31 October 2011

Animal Abusers Texas Idiot Liar Governor Rick "Payback" Perry and Mitt "Book of Mormon" Romney - CIA-Google Connection - Hellfire Missile-Project Eschelon Bio-Energetics

Monday, 31 October 2011, 51ST STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Thank you faithful readers whom the Ninth Amendment REMINDS NOT TO READ UNLIMITED DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES CONTENT FOR FREE SIMPLY BY SETTING FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING".  The Ninth Amendment's sincere apologies for the recent lack of fresh material due to a backlog of unedited and unreviewed material awaiting publication here although many comments such as that below by Little L have been published within the last few weeks as comments in the Times digital edition.
      In an unprecedented investigation involving both Ninth Amendment global bureau staff and editorial board members, all available resources have been diverted to important projects to, among other things, expose for our readers own consideration a large amount of factual information which the Ninth Amendment believe may expose a very strong Google-CIA connection. Further available resources have been earmarked to researching information the Ninth Amendment is informed may have been developed by Bradblog.com regarding, inter alia, the Hellfire Missile and Project Echelon which preliminary unofficial reports indicate may relate to what is variously known as Bio-Energetics and other similar code names for research involving the hostile use of micro or similar wave targeting of the human brain. 
      The fact for the day is no the Ninth Amendment is not joking. The hidden fact for the day is that interested readers are encouraged to do readers' own research as the Ninth Amendment currently must operate at full capacity from underground in plain sight. Finally, the Little L comment below was published to the best of the Ninth Amendment's knowledge within the past weeks in the Times digital edition (unedited here) in response to escalating news reports that both Texas Idiot Liar Governor Rick "Payback" Perry and Mitt "Book of Mormon" Romney are committed annual abusers. It is not known if either or both participate in any kind of organized ritual animal abuse or simply think it up on their own.


     Bravo! Thank you for seeing the truth, knowing the truth, and writing the truth. God help us all should either Perry or Romney win the White House! We at the Ninth Amendment will continue to do our part to expose the truth as well. Who in their right mind would strap the family dog to the roof of a vehicle? And who in their right mind would needlessly kill a coyote later using the pretense after learning that a coyote had never been known to attack a human in the United States that the coyote was in fact going to attack his dog. I am sickened by them both!

Copyright 2011 Little L and Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

19 October 2011

Three Strikes And You Are (Whatever The Prosecutor Says)

     Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 51st STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Ninth Amendment readers please refrain from READING FREE UNLIMITED CONTENT FROM THE DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES SIMPLY BY SETTING FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". The following comment was as far as we know NOT published in response to an article in the Times regarding the travesty of what has come to be known in the vastly lucrative penal industry as the "Three Strikes" policy initiated and passed at least in California as a voter's proposition which was, as many such propositions are, poorly worded and therefore produced a sickening array of unintended consequences, in response to a public outcry over a horrific event which the misrepresented proposition essentially failed even to address.

