25 September 2012

CIA & "Friends" Direct New York Times to Kill Benghazi "Intelligence Loss Worse" Article Pronto, We Feel Safer With Our Babysitter Than "National Counter-Terrorism Center" Or Flying Cheap State Department Thanks Hillary

     Tuesday, 25 September 2012, BENGHAZI, LIBYA - The editorial board of the Ninth Amendment is gratified to at least ourselves for the first time see the mention of yet another U.S. "national intelligence/national security" agency running around out there no doubt on the infinite "Black Ops" Unconstitutional budget keeping us all informed and safe. The U.S. sure has taken to providing a smorgasbord of U.S. targets out there for our ever exponentially-growing group of global friends running around with AK-47's (automatic Kalashnikov 1947's -- do not jam) along with huge stockpiles of other Agency gifts such as Stinger missiles, RPGS, and a host of other gifts no doubt from the Central "Intelligence" Agency.
     That CIA sure has spent the years giving the term "war is peace" a run for its money. Meanwhile the "Center for Counter-Terrorism no doubt must have had a run for its money as to where to begin giving out its pallets of $100 bills (Dick "Pigheart" Cheney's favorite method of payment, especially when he was serving as, say Vice-President of the United States, a wonderful opportunity for personal growth). Well, whoever is out there keeping us safe sure is doing a bang-up job.
     It did slightly concern the editorial staff and some of the more vulnerable Ninth Amendment global bureaus (that would be just about all of them now, thus the extra "hazard-duty" recognition for all but those actually in the company of a bona fide member of the Bush family or one of its bin Laden business colleagues.) that the Times we could not so help but notice rather hastily pulled the focus on the "much worse than first expected" loss of Libya intelligence line of reporting. Quickly it has been becoming rather more of a challenge to find. A quick call in New York on the redline "batphone" from Washington, D.C. no doubt nipped that one in the bud.
     After all why scream in their faces our now nearly daily recital ("losses much worse than first expected" as in the, say, recent Taliban stroll into the most fortified southern Afghanistan base and ensuing destruction of more present-day dollar value of jet fighters sitting parked their neatly no doubt on the ground, where they sadly are not very effective and at least eighteen of them even less so after the Taliban has blown them up. In other words dear readers, what pray tell do you suppose are the chances that in Benghazi and most likely the rest of Libya as well we are as they say in the C.I.A. we are flying blind. Except of course for the legions of pilots warehoused in northern Virginia flying non-existent drones all over the globe. Excuse us if you would that would now be we understand "unmanned aerial vehicles". How creative. Just waiting for murderer Obama to give them the "go"
     So now the C.I.A. special talent for assassinations gone awry is not quite so personal, taking quite a few more innocents along on their journey to death. Any votes for re-doing the gift shop and renovating the George Herbert Walker Bush Center for National Intelligence to enlarge the nearby "petting zoo" so clearly shown in the Google aerial photographs. So much the nicer way to spend the day. Of just back in the gated community with the babysitter watching some light television in what no doubt was and is still the far better "safe house", at least for now. Should readers find themselves right there were the action is we understand that the State Department offers some of the CHEAPEST AIRFARES, LOWCOST SEATS,BEST PLANE SERVICE AROUND,GET THOSE SEATS NOW IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS.

The following comments to the New York Times when the "far greater loss" of Benghazi and Libyan intelligence than first feared was still giving the militants their pat on the back were published verbatim in the Times digital edition within the past couple days. Hit the time/date link on either comment and that should jump loyal readers right to the original Times article where the truth does exist.

    • BigMartin
    • waronnothing
    The United States "national intelligence" and/or "national security" agencies now number well over fourteen publicly known. The CIA was chartered to wrap up work of the OSS in World War II with no domestic authority in the United States. Reverse the scenario as to the FBI, domestic authority only. As noted above "signals intelligence" of another agency is now supposedly the order of the day. The editorial board of the Ninth Amendment at www.waronnothing.com wishes to point out that the plethora of other agencies and contractors largely brainchild of Vice President Cheney whose income tax returns went from some relatively "modest" figure with "Halliburton" and his "Black Death" contracting company, exploded exponentially while he was SERVING AS THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The only two persons reportedly permitted to see all classified materials in the United States flashing by on projection screen in a small room in the Pentagon with pallets of boxes being rolled in emerged and PUBLICLY STATED that they COULD NOT REMEMBER A THING. Let us not even get into the mess of other groups known and unknown not to mention the huge apparatus attached to the equally Unconstitutional 40-year losing phony war on drugs, with a cancer of agencies and employment and funding of criminals and dangerous international criminal organizations by people who could not even have gotten a job as a "beat cop" before. And so it goes around the world. Anyone ever consider when it gets here.

  • BigMartin
  • waronnothing
Apologies to readers wishing the correct web address of the Ninth Amendment log at www.waronnothing.blogspot.com. Finally regardless as always of all else said our hearts go out to all those killed and wounded and all their loved ones most recently in the endless "blowback" the United States now faces on a daily basis.
 Copyright 2012 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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