07 December 2014

C.I.A. Outrages New York Times Entire Editorial Board As Times Condemns Rogue C.I.A. Spy Agency Disguised Scheme And Demands C.I.A. "Shocking Plan To Purge The Email Record Of Most Of Its Employees Must Be Stopped"

       Sunday, 7 December 2014, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - The CIA's latest exposed especially sneaky domestic bureaucratic plot this time trying to trick its fellow federal employees into being unwittingly accomplices in attempting once again to cover its guilty ass and not to be held to stricter transparency rules necessary because it is a publicly accountable government agency rather than the lack of routine scrutiny appropriate for the ordinary private ordinary citizen protected by the U.S Constitution and Bill of Rights doubtless attempted here because the C.I.A. has come to view itself as "above the rest of us" due to its frequent apparent temporary success to date most often escaping all accountability for a long history of illegal and criminal acts including torture and murder both now known and yet to be discovered in which CIA officials in the case at hand participate in conspiring to afford themselves the luxury to "disappear" from the National Archives and Records Administration all of the (potentially very incriminating) emails of all of its employees after three (3) years separation from service except its topmost 22 C.I.A. managers disingenuously insultingly disguised as a part of a federal initiative merely to reduce supposedly "worthless" government archived records.
       This "shocking plan" since has been exposed by U.S. Senators Feinstein and Chambliss of the Senate Intelligence Committee and condemned by the New York Times entire editorial board as yet another dark shadows operation "in plain sight" attempting to erase C.I.A. bad deeds this time in an effort permanently to "purge the emails of most of its employees" which doubtless mistakenly preserve details of things such as failed attacks on foreign governments and expected unwarned of domestic blowback not to mention black site waterboarding and other sick forms of torture and doubtless the latest C.I.A. hatched remote drone and other group assassinations with untold collateral damage by this century's new "lethal surveillance teams" killing humans as if they were characters on computer game screens all of which emails apparently never even had to be preserved in the first place as it apparently is C.I.A. "policy" that employees only print out and keep emails of what in their own unfettered and unreviewed discretion they deem to be important although for all they know the N.S.A. in its huge overflowing computer servers or some other "national security" entity most probably is retaining all the C.I.A.'s email metadata traffic as well as everyone else's perhaps in case some inside turf war becomes real ugly especially with that ATF Bureau out there looking desperately for years now for a purpose ever since its failed Koresh compound Waco publicity fiasco in which the FBI helped really put the final nail in the coffin although who in their right mind would give the ATF even a baby Macintosh suitable for playing "Asteroids" as it might actually goodness forbid really screw things up and accidentally not lose the hand-scrawled record of some recent purchaser of enough arms ammunition and body armor to outfit a modest army and thus prevent some NRA owned politician from being re-elected.
       This C.I.A. email destruction and avoidance practice is completely at odds with and in glaring exception to the United States rogue spy agencies' led by an NSA run amok intention to effect the total permanent illegal retention keeping full text records of its unconstitutional historical and continuing universal domestic spying and surveillance metadata email stealing sweep in absolute violation of the Bill Of Rights starting with the NSA "special source" Operation Prism of all United States citizens in which the NSA secretly indiscriminately illegally intercepted and retained all private citizens emails for which responsible NSA officials long ago should have been thrown in prison in which now the C.I.A. latest records destruction scheme reflects as ever the agency's ceaseless attempts to stay one step ahead of and two steps above the law doing its best to snub all requirements of government transparency and accountability in which elements of the C.I.A. and its brethren "national security" agencies at the same time through the persistence of a fundamentally criminal culture lay waste to the brilliant unique and remarkable foundation of principles and practices set forth in the United States Constitution they are sworn to uphold but nevertheless mindlessly bent on eventually destroying despite being the core essence of this Nation they are tasked with protecting .


Copyright 2014 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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