Comment Believed Not To Have Been Published In The Times:
      Unites States unconstitutional aggression "makes the world safe for democracy". Therefore "real" democracy with each law potentially conceived by a sole California citizen sounds super as one sits in one's hot tub reading (or more likely watching on television) some "in-depth" story simply assuming that the legal "pros" who actually drafted a proposition got it just right as intended.
     Unfortunately as hundreds of propositions accumulate over time often resulting in horrendously entirely unintended (one would hope) consequences, many one-time "supporters" of the now nearly irreversible laws come to realize exactly why, or more likely vaguely glean in a state of total confusion and horror, that the "proposition" they recently noisily promoted and enacted results in entirely unsupported and unanticipated medieval consequences due to poor drafting and/or rank manipulation by prosecutors.
     This speeds a "streamlined" legal process so as, for example, to coerce guilty pleas regardless of guilt for such heinous acts as licking a lollipop in a store while one waits to purchase it that may well tortuously be manipulated into one or sometimes all three of the popular catchy "three-strikes" mandating a life spent underground daily for 23 and 1/2 hours a day forever without parole at a supermax prison with a vaguely benevolent name such as "Pelican Bay".
     Inmates who do not immediately willingly come out for their half hour of "recreation" a day in their own private cell concrete box without any human contact while their cell is hosed down are shot by several guards with darts on electric wires and dragged from their cells.
     Such policies of 23-and-a-half-hour confinement, isolation, cruel and unusual punishment by electric dart wire dragging, whatever other abuse the guards may care to inflict, and the knowledge that this is to comprise the REST OF ONE'S LIFE would seem to be designed of course not to rehabilitate (long ago abandoned), but solely to punish, inflict extreme psychic and physical pain, and inevitably drive a person to insanity. Not said lightly, treatment at a prison such as California's Pelican Bay Prison sounds eerily reminiscent of a "medical experiment" worthy of Dr. Josef Goebbels.
     Meanwhile, such as in cases as the infamous disappearance and murder of the young girl Polly Klaas precipitating the ill-conceived California "three-strikes" law, many perpetrators of similarly truly frightening and unimaginably cruel crimes serve relatively brief sentences (compared to life without parole at Pelican Bay for lollipop-lifting) which cannot be manipulated into the "three-strikes" scenario by even the sickest Southern California prosecutor soon are sent right back onto California's streets as the last ones Californians might ever wish to meet outside again by prisons that cannot afford to shelter, feed, house, and provide medical care to everyone (anyway yet).
     That is anyway not when the prisons are so busy locking away people such as non-violent drug users and unlucky victims such as a first-time shoplifter who might have caught the prosecutor on a bad day or one that seemed just right for an easy conviction regardless of whether it was for all the wrong reasons, like shoplifting a lollipop "enhanced" to "three-strikes" and the rest of a life spent alone in an underground cement hole while the real danger was soon out again lurking and looking for someone else's, like the prosecutor's, daughter.
     It is hard to pass up a prosecutor's deal offered which one can be assured will only be followed by harsher and harsher offers finally quite likely leading up solely to a "three-strikes" offer for not coming around quite quickly enough for what is actually a single petty misdemeanor which, moreover so far as the prosecutor is concerned, it is entirely irrelevant as to whether one actually committed it or not.
     For the State it is just another quick "victory" with no judge, jury or trial, just sign on the dotted line and answer the questions in court in a way that indicates one at least vaguely understands English as you can not just "nod" all your rights away yet anyway. After all, this is a fair and just country, and you still have to say "yes" or "no" as appropriate out loud and in the right language indicating your "knowing consent" to giving up all your rights in five minutes to an impatient judge already busy reviewing the next case's guilty plea.

Copyright 2011 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

17 October 2011

Texas Idiot Liar Governor Rick "Payback" Perry "Unveils" Economic Plan (Including EPA Elimination and Okaying Alaska, Wilderness, Ocean Gas and Oil Drilling) Prepared By Oil and Gas Industry

     Monday, 17 October 2011, WEST MIFFLIN, PA. - The Ninth Amendment reminds readers to refrain from READING FREE UNLIMITED NEW YORK TIMES DIGITAL CONTENT SIMPLY BY SETTING FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING".  Texas Idiot Liar Governor Rick "Payback" Perry this past Friday after admitting his horrific debate performances sought before an impartial audience of steel workers to redeem himself with the announcement of his totally unawaited "economic proposal" immediately identified as essentially stolen from a recent oil and gas industry "wish list".
     The "fact for the day" is that Texas Idiot Liar Governor Rick "Payback" Perry's aides would not even respond to inquiries as to whether the "economic plan" merely regurgitated a recent oil and gas industry proposal that would allow drilling in every free square inch of the country, strip away all meaningful government regulations, and eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency which does not even have jurisdiction over nearly any of the oil and gas activity.
     Today's "hidden fact for the day" is that attendees at the grand "comeback" moment readily noted that most anecdotal "facts" Texas Idiot Liar Governor Rick "Payback" Perry attempted to relate as he continued to practice his English as a tenth language were plainly incorrect with at least one being identified most likely as simply an outright lie. The "Business State" Governor is alleged to have acquired his most recently "shared" area of expertise in economics while studying animal husbandry at Texas A&M University which still will not acknowledge that it has any record of him ever existing.
     The good news is that as Texas Idiot Liar Governor Rick "Payback" Perry relentlessly accelerates his freefall from politics forever whenever he opens his mouth he did venture without explanation to declare that his "economic plan" will generate 1.2 million jobs as unregulated oil and gas drilling presumably quickly ramps up throughout Alaska and whatever remains of the rest of the American wilderness and any surrounding bodies of water surrounding the United States.
     Presumably these jobs will be created in the fields of medical and hospital care, natural disaster control, enormous expansion of federal agencies such as FEMA to arrive just in time to cart away bodies, and stupendous growth in funeral homes and cemeteries which apparently will have spacious areas of former wilderness now become gas and oil puddles in vast areas of dirt and waste in which to expand.
     As to how Texas Idiot Liar Governor Perry's "economic plan" will do anything at all to help abate in any way the current United States' and resulting global recession now thought to be the worst since the "Great Depression" and yet another crowning legacy of the administration of Perry's former boss never-elected "President" George "little shrub" Bush (after Perry changed from Democrat into Republican) was not touched upon by the "candidate" testing the limits of gravity's acceleration for his irreversible crash-landing probably amidst a top-polluting refinery or heavy industry plant in Texas home of the nation's dirtiest air.
     Or, if any meaningful recovery plan were announced or attempted to be explained, the steel workers' coffee break already had ended and anyone else such as freelance reporters also had left in disgust at seeing an apparently grown man insistently continue to humiliate himself before a nation and world that long ago lost all interest in him in his desperate attempts at immortality as being the stupidest candidate ever to run for President of the United States.

