28 June 2015

Pentagon "Backpack Nuke" Spy Chief Undersecretary Of Defense Michael G. Vickers USD-1 Despite Career Of Failures Highest Civilian Military Intelligence Official "Quietly Retires" Under Obama New Defense Secretary Ashton Carter

     Sunday, 28 June 2015, WASHINGTON - Perhaps but doubtfully intentionally on the internationally recognized day on which Socialism is celebrated worldwide, on Thursday, 1 May 2015 United States Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD-1) chief Michael G. Vickers "quietly retired" from a position that most Americans including New York Times reporters apparently unsurprisingly have no idea is the highest-ranking civilian military intelligence position which oversees the Pentagon's $80 billion largest portion of the United States "intelligence community's" (publicly known) annual spying budget and also manages the nation's largest number of about 180.000 "intelligence people".
     Considering the responsibility of Vickers' position for imposing a major financial burden on the most unfairly heavily burdened taxpaying effectively chronically poverty-stricken portion of the country due to the government's obscenely wastefully unnecessary so-called "defense" spending not to mention the untold numbers of killings Vickers had overseen and ordered worldwide in the American people's name Vickers' reported departure from the Pentagon received very little publicity there with a low-key goodbye and curiously little coverage in the press.
     The New York Times article linked to below reporting Vickers' future plans simply confined itself to relate the uninformative news that Vickers himself provided that he intended to "sleep" claiming often having been woken up during his Pentagon service as Vickers told it on his special apparent "Batman"-type phone (reminiscent of the 1960's telephone drama "Batman" special red phone) presumably to authorize drone strike kills as well as other murders and so on which now allegedly had had its line "cut" along amusingly quaintly as told accidentally with his lined phone and cable service laughably claimed to have "cut him off" from the world as if he relied on technology for Pentagon communications from roughly a century ago.
     The Pentagon apparently had not heard this anecdote as it told the Washington Post at the same time that Vickers future assignments had not been ascertained although with his common drone strike kill experience he may find himself in some future assignment with the seemingly reassigned to disappearance CIA's "the Wolf" aka "Roger" aka "Mike" both of whom regardless of the atrocities for which they may have been responsible at least along with the CIA agent responsible for the "Argo" f*ck yourself mission have been portrayed in feature films although neither is known likewise to have received the "Intelligence" star.
     As to his curious career journey earning him such positions of enormous responsibility including for at least $80 billion of the taxpayers' money Vickers hardly distinguished himself in high school focusing his energy instead on lifting weights while maintaining a "gentleman's" (had he been attending Harvard which he did not) C+ average although a high school teacher oddly inexplicably did introduce him (according to the exceedingly sparse obviously slanted Wikipedia article also linked to below suspiciously seemingly poorly written by a friend) to the "realities of International Relations and the CIA's Secret War in Cambodia."
     The vision of the CIA's illegal activities killing foreigners in their homes overseas in undeclared war in a failed effort to achieve unobtainable objectives apparently resonated with Vickers and allegedly ignited a lifelong interest in Vickers in "International Relations" apparently as used in the loose sense by organizations such as the CIA as assassinating and killing people rather than as might be otherwise recognized in more established academic settings although Vickers would later use his contacts to get into these institutions for which he clearly was academically unfit in his "off years" to falsify a pedigree of "scholarship" much like a Bush might at Yale.
     Somehow being admitted to Pierce College where after being beat out for quarterback by Mark Harmon (later to become the star in the television drama "NCIS" and apparently enjoying a significantly more successful career at least by objective standards than Vickers) Vickers joined the Green Berets where he had the opportunity to prepare for his now "ideal occupation" of being in the C.I.A. Vickers reportedly scored 160 points on the Army's "Intelligence" test whatever that might be being the highest score possible and excelled at "Special Operations" training and hand-to-hand combat with many other similar extraordinary accomplishments apparently attributed to him in Wikipedia by an apparent admirer of equal academic ability given the misuse in this section of the Wikipedia piece of words more commonly confused by elementary school students such as the use of the word "through" for "throw".
     Sometime after this as a Green Beret during Cold War 1.0 Vickers reportedly either "volunteered to parachute" or depending on which version one prefers actually with a team infiltrated the borders of Warsaw Pact countries to place "backpack nukes" in those countries which as described in the Wikepedia article linked to below (there described under "suitcase nukes") were a later generation of portable nuclear weapons first developed by the C.I.A. and placed by Navy SEALS in North Vietnam in the early 1960's although never detonated. Although Vickers seemingly allegedly claimed his team actually "detonated" the weapons brought into Warsaw Pacts countries this seems an extremely unlikely claim as the portable nukes hidden in Warsaw Pact countries' populated or strategic areas might have been magnitudes more powerful than those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and presumably someone would have noticed the large thermonuclear explosions with WWIII ensuing.
     (Today many do believe that the United States and the Russian Federation may still have powerful portable nuclear devices hidden in one another's countries left over from Cold War 1.0 near population centers as confirmed by one Russian spy defected to the U.S. but never found in the Shenandoah Valley that can be triggered on command of considerably more concern again as the United States and the Russian Federation effectively now have entered Cold War 2.0 with the "Atomic Clock" nearly as close to zero as ever. The portable devices reportedly incidentally also have been developed by the Israelis should this help calm anyone's nerves about global security.)
