01 October 2011

FBI "Watch List" Be The First One On Your Block

     Saturday, 1 October 2011, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - The Ninth Amendment brothers and sisters here we go again reminding readers to refrain from READING FREE UNLIMITED DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES CONTENT SIMPLY BY SETTING FREE UPDATED FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". The Ninth Amendment's posted comment below was published recently in response to a digital Times imperative piece continuing to detail the United States government's expanding systematic unilateral power grabs at the fundamentally unconstitutional expense of the rights of the people from whom its power derives.
     The fact for the day is that as readers read this Americans' right to trial specifically set forth in the Constitution is being dramatically eliminated by the whims of the prosecutorial State legal system through legislated, implicit and explicit threats which are coercive, ruin countless lives regardless of NO judicial process determining guilt or innocence, and constitute cruel and unusual punishment.
     The hidden fact for the day is that of course lacking any peep even of the proposal and passage of a Constitutional Amendment (do readers wonder why?) the elimination of these core individual Constitutional rights as well as the complete abuse of absolutely ungranted aberrant State powers run amok forebodes disaster if permitted to run to its logical conclusion.
    The State's obvious or briefly "hidden" but always progressive seizures of  ever more power which effectively purport to abolish for a variety of irrelevant and most often false reasons the freedom of the persons who fought, died, and so much more for a better country and world is very foolish indeed. It is dangerous.
     The people provisionally carefully bestowed certain specific powers and responsibilities on the State and specifically reserved others for themselves. The State's rapidly growing ungranted invasion on all fronts of these and other implicit rights violates the fundamental compact entered into by the people to establish and ordain this Nation. It is profoundly antithetical to the spirit and reality of life, liberty and the pursuit of  happiness as set forth in the Preamble to the United States Constitution.

     Thank you for your continued documentation of the rapid expansion of assumed State powers which correlate inversely to the unilateral elimination of Americans' rights. As to the FBI "watch list" however the Ninth Amendment log at www.waronnothing.blogspot.com must note that this is (in the words of Yogi Berra) "deja vu all over again", i.e. the 1950's. And in the end both former FBI head J. Edgar Hoover and Senator Joseph McCarthy sure did turn out to be all-round solid guys. As for Mr. Stewart Baker, former Homeland Security official apparently turned PR representative for the State, regarding the obvious propriety of innocent Americans and others being barred from air flights, he might consider that travel unequivocally has been determined by the United States Supreme Court to be an inalienable Constitutional right.

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