Copyright 2011 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

15 October 2011

The Worst Medical Doctors You Think You Never Met In Your Life

     Saturday, 15 October 2011, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS - The Ninth Amendment reminds readers to avoid READING FREE UNLIMITED DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES CONTENT SIMPLY BY USING FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS SET TO "PRIVATE BROWSING".  The Ninth Amendment for some time has been compiling verified factual materials and accounts based entirely on our personally experienced and/or observed close family members' mistreatment by doctors.
     Medical doctors make idiot mistakes, engage in completely unnecessary lucrative medical procedures, and literally "practice" medicine with aptitude and ability resulting frequently in frightening circumstances or consequences for readers and others (unreported whenever possible) forced into doctors' "care" by injuries, illnesses, EMT drivers, and hospitals that have verified they have good insurance.
     The fact for the day is that doctors and pharmacists never make errors. For evidence doctors in the United States may point to the new reality but do not that they now "may" enjoy assistance under the scrutiny of health insurers, pharmaceutical companies, the DEA, FDA, and state medical boards who "direct" their practice of medicine and help maximize U.S. medical doctors' profits which are the highest of any doctors in the world, with orthopedic surgeons topping the list.                         
     ( This area reserved for use by the CIA-Google "assemble your own personal file" program. Estimated Paperwork Reduction Act time to complete: One lifetime. Simply fill in yours and friends details on Google, Facebook, Yahoo, or other specified "my personal information" or "about me" and Legal Disclaimer/Privacy Act/"Exceptions" section.)   
     The hidden fact for the day is that doctors also are "assisted" through the benevolent medical expertise of armies of lawyers and telephone operators at health insurance companies, pharmaceutical company lobbyists who convince the FDA that "clinical trials" performed on about six people for which the companies themselves both pay to perform and to have reviewed by the U.S. government agencies, and not to forget young usually women in short skirts who bring doctors' staffs free gourmet sandwiches and experimental drug samples at lunchtime, and from time to time comp doctors and their significant others to rigorous "educational" weeklong junkets to places such as Tahitian resorts.
     A vast multitude of law enforcement and other officials whose work porn filters prevent them from spending their entire shifts on the internet watching anatomically informational programming carefully monitor doctors' practices with the benefit of untold paid hours spent re-taking their law enforcement G.E.D.s after getting jobs provisionally through relatives to keep an eye on doctors and others who trespass on their "drug turf".
     Shrewd doctors spend the majority of their work time denying patients any medications that might make patients actually feel better should the doctors risk a dime in penalties or censure for "overdoing" it with "feelgood mills" but instead cash in on their legal status as licensed "prescription pushers" sparingly giving out prescriptions to patients who face horrible wrath and even "firing" as patients should they ever lose or have prescriptions stolen more than once a quarter century.
     These physicians "go with the flow" by compelling patients to make a new unnecessary appointment for each totally routine prescription often for highly dangerous medications such as are now sold over-the-counter as many doctors neglect to tell their patients who are not aware of the latest developments with things such as ibuprofen and "heart-healthy" aspirin which hardly been been tested at all except for use by millions of people for over a hundred years.
     Such prescription renewals generally do not really absolutely require monthly blood panels, x-rays, CAT scans, MRIs, and PET scans often ordered by doctors who own the testing facilities in whole or in part where patients are ordered to have the tests performed and then frequently lost by the doctors' testing facilities or simply taken of wrong parts of the body repeatedly with the extra benefit of assessing patients' capacity for withstanding lifelong accumulations of unnecessary radiation loads and assisting physicians in paying off their pricey testing machines (usually made by General Electric which "brings good things to life" such as polluting the Hudson River through PCB outfalls rendering the river essentially dead for about the last century).
     Is many cases these modern miracles of medicine have been as mentioned above witnessed or experienced by Ninth Amendment editorial staff and global bureau contributors who literally have had to save parents' and/or other family members' lives by insisting their parents, for example, not be removed from the ICU to a "semi-private" room when their blood pressure is rising and falling like a roller coaster every five minutes, or by families forbidding their bedridden members from being administered medications that clearly are counter-indicated or plain cautioned against as "deadly" in some physical conditions listed in such obscure publications as the Physician's Desk Reference or computer accessible monographs which physicians are unable to decipher due to their extensive and often exclusive training in the use of handwritten secret doctor code.
     Most recently in the past week one editorial staff member's father was denied the fairly newly available stroke medicine that can reverse stroke effects if  administered quickly and sometimes within three hours by emergency medical personnel per doctors' orders. In this case although brain scans showed no damage the family was immediately called to inform them that their father's (unidentified) stroke could not be treated with the medicine despite quick delivery to a hospital because he "had high blood pressure" (a condition presumably found quite rarely in stroke patients).
      When the family physician arrived after learning the family was told over the phone that the chances were negligible that the father would EVER recover from totally unspecified physical and mental brain damage, the family physician performed a modern medical miracle by yelling at the hospital physicians and removing the patient to another hospital from which he today was released walking and talking with no sign whatsoever of having had any medical problem when admitted to the first hospital a few days ago with dire warnings.
     Family members who love family members do all they can NOT to let their family members go to or stay overnight at hospitals alone or with a bodyguard regardless of what they are told the "rules" may be, as nighttime is the time when today's hospital corporations are most tempted so as to turn a "modest profit" by really allowing the most "challenged" caregivers on their staffs to care for patients between emptying medical waste and sleeping and self-testing medications in closets.

