23 September 2012

MORE BREAKING NEWS - Texas Idiot Governor Rick "Payback" Perry Plants BS "Lack of Sleep" and "Leg and Foot Hurt" Story Attempting Damage Control By "Worst Campaigner/Candidate in American Political History"

     Sunday, 23 September 2012, AUSTIN- The editorial staff and global bureaus of the Ninth Amendment are pleased to announce that the New York Times in its recital of Texas Idiot Governor Rick "Payback" Perry's latest news comes from a new free source of Texas news -- texastribune.com provided the Times had the commonsense to thoroughly vet its source before recommending it. Readers are reminded to avoid READING FREE NEW YORK TIMES CONTENT SIMPLY BY SETTING FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". Some recent experience indicates that should this technique no longer reliably work and interrupt reading of the Times that the Times "Cadillac" paywall can also be and of course as always should never be easily circumvented in numerous other ways mostly basically involving deleting the URL (top address bar line leave only a character or few). The Ninth Amendment of course will inform loyal readers as necessary what exactly is necessary should readers not wish to search "bypass New York Times paywall" themselves to study this subject for purely intellectual reasons.
     Perry's now released excuse for his abysmal Presidential campaign performance was "lack of sleep" and a "leg that hurt" in which he plummeted reportedly from first place to last place in less than six months upon entering the race after again having won the Texas governorship for about the firfh time with the quickly broken promise not to run for President in a campaign funded as usual by a handful of out-of-state interests who profited enormously from doing dirty and polluting business in nearby Texas where Federal air control laws were completely unenforced. Texas' air is the dirtiest in the nation. Perry was sworn in for his most recent marathon term as Texas Governor while as usual out of state in New York with his wife and enormously expensive "security detail" to drum up tourism for Texas as he does often in Japan. (Perry's enormous security detail a few years back was unable to stop a coyote who Perry shot himself with a six-shooter kept in the back of his jogging shorts, thus becoming the first North American person ever to have been attacked by a coyote and furthermore killing it which he later re-stated was to "protect his dog".)
     A review of past posts in this Ninth Amendment log readily reveals that lifelong financial loser Idiot Governor Rick "Payback" Perry made any personal wealth from sweetheart deals mostly in an exclusive Texas rich community at the Bay of "Pigs", Texas where he presumably will go into exile at some point when he no longer is capable of putting any English words together. Perry's horrible record stretches back throughout the continuous time he has served as Governor after being Lieutenant Governor after former Texas moron Governor George "little shrub" Bush who as is known went on to become "President" by losing the popular and electoral votes to former Vice President Al Gore, in which position "little shrub" Bush now still believed to be in crack rehab nearly destroyed the United States with an unprecedented eight years of exclusively wrong and dangerous decisions.
     President Obama as is known has had to spend nearly his entire first Presidency term undoing the horrible mess in which "little shrub" Bush left the United States in disaster at home and hated abroad. Unfortunately Drone Murderer Obama with henchman Attorney General Eric ("like my Hitler mustache?") Holder has made a habit of making permanent most of the clearly unconstitutional acts of the Bush Administration which at least contained sunset provisions.
     Now back briefly to poor "sleep-deprived" and "my leg hurt, and, oh yeah, my foot, too" Perry. It is common knowledge that throughout his failure to follow in the footsteps of "little shrub" crackhead Bush and completely drive the United States to ruin that upon Perry stepping into Bush's restraining shoes as Texas Governor both made it plain that they hated each other's guts. Readers below are provided with the direct link to the Texas Idiot Governor Rick "Payback" Perry excuse article in the Times. After several years preceding the Presidential election of documenting Perry destroy Texas (as a quick search of past posts here with the sidebar "search function" will reveal) he has never made an intelligent statement or decision including his frequent ignored threats to "secede" from the United States. (Go ahead become Mexico's northernmost province again. Perry also rejects all federal funding except when he needs it for his puppetmaster business bosses.
     Unfortunately Texas is sharing this legacy through its school system from which an unparalleled number of students drop out before leaving high school so they can become prepared for the worst prison system in the nation which features such attributes as housing more inmates raped by other inmates than any other state and housing prisoners on death row, often put to death as many as two a day frequently not even meriting mention in the Texas media in numbers greater than all the other States combined, the United States, or any other country in the world, although hopefully texastribune.com (if it is not a Perry or related damage control front, why is it a dot-com and not dot-org?) will help remedy that and is available reportedly to hopefully most cautious participation from all.
     Texastribune.com what is the source of your funding, your purpose, your allegiances, affiliates, etc, your purpose, why are you a dot-com and why does the New York Times have nothing more to say about your alleged organization and who reports and writes your news? Why is your first "contribution" to the national media a Perry apology piece? Please disclose all your financial records without limitation under affidavit with penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America? Answer up.
     Finally should one think their way out in Texas is community college in a state with money-starved state colleges and universities, forget it. The quality of the education of Texas students who do get into its lousy community colleges staffed by instructors who could not teach inner-city high school in other states (similar to the quality level of Texas doctors drawn there by laws which make it virtually impossible to sue them for malpractice which we ourselves have experienced) has been brought highly into question as after a couple years nearly half of Texas community college students are thrown out for being unable to read English at an eighth-grade level.
     The Ninth Amendment invites readers to follow the below link to the apparent damage control article of Texas Idiot Governor Rick "Payback" Perry who apart from as some say lost a Presidential campaign in "ten minutes" in a nationally televised debate (later commenting "sometimes you just step in it) was declared on CNN by James Carville after entering the race in a solid first place barely six months before to have been the "worst political campaigner/candidate in American political history"'.
     Perhaps given his penchant for prayer Perry may take a few moments to pray and complain to former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. about his "physical problems".


Copyright 2012 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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