05 May 2015

UPDATED: Terrorists Prevail As French Parliament Overwhelmingly Dumps Major Civil Liberties Adopts Unlimited Mass Surveillance In Fear From Attacks

     Wednesday, 6 October 2015, PARIS - Seemingly oblivious to the debate raging in the United States over post-9/11 attacks U.S government Bush Administration, N.S.A., C.I.A., F.B.I. defense intelligence and other agencies' continuing widespread profound civil liberties' abuses in the wake of the United States hysterical reaction to those attacks which government abuses still haunt Americans seriously threatening foundational principles of the U.S. Constitution to this day nevertheless the so-called "socialist" French Government today in a shameful Parliamentary vote in which ruling socialists joined with French right-wingers but for the Front National (apparently leaving that far right group as the last elected bastion of French civil liberties) overwhelmingly voted to give French intelligence agencies mass surveillance powers giving the French Government the "right to gather potentially unlimited Internet data from Internet communications, and to tap cellphones and capture text messages" of anyone at all.
     France's capitulation to terrorist fears in sacrificing French fundamental foundational liberties existing since the French Revolution long a singularly vital inspiration to the free world which liberties largely define French society to this day not even sacrificed in the face of two world wars is a profound tragedy perhaps especially sadly ironic given that in the wake of the horrific Charlie Hebdo attack the former French Prime Minister Dominque de Villepin emphatically implored on or about 17 January 2015 in Le Monde that the French not adopt comparable "exceptional" measures such as the so-called disastrous "Patriot Act" which legislation Mr. Villepin in condemning further asserted specifically started a "downward spiral" in the United States leading directly to a result which "has caused that country today to lose of its moral compass".
     The editorial board of the Ninth Amendment observes that the French unhappily now may assess the consequences on the "moral compass" of France itself of legislation which according to the description of at least one civil liberties group there sounds as bad or worse even than United States post-9/11 legislation and its aftermath. Considering the acknowledged failure of the United States secretive adoption of huge mass surveillance and myriad other unconstitutional practices acknowledged to have yielded virtually no valuable information preventing significant homeland terrorist threats should France find it has with virtually no debate sweepingly sacrificed such fundamental liberties itself to purchase but "a little temporary safety" and God forbid still face some worse attack, how much liberty will France have left to sacrifice? The action of the French is a dangerous harbinger for Europe arguably as bad or if possible worse even than Great Britain's vast GCHQ surveillance described by Edward J. Snowden as "worse than the N.S.A." with the French further setting an example that should neither be followed elsewhere in Europe nor anywhere else in the free world lest the free world as known cease to exist.
     Readers interested in more information about the above can go to either or both of the first two links below. [UPDATE] Those readers interested in further details about the new French mass surveillance law as well on the response of other European countries to terrorism fears can go to the third link below.




Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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