     What is particularly curious about Vickers' ever-advancing career is that it appears that almost all subsequent major covert military operations in which he participated or commanded in an intelligence capacity eventually proved to be spectacular failures ending in disastrous unforeseen consequences to the United States such as the creation and/or empowerment through funding and weapons supplies in the CIA's wildly expensive "Operation Cyclone" establishing the Taliban and al-Qaeda as obviously major later threats which succeeded in inflicting great harm to the U.S.
     Vickers bad judgment apparently continued after a lengthy sabbatical from "service" to the U.S. which later came to include later colossal failures such as the policies Vickers enthusiastically supported against Iraq now seen as being largely directly responsible for the circumstances allowing for the creation of ISIS incidentally totally unforeseen by Vickers both in his major "think tank" paper with web address below for interested readers as well as his Johns Hopkins' PhD. 1,000 page thesis on the need for aggressive action against Iraq presumably available upon request from that institution.
     In other words not very intelligent "Intelligence" at all with a remarkable inability to foresee the horrible consequences of the mistakes in which he played a leading role regardless of Vickers' alleged "perfect 160" score on his Army "Intelligence" test but seemingly more consistent with his high school C+ average suggesting he might have been better qualified for a less responsible position than the Undersecretary for Defense (USD-1) for which position President Obama unbelievably appointed Vickers after he was brought back into the federal government first for consultation by not-really-elected Cheney lapdog "President" George "litttle shrub" Bush after an apparent self-imposed period of decades of exile following his failures.
     It was during this period of exile that Vickers somehow got his Masters from Wharton followed by what sounds to be his bogus PhD. from Johns Hopkins with the adviser Eliot A. Cohen who sounds as if he should have been a certified lunatic apparently obsessed with the fanatical belief that the U.S. should go to war with Iraq simply because "Iraq had tried to assassinate Bush's father". This view which apparently deeply influenced Vickers in the writing of his 1,000 page PhD. thesis as well as his later "think tank" paper available as noted to interested readers somehow through the web address provided below.
     Vickers apparently after being taken care of at the private think tank was taken back into the federal fold of idiots willing to buy into the the Bush-Cheney obsession with attacking Iraq. Also of course actual cerebral intelligence clearly was not a qualification required for any senior position in the not-really-elected Bush-Cheney administration thus catapulting he new "scholar" Vickers in 2007 to the major Pentagon position of Assistant Undersecretary for Defense serving as adviser to the Secretary of Defense in such matters as "counter-terrorism" and other "operational activities". As mentioned above President Obama unbelievably retained him upon becoming President seemingly inconceivably naming him Undersecretary of Defense (USD-1) replacing James A. Clapper who became the Director of National Intelligence with blanket oversight of all intelligence operations.
     Vickers finally cemented his ineptitude in 2013 when along with the Snowden disclosures of the N.S.A. which he oversaw he appeared before the Armed Services Committee jointly predicting with the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency "future risks" that completely missed the imminent explosive emergence of ISIS. Previous to this Vickers was implicated but ultimately exonerated apparently for leaking information to the producers of the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" over which the CIA essentially required script-review authority over in order to make sure it implied torture was "successful" in the ongoing efforts of Bush-Cheney Administration including top CIA officials to avoid prosecution for war crimes against humanity in return for assisting the producers with the film much as the police chief of Los Angeles had years earlier in requiring pre-review of scripts of the television drama "Dragnet" in exchange for assisting the producers of that show with the use of official Los Angeles Police Department personnel and equipment. Interested readers can find more information on this in the appropriate link below.
     According to the Washington Post article linked to below for interested readers Vickers did state at a recent conference that there was not so much one over-riding security threat to the United States today but rather those caused collectively by Russia, Iran, North Korea, terrorism and cybersecurity risks. There apparently are those who might not agree as referenced in last Saturday night's airing of the HBO program VICE devoted to what has become known due to the growing threat of NATO conflict with Putin's Russian Federation as Cold War 2.0 which as noted is reflected in the least time remaining until nuclear annihilation on the infamous "Atomic Clock" since the time of the Cold War. In any case it looks as if Vickers may be batting close to .999 in wrong predictions perhaps making him a likely candidate for yet another top military security position in the disastrous case of "Latino"  Jeb Bush 2016 should he become the third Bush to seek to destroy the country whether by Presidential win or coup d'etat.
     Readers interested in the above can go to various links provided below for more information with commentary on certain links which appear either incomplete and/or to contain significantly different information from one another.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_G. Vickers - surprisingly little information on him in Wikipedia considering especially the last position in which he served, as highest ranking civilian, former Green Beret, special forces, CIA, Afghanistan operation Cyclone, Wharton business masters, and Johns Hopkins PhD under Eliot A. Cohen apparent Iraq war fanatic because Iraq tried to "assassinate Bush's father" and notably Vickers PhD adviser.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliot_A._Cohen - Vickers PhD. thesis adviser appears to be an idiot fanatic for war against Iraq since 2001 including because Iraq tried to "assassinate Bush's father". Query how could Obama let Vickers continue in his Bush position then advanced in 2011. His credentials in Afghanistan sound ultimately like a failure and his PhD adviser an idiot for war in Iraq which Vickers later echoed in calling for smaller force as in Afghanistan to win in Iraq after it already clearly was a disastrous war started with lies.

