02 December 2015

Obama Refusal To Prosecute Torturers "Increasingly Indefensible" New York Times Entire Editorial Board Rebukes As American Psychological Association (APA) Finds APA Colluded Both With Bush CIA And DOD War Crimes Against Humanity "One Of Greatest Scandals In U.S. Medical History" As Physicians For Human Rights And Amnesty International Seek D.O.J. Inquiry UPDATE 4

"The Obama Administration has so far refused to prosecute the torturers. As more evidence about this program comes to light, that position becomes increasingly indefensible."
        The New York Times entire editorial board conclusion first published 10 July 2015                                                                
     Wednesday, 2 December 2015, WASHINGTON, D.C. - Due we maintain to the absolute necessity that we the People fearlessly must stay the course of righteousness without undue concern even in these times of apparent fearsome global challenges now as much as ever essential to the unwavering survival of these great United States of America as the sacred and enduring champion without compromise ever of essential liberty and justice standing only for all that is good and right born of trust and gratitude for the ultimate security granted this Nation under the protective eye of Providence with an enduring faith of the ultimate and uncompromising importance of the present and future enduring health, strength, common welfare and prosperity, as well as to the certain and absolute necessity to the moral imperative, vigorous integrity, common defense and robust survival of this Nation as ordained and established by the Constitution by the People of the United States for themselves and their posterity The Ninth Amendment editorial board begs the indulgence of as many readers as possibly may either first now have occasion to read and/or who already may have read this now numbered "Update 3" of the otherwise exact same post published verbatim earlier this year headed "Update 2" in The Ninth Amendment that those People of conscience who are the true patriots who love this country and all for which it stands without needing to shout or even speak it must continue to stand strong regardless of any past or present positions of those committing criminal actions against humanity in the name of the State or ever must join an honorable and ceaselessly persistent press in insisting and letting no person forget nor diminish the truth of the barbarity of the war crimes against humanity wrongfully perpetrated in the name of the State and that the persons proven to have committed unconscionable acts of torture must be held fully accountable and punished under all applicable domestic and international law and treaties or their shameful and barbaric actions unpunished must inevitably render illegitimate any State claim to power and destroy these United States of America as established under the United States Constitution with all the power of this Great Nation reverting back to the People alone.   
     Absent here in the United States now is a government any longer meaningfully policing itself with no justification possible for failing to uphold the Constitution it is sworn to uphold but rather having lost all legitimacy which can emanate only from the People by protecting its own arrogant interests above the law and holding its own perpetual illegitimate self-preservation most dear.  So has come to be the case with the Obama Administration's refusal "to prosecute the torturers" detailed in the post below despite the passage now of over one full year since the December 2014 preliminary release of the painstaking documentation the Senate Torture committee staff compiled in its investigation report totaling something over 6,000 pages of evidence most of which is still withheld presumably because it describes acts of a government too horrific for the People the nation and the world even to read. The "Senate Torture Report" plainly states for those just taking the time to read its executive summary that it concluded unequivocally that the "torturers and their bosses" in the Bush/Cheney senior administration and their CIA counterparts are liable for prosecution for war crimes against humanity both under United States statutes and signatory treaties of the United Nations Convention Against Torture in the International Criminal Court for which there is no statute of limitations also subject to prosecution under certain articles of the Geneva Conventions as well as laws of some individual countries including those whose citizens were kidnapped and tortured by the CIA 
     This brings us to The Ninth Amendment's previously published post re-published below. The present editorial subject of this post is believed to be the second editorial of the entire editorial board of the New York Times with the first originally published 14 December 2014 calling for the prosecution of 9/11 torturers and their bosses. The Obama administration clearly completely has ignored this first call to prosecute as to date none of the torturers nor their bosses have been prosecuted for torture at all just as if it never happened. Except it did. If not brought before justice what is to keep the same from happening again? Or is that the justice reserved only for the party that loses? For readers interested in this first New York Times call for prosecution of 9/11 torturers and their bosses these readers can go to the first link (1) below.
