26 March 2015

CIA "Kill-Centric" Counterterrorism Center (CTC) Director "Mike" Aka "Roger" Architect Of Murderous Drone Campaigns, Hunt For Bin Laden, Operation Of Secret CIA Prisons And Well-Documented Torture Programs Unceremoniously Unpositioned In Alleged Major CIA "Modernization" Top Officials Shakeup

       Thursday, 15 March 2015, LANGLEY, VA - The man which even the Washington Post is only permitted to identify as "Mike" who usually has been identified by his made up CIA name "Roger" has for nearly a decade headed the CIA's Counterterrorism Center (CTC) directing some of the most deadly, torturous, inhumane, criminal acts apparently constituting actionable crimes against humanity and war crimes is being repositioned to a to-be-determined position in a major shakeup of CIA top officials described by the Washington Post as a "reorganization" to adapt to modern priorities.
       CIA Director murderer John Brennan whose criminal activities have been described in earlier posts reportedly orchestrated the repositioning of Mike also portrayed as "The Wolf" in the film "Zero Dark Thirty" of whom others in the CIA continue to live in fear without announcement but which only became known to other CIA employees through a PowerPoint presentation. CTC Director Mike orchestrated the CIA's deadliest "signature strike" lethal campaign against unidentified suspected terrorists and has had authority to order drone kills which previously has only been known to the Ninth Amendment to be permitted by President Barack Obama, directing the hunt for Osama bin Laden and been in charge of the CIA's secret overseas prisons such as Cobalt aka The Dark Prison aka The Salt Pit in Afghanistan outside of Kabul where "extrajudicial detainees" were subjected to the CIA's torture program as well as the "disastrous recruiting campaign" at a CIA base established in Khost, Afghanistan where in 2009 Taliban insurgents simply walked in and killed nine CIA employees.
       CIA CTC head Mike in addition to murdering people reportedly maintained curious personal habits such as always wearing dark suits with his "dark demeanor" to the CIA "campus" where he stayed for days at a time, kept a fold-out cot in his office, chain-smoked, read terrorist reports for hours on a treadmill, converted to Islam while at the same time directing the deadliest "signature strike" drone campaign ever which "outraged Muslims" and typically spoke in profanities for example when asked by a colleague "how it was going" said "[w]e are killing these sons of bitches faster than they can grow them".
       While a CIA spokesman Dan Boyd (which may or may not be his name) characterized the outgoing CTC Director Mike as "one of the true heroes of the agency" and praised him for "nearly a decade of outstanding work in this post", a former U.S. intelligence official said that "[p]eople were scared of him" as "Roger was the undertaker" (Roger being his CIA made up name).
       Although now-former CIA CTC director Mike's repositioning to an apparently undetermined position is said to mark a "modernization" of the CIA by CIA Director fellow murderer John Brennan in which an unknown number of apparently senior CIA officials are being repositioned to unidentified positions, the Ninth Amendment refers interested readers to previous posts published here in recent months which would seem to suggest that this "reorganization" may be motivated as much or more by a fear of murderer Brennan and other CIA top officials of prosecution for torture and human rights atrocities that have been documented in the Senate's "Torture Report" as well as the "Panetta Report" locked away in a Senate building safe. These CIA officials have repeatedly tried to distance themselves from the atrocities committed by those under their command with even the CIA Inspector General who investigated the dismal situation similarly claiming to lack knowledge of what sadistic CIA employees were actually doing to "detainees" at the CIA's secret "extrajudicial" torture prisons in several other countries as well of course at Guantanamo Bay.
       The Ninth Amendment editorial board finds it extremely "coincidental" that this "major" CIA reorganization would be reported in the Washington Post on a day where there are a tremendous number of diversionary other major news stories developing including that of the deliberately crashed Germanwings flight, the U.S.-Iran proxy war rapidly developing in Yemen where the U.S. incidentally reportedly abandoned $500 million worth of military hardware, the announced arrest of two Aurora, Illinois cousins with one allegedly about to fly from Chicago to Cairo to join ISIS and the other a member of the U.S. Army National Guard in Illinois allegedly intending to wear his official uniform in order to enter a U.S. Army base and commit a terrorist act in sympathy with ISIS, as well as a major building collapse now reported on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
      In other words a very fine day to try to bury a story which really signaled something very different than what has been stated by CIA Director murderer John Brennan and other top CIA officials who may in fact suffer from a growing fear that sheer bluster cannot forever protect them from prosecution at home or abroad for a well-documented extensive torture program violating U.S. criminal laws as well as international treaties and conventions against war crimes (for which charges already have been filed in Germany) and crimes against humanity.
       Readers interested in more information can go to the below link to the referenced Washington Post article.


Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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