11 June 2014

Cyberattack webchat.freenode.net Failed URL Referrals Ninth Amendment Site Access Denial Attempts Recorded And Reported

       Wednesday, 11 June 2014, HOUSTON, TEXAS - The editorial board of the Ninth Amendment hereby alerts readers that in the wake of record numbers of diverse readers' pageviews of this site in the past day(s) the Ninth Amendment again has been hit by an unprecedented number of referrals from a site URL now identified as that of or related to webchat.freenode.net which never before in seven years has referred any traffic to the Ninth Amendment. Originally an England and Wales PDPC open source IRC project obscuring the identity of originating server unique information founded and directed by Rob Levin the project later reportedly was cyberattacked by a group identifying itself as the "Gay Nigger Association of America".
       Mr. Levin then after being "discredited" for diverting funds for personal needs such as rent and transportation from webchat.freenode.net reportedly was struck on his bicycle at night by an automobile in a hit-and-run accident in Houston, Texas on 12 September 2006 and died four days later on 16 September 2006 resulting from injuries he sustained as a result of this criminal act.
       Houston where the rich pay tolls not to wait in miles of standstill traffic conceals the low-profile Texas home of former WWII flyer President George Herbert Walker Bush who reportedly plummets from an airplane way high up in the sky to mark his 90th birthday today like former C.I.A. flight "guests" except presumably deploying a parachute and not first machine-gunning any humans in distress on the earth below. The man who has had more advanced birthdays than a great many he has known now simply is "41" in the inner sanctums of the "Crypt", the "Bohemian Grove", the Dallas "Triple Underpass" and once "Carousel Club", the "Company", the "Bush-bin Laden Family Oil Investment Club", the defunct Iraqi "Officers' Club", the "Thousand Points of Blight" Fan Club, the hallowed chambers of both the "Pink" and the "White House" including Situation Room and tap-dancing Portico, other diverse places such as those short on print space, and now on upcoming CNN Specials.
       "41" distinguishes one-term Bush from son George W. "little shrub" who served two terms as "President" following President Clinton after having never been elected by either the popular nor electoral vote. After a nudge in the right direction to the proper partisan election officials by brother Jeb who happened to be Governor of the state of Florida in question "41" then sailed to his Presidential "appointment" directly without consultation or hesitation in one day by the Supreme Court which is after all the final arbiter of the "true meaning" of the Constitution answerable to no one but In God We Trust who exercises Her will if not sooner then later after its members' lifetime tenures end in body, mind or both. Now the new "43" might occasionally go to work at the office while his other non-Florida Governor brother had the contract to provide overall WTC site security until 11 September 2001 the horrific day when that arrangement when put to the test did not work out.
       Dick "Pigheart" Cheney immediately when the possible scope of the national threat was figured out in a matter of less than hours already had first taken charge by sending "43" back on the same exact street route off to the Florida airport to share the U.S. skies empty except with rest of the bin Laden family and ensconce himself Cheney in the President's position in the White House Situation Room. Cheney later sent "43" to New York with a yellow hardhat and a bullhorn made to stand in the rising fumes of the pile of still smoldering and burning toxic waste at "Ground Zero" encouraging dedicated rescue workers and volunteers to root around in the hazardous debris.
       With Bush departed the entire crime scene including all forensic evidence plus all unlocated bodily remains (a la JFK, Waco, etc.) swiftly was bulldozed, dumptrucked and shipped off in a huge parade of massive barges across the Pacific Ocean to be dumped, buried and covered in a mainland China landfill filling daily with billions of people's garbage never to be seen again. Later in the early evening of 9/11 workers at Towers 1 and 2 watched in awe as distant WTC7 which reportedly had been untouched by heat or flame nor any significant debris at all simply collapsed without warning like the Twin Towers perfectly dropping into its own footprint floors falling at a freefall rate consistent with full gravitational force not even slowed by the previously intervening structure which sequentially disintegrated ahead of the freefall to earth.
       Bush the Elder is the namesake of the George Herbert Walker Bush Center For National Intelligence and International Assassinations And Petting Zoo aka C.I.A. Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Houston also reportedly is refuge to Dick "Pigheart" Cheney who rarely if ever has been seen alive in the public light for years presumably still busy re-counting his cash amassed while "serving" part-time as alleged Vice-President of the United States hunched over the bill counters he had cconfiscated from Scarface.
       Ninth Amendment research staff further have traced pageview hits to a suburban Washington, D.C. area commonly known as the "Hub city" for its strategic location at a convergence of transportation and other networks as well as former home to rumored CIA-connected former Fairchild Aircraft. Fairchild Aircraft subsequently moved operations to San Antonio, Texas where it was allegedly bought by Israeli defense contractor Elbin Systems and renamed M7 Aerospace where it operates on the grounds of the San Antonio International Airport (SAT). Interested readers are encouraged to pursue readers' own follow-up research on this preliminary information.

Copyright 2014 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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