21 April 2015

Foul DOJ Hypocrisy Of AG Eric Holder Revealed In Routine Support Of Police Violence And Civil Rights Violations In Every Case Before US Supreme Court

     Tuesday, 21 April 2015, WASHINGTON, D.C. - United States Attorney General (AG) Eric Holder is an absolute sickening hypocrite of the worst sort who parades himself around the communities of this nation holding himself out as a champion of the People's and particularly minorities such as African-Americans right for example not to be killed by the State for no reason at all as he presents and portrays himself and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) he heads in apparent sympathy with victims of rampant police abuses such as unprovoked violence in the routine use of excessive force and civil rights violations such as citizens being shot in the back by police officers of the State while in fact the truth about AG Holder is quite the opposite as a review of the record of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) AG Holder heads definitively proves that when these cases of the State's crimes against the People finally get before the United States Supreme Court in every single case without a single exception argued before the Court throughout the tenure of the Obama administration AG Holder's DOJ and its so-called "Civil Rights Division" has taken the side of the police and the State always defending police officers charged with out-of-control violence abuses against the American people and endemic civil rights violations against the People's fundamental rights such as not to be killed by the government whether one is needlessly shot eleven times by yet another cop emptying a full clip of bullets into the body of someone already clearly dead or if one is a mentally ill woman living in a mental health facility pepper sprayed in the face and then blown away by police shooting her for "threatening" them by holding a small bread knife.
     The Ninth Amendment previously has reported on the hypocrisy of AG Eric Holder DOJ's tragic actions or lack thereof which are directly responsible for the continuing unforgivable transgressions of the State against the American people needlessly ruining so many lives in the AG Holder DOJ's  absolute failure to fulfill President Obama's unequivocal presidential campaign promises to the people who got him elected to reform the criminal justice system especially in its plainly tragically wrong treatment of non-violent drug offenders (which President Obama long ago admitted he himself to be except he just was not caught so he could become President rather than perhaps have his own life ruined) which AG Holder hypocrisy now further has been documented extensively in the horrid record of AG Holder's DOJ in every single case encouraging U.S. Supreme Court rulings wrongly holding obviously unconstitutional law enforcement police violence abuses and civil rights violations against the People to be permitted as the law of the land.
     While police associations unsurprising support AG Holder unfortunately the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is cast as incorrectly sympathetic to AG Holder's DOJ although that largely could be because of the horrible record of preceding Republican AGs as to ignoring law enforcement abuses and especially those GOP appointees who committed such unpardonable abuses as using DOJ for everything they could to attempt to shield the Bush Administration and its Executive Branch agencies by issuing or endorsing completely bogus legal opinions such as attempting to shield from prosecution the NSA's obviously unconstitutional use of mass surveillance and metadata collection against the American people and most notably attempting to immunize the Bush Administration and its CIA with self-serving legal opinions trying to shield them from punishment for loathsome violations of United States and international law such as the Geneva Conventions for their commission of international war crimes against humanity committing their routine worldwide infliction of torture and indefinite uncharged confinement as well as kidnapping of persons of many nations all of which is no longer a secret to anyone in the United States or the world.
     Not that AG Holder's DOJ has done a single thing to charge those for these crimes who in the name of and as representatives of the United States now are well documented as having committed repulsive and grotesque criminal acts of torture on human beings in violation of United States and international law even as Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey former Bush administration Deputy Attorney General at DOJ has taken it upon himself needlessly to imply the complicity of Poland and Hungary in the perpetration of the horrors of the Holocaust drawing international outrage against this representative of the United States government who would have the audacity to for no reason at all at this time broadcast to the world such sentiments when the United States itself has proven to be among the worst human rights violators and abusers in modern times whether by torturing human beings or locking them up domestically in prisons as become an entrenched industry in astounding numbers that drawf the percentage of the population incarcerated in all other civilized countries.
     Readers interested in more information about the above most unfortunate undeniably abysmal record of AG Eric Holder's DOJ before the Supreme Court always having in every case without exception supported law enforcement abuses such as the excessive force of police violence and officers' civil rights violations against the American people encouraging the Supreme Court to make these abuses contrary to all principles upon this great nation was founded the law of the land only so they can be repeated over and over again no doubt just getting worse and worse due to the encouragement of ultimately a lack of criminal prosecution can to the link below.

Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved


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