     The occasion for this new call to justice for 9/11 torturers is that an independent report commissioned by the American Psychological Association (APA) unsurprisingly just has concluded as has been addressed in previous Ninth Amendment posts with solid confirmation that the despicable untrained unqualified criminally insane totally corrupt greedsick brutally heartless sadistic "Torture Psychologists" Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell contracted with the CIA for the obscene amount of $80+ million by Jim Cotsana chief of special missions in the CIA Counter-Terrorism Center in order for the CIA to attempt to purchase some imagined degree of medical respectability as the CIA's two now notorious infamous totally unqualified sociopath psychopathic "Torture Psychologists" this same James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen remain in the spotlight of despicable shame for their creation of the completely uninformed, incompetent, useless, inhumane, brutal, barbaric, sadistic and criminally depraved experiments on living human beings totally at odds with and disgracing long-held American ideals of honor, integrity and respect for human decency completely absent from the CIA's "Torture Program" now also confirmed as further eagerly facilitated by the career sycophants of the American Psychological Association (APA) executive board of directors and other major figures who bent APA ethics prohibitions against "torture" to accord instead to totally dishonest lying definitions of "interrogation" through a web of undisclosed connections in hopes of some pathetic infamy and apparent glorious shared criminal liability being stealth collaborators with the CIA and especially DOD in supposedly conforming DOD interrogation (torture) guidelines so as completely to sell out themselves and all APA leadership to provide some grotesquely convoluted "medical justification" for "one of the greatest medical scandals in U.S. history" merely in order to lick up the spilled drippings from the DOD pig trough have been utterly despicable and corrupt serving the needs of the now exposed Bush Torture Program.
     The needlessly sadistic torture techniques of the CIA (keeping in stress positions for prolonged periods, slamming "detainees" against walls, waterboarding, rectal hydration, rectal feeding, mock execution, sleep deprivation, music torture, ceiling hanging, murdering by chaining to frozen cement floors -- punishable as murder for all involved as conspirators or in any capacity or with any degree of knowledge -- and whatever else intentionally under supervised sick and demented employee and contract torturers might at their depraved whim perpetrate to cause degradation, pain and suffering, comprising torture and moreover although it justifies none of the torture also with all sadistic measures incidentally produced no reliable information of value making the entire CIA Torture Program useless) and DOD which have been reported about here in earlier posts now also in the 500 page official APA independent report apparently commissioned by the APA hoping to deflect such charges rather than substantiate and expand upon them.
     The APA independent report instead has served to confirm and condemn all of the APA's participation in the self-serving justification of torture which at long last finally has been undeniably exposed as joined by the APA and created by the "Torture Psychologists" in the course of continuing revolting, inhumane and actionable revelations about the degree of complicity with the CIA Torture Program which the CIA repeatedly right up until recent months has continued to try to cover up given any possible opportunity.
     The Report further relates APA total complicity with DOD torture highlighted to the extent that the "Establishment" has communicated loud and clear to the torturers purporting to act in the name and long heritage of honor of the United States that their atrocities no longer can be ignored by the Obama administration in continuing in its unpardonable failure to bring charges against those responsible for the CIA Torture Program and any related DOD torture activities in contravention of among other things the U.N. Convention Against Torture in the increasingly shamefully discredited name of the United States the responsibility for which outrage rests almost entirely with the CIA as well as the DOD in losing the long hard-earned confidence of its own People and those of the world community with the CIA in fact in some official circles such as by Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) increasingly known as creating "the best recruiting posters for terrorists in the world" one being Guantanamo Bay the place that has become the symbol to all the world of the moral decay of the decency, integrity and honor of this nation which in the wake of WWII long had been revered around the world.
     The day of reckoning inexorably approaches with a world offering no place for those to hide implicated in the Bush Administration from Bush, Cheney and Rice and on down every step of way with CIA officials and criminally insane "Torture Psychologists" Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell hired by Jim Costsana the chief of special missions in the CIA's later forever murderously tainted Counter-Terrorism Center (former home of the now bureaucratically secretly repositioned "signature strike" drone mass murderer "Mike" aka "Roger" aka "the Wolf") and those who actually carried out torture under those officials as well as in rogue elements of the DOD now being further drawn into the shadow of the prosecution by the United States Attorney General for a multitude of crimes charged in the United Nations in the International Criminal Court for crimes including war crimes against humanity as well as for torture including of their citizens by foreign governments.
     The Obama administration in its shameful complete inaction as to prosecuting the torturers no longer can ignore the grim reality that that there is no excusable choice but to prosecute those whose treatment as if the U.S. torture atrocities never took place would fundamentally discredit and diminish the U.S. before the world community not to mention the need to put these criminals away so they do not torture again as exemplified by the ever-eager "Pigheart" Dick "Criminal Notorious" Cheney who said given the chance he would "do it again" without regard for the continuing revelations of the December 2014 disclosure of the Senate Torture Report Summary (5,500 pages still viewed by the State apparently as too gruesome and sensitive to be released to the American public and the world's eyes) and now the parallel newly released APA report condemning the medical community for its participation in torture.
