13 April 2015

Beat Polygraph Tests Easily Which Are But "Insidious Orwellian Instruments Of Torture" According To Former Police Detective And Polygraph Examiner

     Monday, 13 April 2015, NEW YORK, NY - Former Oklahoma police detective and polygraph examiner Doug Williams, now aged 69, reportedly has been coaching people for 36 years how to beat polygraph so-called "lie detector" tests which in addition to the quote in the above post heading he also calls "nothing more than a psychological billy club used to coerce and intimidate people". Federal law prohibiting the use of polygraphs by most employers, a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that lower courts may ban polygraph results from evidence and the scientific community repeatedly warning about polygraph tests' potential inability accurately to detect lies all would seem provide a firm foundation for former Detective Williams' strong assertions about the potential for the authoritarian misuse of essentially worthless polygraph test results to persecute the innocent.
     Nevertheless reportedly the federal government, state and local law enforcement unsurprisingly continue routinely to administer polygraph tests and apparently rely on them not unduly concerned with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, federal legislation and the scientific community's seemingly obvious strong admonitions about the polygraph's unreliability. This intransigence extending to the highest levels of law enforcement and government would seem to be confirmed by the fact that even the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) less than a half year ago in November 2014 charged former Detective Williams with witness tampering after he tutored undercover agents posing as federal job applicants who had committed crimes on how to beat the polygraph.
     Not to worry that Mr. Williams will be stifled or unavailable for tutoring due to court dates ahead in the DOJ case against him as Mr. Williams would seem to be all the more enthused with presumably much added publicity to his cause of exposing the great polygraph lie including for example as widely circulated in The New York Times article linked to below now given the opportunity to broadcast his message far and wide of "this dangerous myth of lie detection". Moreover former Detective Williams has taken the opportunity of the publicity afforded him by DOJ to cast himself as the victim of government retaliation for widely publicizing the polygraph's apparently rich potential for false results or, again in Mr. William's own words, "I've made them look like fools and con men".
     Interested readers will find former Detective Williams' polygraph-beating techniques succinctly outlined in two short paragraphs in the article linked to below which techniques however presumably would best be learned due to physical monitoring considerations actually hooked up to a practice polygraph machine. Thankfully practice no longer even requires clenching one's anus in response to certain benign "control" questions to feign distress in contrast to how to "calm oneself" before answering "relevant ones about a specific incident" (after practicing in advance telling the two types of questions apart) as well as heeding Mr. Williams most important first admonition which is "not to be intimidated".


Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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