11 September 2014

Texas-Size Lies As Recent Days' Polls Catch Up To GOP "Dark Money" Corrupt Woman-Hater A.G. Gregg "Payday" Abbott And So Does Wendy Davis Closing In Single Digits Confirms Conservative Rasmussen Numbers Despite Abbott's Bald Lies To Out-Of-State Criminal "Donors Wirh Benefits" That Abbott Has (Non-Existent) Comfortable Lead In Flailing Bid To Buy Texas Governorship

       Thursday, 11 September 2014, HOUSTON - The Houston Chronicle has obtained the first internal Texas voters' survey conducted in recent days by the widely diverse voter and volunteer-driven Wendy Davis campaign confirming last month's conservative Rasmussen poll finding Wendy Davis continuing her rapid climb within single digits of the the doomed Republican "Dark Money" Corrupt Woman-Hater A.G. Gregg "Payday Loan" Abbott.
       Republican Abbott is known as "The General" to those upon whom he routinely improperly has bestowed paybacks in the form of favorable official decisions in return for payoffs made in the form including of "campaign donations" while serving as Attorney General. Abbott another poster boy for endemic Texas corrupt GOP modus operandi now promises more big time profits encouraging exploitation of good, true, hard-working Texans selling them out in return for "contributions" to his Texas gubernatorial campaign from so-called unidentified "dark money" largely crooks in any case already known to be criminal usurers fleeing other states.
       In the midst of state and federal criminal investigations and convictions they have had to shut down and run from their "Payday Loan" and "Title Loan" racketeering operations in states such as Utah expecting to pay their "respects" to the likes of Republican Abbott to expand operations in Texas where Republican elected officials throughout the numbingly long Perry administration have been known to sell out the State and its people for a song while Perry and his traveling "security" circus see the world first-class at Texas taxpayers' expense while Perry allegedly recruits eager radioactive Japanese tourists to visit the Lone Star State.
       GOP Abbott like lane-duck indicted Texas Idiot Governor Rick "Payback" Perry also welcomes for cash big-time out-of-state polluters to come and further bespoil the once-pristine environment of Texas in addition to Abbott's small handful of fugitive cash "donors" who have built dirty-cash empires on the corrupt business model of keeping desperate underclass borrowers in a cycle of oppression and poverty making "short-term" loans that quickly are exposed as a permanent cycle of financial despair with true interest rates often totaling in the thousands of percent interest (or "fees" to try to avoid prosecution).
        In addition to his other endearing virtuous qualities as attested to by his mother-in-law (and she could be lying too) GOP Abbott "The General" incessantly has demonstrated his contempt for Texas women throughout his campaign in a series of  stupefying misogynist blunders since adopting his "Women are Hoes" campaign theme song and even dating further back to his earlier state Supreme Court stint where he issued his shocking dissenting judicial opinion on the bipartisan Court that the Kirby home vacuum sales company should bear no responsibility for failing to warn a woman customer that its scheduled home sales visit salesman was a registered sex offender who then proceeded during that home visit to rape and murder her alone in her home. 
       Completely unlike Wendy Davis' broad-based campaign representing all true honest hard-working Texans "Dark Money" Abbott lacks all popular support but is largely supported by a handful of criminal usurers now planning to buy Abbott the Texas Governor's office in return for keeping Texas' borders wide open to the Perry flood of usurers' payday and title loan stores driven out of Utah and other states by continuing state and federal criminal investigations and corruption prosecutions as well to the stinking small dirty money and dirty business group eager for further opportunities to profit from destroying what remains of Texas' natural environment from the spoils of the Gulf of Mexico to the Perry legacy of filthy unbreathable Texas air. For all Texans who actually live here it is hard to work if one cannot breath just as it is hard to hunt it if everything is dead or dying and hard to eat it it if is full of chemicals, toxins, and poisons.
       Finally readers who care to read the link below to the San Antonio Express-News may be interested to learn that these Republicans candidates are so used to lying for so long to those they would con into voting for them that they even do it to those whose dirty cash they want in return for "official favors". For example despite the clear facts otherwise that Wendy Davis long has been closing fast now moving up through the single digits that has not kept the likes of Abbott "The General" and his campaign from lying even to his "donors" that his lead has remained comfortably in the double digits "based on their internal polls". One would think they would know a liar when they saw one.

Coputright 2014 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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