     The CIA Torture Program and related DOD programs often denying persons basic human rights long heralded by the United States are undoing over two hundred years of honorable national conduct of millions of proud American leaders and ordinary people who set an enduring model for the world which must not be undone by the incredibly vicious Un-American lapses to no apparent purpose of a relatively few seriously grossly misguided persons of whatever level, rank, or title who now do all in their power to hide the extent of their atrocities and rely on any diversion including manufactured public fear and American values they do not share either in conduct nor acceptance of responsibility but instead would rather befoul the reputation of the entire United States with them before the world's eyes. It has been suggested in certain circles that the appropriate location for their trials which the world demanded to see like Nuremberg in WWII would be at Guantanamo Bay where at least a significant number of the torturer atrocities took place.
     Readers interested in more information about the newly released APA torture report prepared by independent unbiased outside counsel of the highest tier at the venerable Sidley + Austin law firm the conclusions of which spurred Physicians for Human Rights to call for those involved in "one of the greatest medical scandals in United States history" to be referred to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for a criminal investigation can go to the second(2) and third (3)  links below.
     [UPDATE] Similarly the Amnesty International USA release responding to the conclusions of the APA report makes clear its position that criminal liability for torture determined upon investigation is inclusive of every level of perpetrator because "all those who planned, conspired in, committed and authorized torture must be held accountable. The report is a powerful reminder that the Justice Department has never brought criminal charges against anyone for torture that was systematic, calculated and unlawful from the beginning," For the full text of the release interested readers can go to the fourth (4) link below. Those readers interested in the New York Times entire editorial board full statement that the Obama administration failure so far to prosecute is "increasingly indefensible" can go to the fifth (5) final link below. 
     Potentially noteworthy to our readers not previously so informed, suspecting or having already themselves concluded even while the Ninth Amendment for now suspends its own final determination as to The New York Times is the fact of the Times front page apparent sincere increasingly emphatic conclusion that the call for justice now reaches as high as the examination of the most important standards of acceptable human conduct in a civilized society extending beyond the State's and its torturers' foul actions against humanity but even now conclusively documented and determined to have tainted indeed fully encompassed the actions not only of current practitioners of but those directly responsible for establishing,  maintaining and governing current and presently evolving ethical and moral standards of the medical profession grossly violated here demands that both they and the "torturers and their bosses" should be prosecuted might be given special weight by our readers in consideration of the fact that the call for prosecution comes from The New York Times.
     The Ninth Amendment  increasingly maintains that many members of the "Establishment" despite its necessary and not infrequent staged griping for credibility's sake including even by some of those both with and formerly with the New York Times in management and reporting and editing capacities have come to recognize with some regularity that if not discredited the at least questionable accuracy of this generally recognized "paper of record" not only in its first often "publicly defining"  initial presentation of but then overlong persistence in repetitively regurgitating too often doubtful "official" first accounts which it not only endorsed but may even have used the not inconsiderable weight of its widely assumed basic integrity to introduce of many significant events even using at times its ready ability with many skilfully to effectively (meaning without seeming to) personally discredit those who would raise valid concerns about its reporting at least for as long as feasible under the doctrine of "plausible deniability" thereby producing its final time-honored well practiced public product of "All the News that's fit to print" which some maintain more truthfully to be "All the news that suits the powerful to print". 
     Here in any case whichever characterization of the Times presentation of the news and opinion of the Nation one may find to be more accurate one need not make that determination as a predicate to seeing that the moral weight of this Nation including those at its highest echelons as well as the world community have become only more determined entrenched in the position that the time for the prosecution of the torturers and bosses as well now all have learned as their complicit "medical professionals" is long overdue with no further reason for delay especially given there has been none at least from the time of the December 2014 public release of just portions of the Senate Torture Report which themselves were indisputably incriminating and conclusive as to the commission of acts of torture which demand justice under U.S. and international law even with the additional 6,000 pages of documents evidencing the acts to date having been held back from the public as too inflammatory.    

(1) http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/22/opinion/prosecute-torturers-and-their-bosses.html

(2) http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/11/us/psychologists-shielded-us-torture-program-report-finds.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0

(3) https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/report-american-psychological-association-colluded-with-us-interrogation-programs/2015/07/10/42b0cbec-2741-11e5-b72c-2b7d516e1e0e_story.html

(4) http://www.amnestyusa.org/news/press-releases/justice-department-should-investigate-in-wake-of-american-psychological-association-report

(5) http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/11/opinion/psychologists-who-greenlighted-torture.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=opinion-c-col-left-region&region=opinion-c-col-left-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region

Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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