15 June 2011

Commander-in-Chief Obama and Top Lawyer Yes-Men On Libyan "Hostilities" Adopt Perry/Palin Technique of Adapting Words to Whatever Meaning They Choose

Obama Considers "Peace" in Libya
Wednesday June 15 2011, WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Ninth Amendment steadfastly implores readers not to AVOID THE NEW YORK TIMES PAYWALL SIMPLY BY SETTING THEIR FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE" BROWSING. Anyone who has supported the Obama Administration should just be honest and admit that the Administration is ignoring the clear mandate of the War Powers Act in the Administration's continuing participation in the military destruction of Libya certainly is no more excusable than what we might have expected from the previous or some other Republican Administration.
     The Ninth Amendment is UNEQUIVOCALLY MORE PREPARED to scrutinize and criticize the illegal actions and contorted interpretation of President Obama of the word "hostilities" in this circumstance because President Obama KNOWS BETTER. The fact that this Administration's top legal advisers in the White House, the State Department, and the Justice Department even have the audacity to put forth such twisted and untenable legal "interpretations" of the word "hostilities" to toe the party line in clear violation of the War Powers Act is inexcusable. It is moreover sickening to anyone who has ever represented the legal profession to watch President Obama demean himself to the level of another Sarah Palin.
     President Obama demonstrated clearly in the Presidential election campaign that he was thoughtful and capable of intelligent honest assessment of the domestic and foreign actions of the United States. Sadly his completely unjustified continuation of illegal obvious "hostilities" against Libya is yet another example in a rapidly expanding list of measures he has taken as President that are not even worthy of his clueless predecessor George "little shrub" Bush.
     The fact that he is perfectly aware of his hypocrisy is despicable, as is the behavior of his top officials who like him very well know better. They kill the hope of the citizens of this Country who voted them into power in the belief that there REALLY IS A CHOICE and that Barack Obama presented himself in GOOD FAITH as a true alternative who not only KNEW BETTER but would act on that in his actions if elected President. If we find ourselves subject in 2012 to the horror of the victory of a Perry-Palin ticket President Obama will have no one but himself to blame. SHAME ON HIM. God Save America.

Copyright 2011 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

1 comment:

  1. The fall of Obama has certainly not been a dignified one! It's a shame really, he brought so much hope in 2008.