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/02/us/a-secret-warrior-leaves-the-pentagon-as-quietly-as-he-entered.html?_r=0 - Vickers responsible for largest share of U.S. $80 Billion annual (claimed) intelligence budget which goes to Pentagon not to the CIA nor any other agency

http://www.govexec.com/defense/2015/04/pentagon-intel-chief-retires-citing-no-wrongdoing-zero-dark-thirty-leak/111514/  - Vickers denies on "retiring" allegations of leaking information for "Zero Dark Thirty" re which there are other CIA-prroducer conference calls and meetings re CIA review of script for film. Vikkers admits he missed ISIS threat. Makes clear his future plan is not just to "sleep".

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suitcase_nuke - Vikker was Green Beret responsible for placing portable nuclear weapons in Warsaw Pact countries during Cold War 1.0. Were these actually not yet placed as New York Times reports or already placed as indicated in Wikepedia article link internally here.  Claims his Green Beret teams infiltrated Warsaw Pack countries with "backpack nukes" to detonate them.

https://fas.org/irp/congress/2013_hr/022713vickers.pdf -Unclassified report by Vickers and head of DIA in early 2013 complains of "budget cuts" to defense and intelligence while reporting over 100, 000 employees and list current national security risks for Armed Services Committee in open hearing and completely miss coming threat of ISIS with no mention at all of ISIS, its formation or even recognizing a potential for its formation.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2015/03/1c9/mike-vickers-longtime-senior-intelligence-official-and-former-cia-strategist-to-leave-pentagon/ - Vickers spent from 1980s to 2006 out of work perhaps because of involvement with massive buildup of future Taliban and Al-Qaeda funded by CIA and DOD in obsession to drive USSR from Afghanistan in massively long-term failure Operation Cyclone. Vickers later oversaw DIA, NSA and other "intelligence" agencies. His departure follows by just a month the appointment by Obama of new Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter. Obama kept Vickers as a holdover from the Bush Administration.

Vickers "Think Tank" Paper:

file:///home/chronos/u-7a51b375f12f0369d925e36ea5039d09383d6cb2/Downloads/2004.12.01-Revolution-in-War.pdf - go to this address for Vickers' paper at CSBA about predictions of future warfare and budget-economic issues (in conservative think "how to get rich off war" tank)

http://www.muckety.com/Michael-G-Vickers/165727.muckety - Vickers has more connections to influential people than 93% of Americans according to this source perhaps explaining his later "higher education" and official appointments.

Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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