04 June 2011

Mitt Romney Scores Points Against President Obama But Is Too Short to Win in 2012 Against Armed Perry-Palin Juggernaut

     4 May 2011, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - The Ninth Amendment condemns the FREE READING OF UNLIMITED NEW YORK TIMES' ARTICLES BY SIMPLY SETTING ONE'S FIREFOX BROWSER TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". Meanwhile Mitt Romney launched his Presidential bid amidst some possibly effective points he scored about President Obama's vulnerabilities in the 2012 Presidential Election, but Mr. Romney unfortunately was completely overlooked in the news by the latest antics of Sarah ("so what I make up my own words and facts") Palin.
      When our editorial board met Mr. Romney at a law firm breakfast in Arizona in 2006, all we can really remember is that although we usually do not eat breakfast after staying up all night, the catered spread at the firm for his morning visit was outstanding. We did not even have to eat lunch that day because we piled on so much food. No one remembers what Mr. Romney spoke about, just that we were surprised when we met him and shook his hand at how short he was. Unlike Randy Newman, we have absolutely nothing negative to say or sing about short people.
     President Obama, on the other hand, definitely is much taller, which could prove pivotal in a Presidential contest. Our Ninth Amendment log ("blog" is not a word, see the O.E.D.) examined this topic in some detail in an earlier post when President Obama visited Texas to raise money for the Democratic Party and Texas Governor Rick ("six-shooter") Perry insisted on accosting the President immediately as President Obama stepped from Air Force One upon landing in Texas.
     In that post the Ninth Amendment reporter accompanying President Obama on Air Force One described in some detail how President Obama either really did not see Governor Perry because he only stood up to about the President's beltline or President Obama simply did not care to acknowledge Governor ("six-shooter") Perry because he did not like him. In any case, that post recounted how President Obama shunted Governor Perry aside and refused to take the letter which Governor Perry attempted to thrust into the President's face. He was forced to hand it off to the President's aide.
     In any case, the letter that night apparently was opened by some intern in President Obama's administration for laughs back in Washington. Not surprisingly, the letter which ("six-shooter") Perry no doubt had written for him by a ghost writer like his later remaindered book "Fed Up" concerned the Governor's apparently sole and favorite issue which of course is that the Texas Governor needed more U.S. troops on the Mexican border to keep Texas from being invaded and overrun by Mexicans.
      The Ninth Amendment later was the first major American news organization to make the call that Governor Perry after serving as Texas Governor for as long as FDR was President would be unstoppable and elected the next President of the United States in 2012 if President Obama did not start to live up to a few more of the principles he "espoused" in his campaign. Our point to be further elucidated in an upcoming post in the Ninth Amendment log is that Mr. Romney is simply too short to beat President Obama if he is unarmed in the 2012 election, but that Mr. Perry famous for his deadly six-shooter with which he killed a coyote to "protect his dog" on his morning jog has made up for his Presidential height disadvantage by his shooting prowess.
     Together with Sarah ("I make up my own words and facts, too") Palin, clearly there may be nothing to stop the Perry-Palin juggernaut in 2012 if President Obama does not keep a few more of his campaign "promises". Of course President Obama has not gotten the United States back into the high gear it enjoyed under President Clinton because after eight years of President George ("little shrub") Bush's ruinous policies all Americans are lucky the United States still even exists. History shows that after a thoughtful and intelligent President such as President Obama, Americans hunger for another idiot in the White House to lead the country back to ruin.
     That includes even a short one such as Governor Perry who compensates for his height with his infamous deadly "six-shooter", and with the added bonus of (some say) "good" hair and a (some say) attractive Vice-President at his side who apparently is incapable of either speaking English or thinking in any way previously recognized as possible for anyone considered a somewhat "well" human being.
     Ms. Palin is in other words no Dick Cheney, but Governor "six-shooter" Perry one cannot forget spent eight years as Lieutenant Governor to George "little shrub" Bush and is a well-trained "yes" man (although Governor Perry later did confess he actually cannot stand George "little shrub" Bush). If Governor Perry is elected or otherwise made (like George "little shrub" Bush) President one can only hope that "yes" is the correct answer to any important question raised, although it is unclear if under local law in Washington, D.C. the President would be permitted to carry his six-shooter, even if his dog is threatened by coyotes.

 Copyright 2011 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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