/internet-giants-once-above-the-fray-on-the-defensive-in-washington-idUSKCN1BZ0BI?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29 U.S. Net Giants Oversight Looms Google Facebook
https://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/27/eu-hits-google-with-a-record-antitrust-fine-of-2-point-7-billion.html Google $2.7 Billion Fine Hit European Union Antitrust Record
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP3ETSCTBIQ YouTube "Internet Purge Begins"
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/aug/30/fcc-net-neutrality-vote-open-internet Net neutrality threat

Copyright 2017-2018 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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