Copyright 2011 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved 

12 October 2011

Serious Prison Time Planned For Americans Who Discuss Acts Legal In Other Countries In Bill Passed By Insane Texas Republican Representative Lamar Smith And House "Judiciary" Committee

     Wednesday, 12 October 2011 - The Ninth Amendment reminds READERS NOT TO READ FREE UNLIMITED DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES CONTENT SIMPLY BY SETTING READERS' FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". This post details a recent vote in Congressional committee that without doubt the Founding Fathers would have deemed worthy of a Federal Government with no understanding whatsoever or for that matter even a copy of the United States Constitution nor any comprehension at all of international law including the fact that under the Constitution the entire world was not intended to be ruled by the United States.
     In a vote which surpasses even the Supreme Court's frequent recent trips to "fantasyland" in establishing the Court's dreamland scenarios of the "norms" of conduct in law enforcement officers' "casual" contacts with totally innocent civilians, the House Judiciary Committee last week simply bypassed that realm completely and proceeded directly into Outer Space with its vote asserting worldwide jurisdiction to create laws criminalizing foreign conduct including acts which are perfectly legal in other countries and furthermore purporting to abolish such minor First Amendment rights as the right to freely discuss matters without the act of speaking being characterized as a criminal conspiracy.

     The details are set out in a Huffington Post article with link below to be copied and pasted in readers' address bars regarding a House Judiciary Committee Bill passed last week. The Ninth Amendment's brief analysis is that Insane Texas Representative Lamar Smith Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee here cries out to all Americans for his own impeachment followed by extensive psychiatric testing for assessment of mental fitness to be tried for treason in a blatantly undisguised attempt to imprison innocent Americans simply for exercising their First Amendment rights including the right to discuss matters or even just to speak.
     Insane Smith and House Judiciary Committee colleagues idiotically just plainly  expose their intent to dictate laws to the entire world with absolute contempt for or total ignorance of the United States Constitution. One would hope enough individuals in the Senate and President Obama with power to vote this insanity into the wastebin of permanent obscurity will do so immediately as the United States Government was not intended to impose United States law on every country in the world and completely ignore Americans core rights under the United States Constitution.

