27 May 2015

UPDATED: Obama Betrays U.S. Constitution And Electoral Base Presses Congress Keep Illegal Mass Surveillance Metadata Collection After Lying To People "50 Terror Plots" Thwarted When In Fact "Zero" Have Been Per CNN

     Wednesday, 27 May 2015, WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Obama this week continues to betray the United States Constitution and his electoral base with the increasingly falsely transparent Obama urging the U.S. Senate and all Congress to continue unconstitutional adjudicated illegal federal government mass surveillance of all Americans essentially continuing the most repugnant illegal provisions of the so-called "Patriot Act" then later passing off metadata collection to private telecommunications firms which will doubtless "securely" store all Americans' private communications for later use by the State under the so-called "USA Freedom Act".
     Obama national security agency mostly criminal directors and officials unsurprisingly faithfully have voiced a weak chorus of urging for the endorsement by those in Congress of their continuation of unconstitutional illegal practices which to date have accomplished nothing at all in protecting Americans from any terrorists whatsoever [UPDATE] even while President Obama outright has lied to the American people that "50 Terror Plots" have been thwarted when in fact CNN on air confirmed Friday, 29 May 2015 that President Obama now has been forced to admit the that the true number of terror plots thwarted in fact is "zero" even as the president still attempts to fan false terror throughout the nation without regard for the great cost to core essential American constitutional liberties. Meanwhile crybaby FBI Director James B. Comey badgers on for the endorsement of illegal unconstitutional "roving" wiretap activities of his agency plus a couple of others including strangely unused but nevertheless claimed essential authorities under the non-existent what the Obama administration calls "noncontroversial" provisions of the legally discredited so-called "Patriot Act".
     Not to be outdone in showing further her rote loyalties right out of the gate to her new boss Obama the presumably spoon-fed rantings of new Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch continued her threats that without the use of unconstitutional illegal authorities a "serious lapse in our ability to protect the American people" would result even as a senior Obama administration official unbelievably went so ridiculously far as to accuse the recessed Congress of "playing national security Russian roulette."
     One wonders to what hysterical heights White House terrorspeak rhetorical garbage might ascend were the country actually facing some real acute danger as the Obama administration appears prepared to wager a great many unfounded scare tactics on getting its way in just this week alone. Perhaps President Obama might be better advised to review the record of his claimed hero President Franklin D. Roosevelt before allowing his administration to continue to spout such obvious nonsense accomplishing little but discrediting the Obama administration now and in the future especially in a time of real crisis.
     The so-called "Patriot Act" must be allowed to expire 1 June 2015 and Congress reject any new unconstitutional criminal legislation such as the so-called "USA Freedom Act" which hardly has been debated in any meaningful way for such momentous legislation so seriously impacting core constitutional rights. False flag cries of desperation or Armageddon if no replacements are put in place of such illegal trash legislation as the "Patriot Act" by week's end are rightly disregarded as the Republican controlled Congress continues to demonstrate it has apparently neither the aptitude nor desire to engage in meaningful debate which cannot be replaced by last-minute horsetrading and dealmaking robbing the American people of the deeply thoughtful and comprehensive debate which Congress must have and the American people deserve and demand before the State take any action impacting these hugely significant areas to the future of our nation and the principles upon which it was founded.
     President Obama now repeatedly has done little but continue Bush administration illegal "national security" and law enforcement priorities despite pledging to do otherwise while at the same time allowing key Bush-Cheney administration torturers and other criminals to go completely unpunished and/or even giving them continued federal employment still engaging in existing and expanded illegal unconstitutional federal government encroachments on the People. The Obama legacy domestically in critical areas of promised change appears more and more to be little but an extension of the criminal Bush-Cheney administration policies with few lessons learned by key figures in a State run amok. The federal government intrudes further and further with dangerous challenges of the People's rights with the State's unconstitutional illegal actions anathema to the United States Constitution which the State continues to betray at its peril.
     Readers interested in more information on the above can go to the first two links below. Those readers interested in more background with extensive source links can go to the earlier Ninth Amendment 26 June UPDATED "Patriot Act Illegal Section 215" post where it first was published below on 9 May 2015. Readers further interested also can go to the last link below a very large collection of sources covering different aspects of NSA surveillance programs.    




Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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