Copyright 2011 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved (as to above material).

Fair comment on Huffington Post article below is that it is recommended in its entirety for an excellent discussion of the details of the above bill passed last week by the House Judiciary Committee.

U.S. Drug Policy Would


Imposed Globally By New House Bill 


08 October 2011

CIA's Inept Coding "Errors" Hacking Ninth Amendment - Obama OKs More Medical Pot Busts Despite Own Drug Use And Violating Campaign Promises

       Saturday, 8 October 2011, LANGLEY, VIRGINIA - The Ninth Amendment wishes to remind readers not to READ FREE UNLIMITED DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES CONTENT SIMPLY BY SETTING FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING".  The editors and staff of the Ninth Amendment wish to point out that the Central Intelligence Agency "Internet Improvement Division" may want to consider computer programmers with more ability and experience at "surreptitious" distortions of internet sites' design and/or postings than the current ones ,who are believed to be GS-1s, of those exercising their First Amendment right to free speech such as the Ninth Amendment. The CIA's generous use of taxpayers' money to attempt to "improve" the Ninth Amendment soon will be corrected and improvements implemented by extremely capable Ninth Amendment personnel.
       The fact for the day is that the CIA and/or other Federal executive branch "national security" agencies spend your tax dollars and other dollars that are simply printed as needed to loosely categorize blogs, logs, and other internet posted publications either as those on the left and those on the right. The hidden fact for the day is that those identified as being on the left especially are privileged to be searched with extra scrutiny for keywords such as kill, PET-N, "Super Top Secret", names of certain individuals such as those eligible for "non-existent" drone visits, details on how much money for which Dick Cheney really has ripped off the United States, and so on as to other words and/or phrases that scare, anger, and/or confuse the CIA.
       After untold hours of painstaking investigation and review and analysis of copious information provided by unnamed sources which in most cases is perfectly obvious anyway if one looks in the right places the Ninth Amendment has documented what in its opinion are strangely "coincidental" occurrences of interference with internet postings that appear to fit in many cases in the categories above listed including but not limited to the sudden disappearance from Google's "search engine" of such publications from nearly the exact time of such postings resulting unsurprisingly in a drastic drop in publication readership and thus prevent dissemination of "inconvenient" information. Specific examples will be provided for readers' own assessment.
      Meanwhile President Obama's internal standing army of drug agents who must be kept busy have announced President Obama's "all systems go" on once again raiding and destroying California medical marijuana dispensaries legally licensed under California law. Presumably this will teach a lesson to those suffering from cancer and all manner of other serious illnesses causing them pain and needing medical marijuana to alleviate it that former self-described "selfish" illegal drug user President Obama really has lost all interest in being re-elected by any of the groups that got him elected in the first place.

Copyright 2011 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

06 October 2011

Recent Reports Indicate That U.S. Doctors Earn More Money Than Any Other Doctors In The World!

     Thursday 6 October 2011, 51st STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS - The Ninth Amendment gently reminds faithful readers to avoid READING FREE UNLIMITED CONTENT OF THE NEW YORK TIMES SIMPLY BY SETTING THEIR FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". The Ninth Amendment post below was published verbatim (i.e., no minor editing here) in the 2 October 2011 digital Times in response to the article Who Gets to Be Called a Doctor?  The fact of the day is that the median salary for a Family Physician in the United States is $141,660.  The hidden fact of the day is that the median salary for a Special Education Teacher is a whopping $43,866.  We know, it made the Ninth Amendment staff sick too!

     U.S. doctors recently were reported to earn more money than any other doctors in the world. In most cases much more. Orthopedic surgeons were singled out for the obscene amounts they earn even in relation to other doctors.
     What do they expect if nurses now add some hours and become prescribers, "doctors", and next probably orthopedic and other surgeons, today being notoriously eager to cut patients open for the slightest medical uncertainty which will get them paid but not sued for malpractice?
     The Ninth Amendment in earlier posts describing insurance and pharmaceutical companies, whose only professionals appear to be bevies of attorneys scheming to raise premiums incessantly constantly developing techniques to redefine available covered care at astronomically rising rates while making the actual facts of coverage absolutely incomprehensible to the insured upon whom they prey. Or in the case of pharmaceutical companies attempting to patent not-really-"new" nor "reformulated" drugs so as to benefit from protected obscene profits for medications which required near zero research, development, nor clinical trials regarding efficacy so as sell minute quantities of active substances derived largely directly from nature which cost hundreds or thousands of a cent per a pill that they sell for thousands or millions per cent profit and are slipped to doctors by usually young women in short skirts who buy them lunch.
     Our doctors confirm the degree now needed to practice much vitally important medicine is a G.E.D. as DEA agent , the FDA, or pick most states' medical boards staffed by nephews and nieces of politicians. Doctors who catch on seize the opportunity just let them play "practice medicine" while the savvy M.D.s become merely pushers who require needless ever-increasing appointments for patients with good insurance in order to dispense many routine medicines in minute quantities. If the CIA can push drugs so can they.

Copyright 2011 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

02 October 2011

Medical Doctors On freemd.com Give Free Instant Answers To All Health Concerns

     Sunday, 2 October 2011, 51st STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Hello friends. Johnny Cash could not be here tonight. The Ninth Amendment reminds all to please try not to READ UNLIMITED FREE CONTENT FROM THE DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES SIMPLY BY SETTING FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING".
     The fact for the day is that the American Medical Association ("AMA") claims with a straight face that "We are putting patient care first. The AMA works to enhance quality at every opportunity by developing clinical measures that help drive positive outcomes, by introducing resources that promote prevention and wellness, and by designing assessment tools that provide powerful insight into patient satisfaction and the effectiveness of communication in practice and hospital settings".
     The hidden fact for the day is that virtually zero doctors or other caregivers in United States hospitals now visit patient rooms ever at night or on any weekends, holidays or when meeting with their bankers or preparing to defend their malpractice suits.
     Should an admitted non-ICU patient not have a constantly alert and extremely vocal companion or attorney constantly monitoring their beloved hospital patient almost certainly that patient will be neglected and/or abused by nighttime hospital often sadistic employees who are busy chatting on the floor station, the telephone or abusing the patient's drugs.
     Urgent patient calls for emergency help with severe pain or other problems may be answered after tens of requests by the patient and/or their advocate(s).  In which case nothing is done due to an absence of doctors' orders or the inability of the hospital employees to comprehend their instructions.
     THERE IS HOPE! The Ninth Amendment continues to hope to be able immediately to help our readers to the best of our ability given the opportunity to do so by providing readers with informative websites or other helpful useful information right now.
      Little L late at night came across the below-described www.freemd.com site which provided instantaneous free personal responses to her health inquiries from up to a dozen online physicians simultaneously. (Readers must independently confirm the validity of this Site as the Ninth Amendment neither offers nor purports to offer any professional and/or medical advice or evaluation of health providers.)  Interested readers themselves may please evaluate www.freemd.com.  The Ninth Amendment truly hopes it is able to help readers and all others too!
     Readers may simply copy and paste the following URL into the readers' browser should readers and/or any and all others determine they wish to consult http://www.freemd.com/. The Ninth Amendment posts this information as with all other posts with absolutely no financial interest or any other type of remuneration whatsoever.

Copyright 2011 Little L and Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

01 October 2011

FBI "Watch List" Be The First One On Your Block

     Saturday, 1 October 2011, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - The Ninth Amendment brothers and sisters here we go again reminding readers to refrain from READING FREE UNLIMITED DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES CONTENT SIMPLY BY SETTING FREE UPDATED FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". The Ninth Amendment's posted comment below was published recently in response to a digital Times imperative piece continuing to detail the United States government's expanding systematic unilateral power grabs at the fundamentally unconstitutional expense of the rights of the people from whom its power derives.
     The fact for the day is that as readers read this Americans' right to trial specifically set forth in the Constitution is being dramatically eliminated by the whims of the prosecutorial State legal system through legislated, implicit and explicit threats which are coercive, ruin countless lives regardless of NO judicial process determining guilt or innocence, and constitute cruel and unusual punishment.
     The hidden fact for the day is that of course lacking any peep even of the proposal and passage of a Constitutional Amendment (do readers wonder why?) the elimination of these core individual Constitutional rights as well as the complete abuse of absolutely ungranted aberrant State powers run amok forebodes disaster if permitted to run to its logical conclusion.
    The State's obvious or briefly "hidden" but always progressive seizures of  ever more power which effectively purport to abolish for a variety of irrelevant and most often false reasons the freedom of the persons who fought, died, and so much more for a better country and world is very foolish indeed. It is dangerous.
     The people provisionally carefully bestowed certain specific powers and responsibilities on the State and specifically reserved others for themselves. The State's rapidly growing ungranted invasion on all fronts of these and other implicit rights violates the fundamental compact entered into by the people to establish and ordain this Nation. It is profoundly antithetical to the spirit and reality of life, liberty and the pursuit of  happiness as set forth in the Preamble to the United States Constitution.

     Thank you for your continued documentation of the rapid expansion of assumed State powers which correlate inversely to the unilateral elimination of Americans' rights. As to the FBI "watch list" however the Ninth Amendment log at www.waronnothing.blogspot.com must note that this is (in the words of Yogi Berra) "deja vu all over again", i.e. the 1950's. And in the end both former FBI head J. Edgar Hoover and Senator Joseph McCarthy sure did turn out to be all-round solid guys. As for Mr. Stewart Baker, former Homeland Security official apparently turned PR representative for the State, regarding the obvious propriety of innocent Americans and others being barred from air flights, he might consider that travel unequivocally has been determined by the United States Supreme Court to be an inalienable Constitutional right.

Idiot Governor Rick "Payback" Perry Claims Clean Air Credit, Scorns EPA

     Saturday, 1 October 2011, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Hello readers. The Ninth Amendment repeats please do not READ UNLIMITED FREE CONTENT FROM THE DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES SIMPLY BY SETTING FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". The post below  published in the digital Times here appears verbatim in response to a past Friday Times column on Idiot Governor Rick "Payback" Perry's newly reported characteristic misleading, dishonest and lying claims of all credit for himself for his non-existent "leading" role in cleaning Texas' air which is the Nation's dirtiest
     The fact for the day is that Idiot Texas Governor Rick "Payback" Perry singles out his exemplary leading credit for cleaning Texas' air by highlighting the reduction of nitrous oxide emissions.
      The hidden fact for the day is that nitrous oxide "laughing" gas is an essentially inert chemical compound for healthy humans provided it is administered with sufficient amounts of oxygen to breathe. (THIS INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OUR BARBER NEITHER OFFERS NOR PURPORTS TO OFFER PROFESSIONAL NOR EXPERT HEALTH AND/OR MEDICAL ADVICE WHICH MUST BE SOUGHT FROM KNOWN RELIABLE SOURCES).
      Generally not identified as a most pressing air pollution nor global warming contributor laughing gas popularly has been accepted as safe to use (for example for some time by dentists) since at least its early use in the 18th century by the Joseph Priestly Society for purposes of spiritual enlightenment or positive mind expansion by appropriate persons.
      Idiot Governor Rick "Payback" Perry is not yet known to have claimed full credit for any reductions nor increases in the use of Novocaine although were he "fairly compensated, and I don't mean $5,000" by the oral health industry he presumably would mandate Novocaine for everyone as legally required, except the many uninsured adults and children who do not need it because they cannot pay and very rich Perry donors in Texas who tell him no and go to dental hygienists.
      The dumb humor for the day is that it takes no Idiot Governor Rick "Payback" Perrys to screw in a light bulb as this service is/will be provided by "aides" while he is busy stuffing cash in his pockets, trying to speed-learn English, or it is done instead by his prison handlers as the case may be.

     Heartening that Governor Perry is back on the warpath either lying or attempting English speech as he slams the final nails into his coffin. Former Democrat turned Republican and Gore supporter turned secessionist Perry now claims credit for cleaning Texas' air (the dirtiest in the Nation) which he has fought every step of the way. The Ninth Amendment log at www.waronnothing.blogspot.com wishes to remind (or inform, as the case may be) Governor Perry that people who cannot breathe die which means they do not need jobs.