11 January 2015

War Declared On Disabled Veterans By New Republican Congress Abusing Arcane Mechanism To Rob Wounded Warriors Veterans And All Disabled Of Their Social Security Benefits For Which GOP Will Regret And Pay Dearly

       Sunday, 11 January 2015, WASHINGTON, D.C. - This past week's newly seated Republican Congressional House members wasted no time in misusing an arcane budget sleight of hand as one of their first moves in office to rob this Nation's Wounded Warriors of their earned Social Security Disability benefits. To the best of the Ninth Amendment editorial board's knowledge not a single one of these cowardly "Tea Partier" Republican crybabies has ever spent a day serving this county in active combat in the armed services nor taken a bullet nor any other wound in defense of this country. Nor do or have any of their children served this country in a combat role in which they were wounded to the best of the Ninth Amendment's knowledge.
       Nevertheless these greedy tools of the ultra-rich have the audacity to slap this Nation's proud Wounded Warriors and others in the face seeking to outright rob them of benefits that they have earned through their sweat and their blood. These Republican House Congresspersons may talk bull until they are blue in the face about the "Right To Keep And Bear Arms" but how many of these spoiled phonies whose seats in our Government were bought for them by some of the greediest persons history has ever known such as for example the Koch Brothers could even handle a BB gun without shooting themselves in the foot?
       How many of these new GOP Congress thieves and lowlife have ever handled a fully automatic assault rifle? How many of them have been blown up or seen their comrades in arms torn to pieces by an IED? None. Well friends there are 9.4 million veterans including Wounded Warriors of all types suffering grave physical and emotional damage who are receiving barely enough to live in oppressed poverty on Social Security disability benefits while receiving what the Nation now knows to be totally inadequate medical care from the incompetent liars at the Veterans Administration. For these freshman Republican puppets to devote their first day in office piling more burdens on those for whom they have their liberty to thank is nothing more more than a disgrace. 
       And now a bunch of Republican nitwits and parasites many of whom have never before even served a single day in elected office actually have the gall to take enormous salaries not to mention enough bribes to last them a lifetime watching only their own while robbing America's disabled, its veterans, its wounded warriors all of whom are this Nation's true patriots and defenders of liberty of their pittance of Social Security disability benefits every meager dollar of which they earned under a contract with the United States Government to pay them their money back not to try to steal it like some crooked street three-card monte dealer when it is in fact supposed to be sacrosanct untouchable since the time of FDR.
       One thing we can all be sure about is that not a single one of these wretched Republican House Congresspersons would want to meet a single real veteran or wounded warrior in a dark alley even though it is in these dark shadows of deception where these 'Tea Partiers" and there Republican cronies choose to dwell.
       Wounded Warriors, veterans and the other disabled on Social Security disability unite! Show these Republican thieves in suits that though they may think they are easily going to get away with first robbing this Nation's most vulnerable and unable to defend themselves that they are in fact clueless enough actually to be trying to rob this Nation's strongest and most resilient, its warriors, its proud citizens with the strength to take on what challenges are thrown at them every day. Wounded warriors, veterans and all disabled let your voices be heard loud and strong from all those who claim to represent your interests and are paid to do so to the halls of Congress which if necessary you if anyone have the right to occupy. This is your land, your country which you have so proudly served and there is no time to waste in letting these pitiful Republicans who would rob their own grandmothers in a second that they are messing with the wrong group of people.
       And they better cut the crap right now because they have chosen the wrong people for sure to take on on a battlefield which they have never known, trying to steal from those who are the very reason they have any country to serve. Let them know loud and strong what a terrible mistake they are on the verge of making and that it will not be forgotten. Never forgotten. The time to act is now as these misguided Republican sick souls think this is but the first step in their assault on those whom they believe least able to defend themselves. Let them know loud and clear that it is not. This will be their last step before they learn fast how to run for cover and never venture again into unknown territory like a bunch of naive schoolgirls. 
       For more on this interested/concerned readers please see commondreams.org generally with link below to its article specifically addressing Republicans' first day in office effort to steal Social Security Disability Benefits using accounting trickery with other Social Security Benefits not far behind in their blatant attempts illegally to rob the Social Security Trust to doubtless give the stolen spoils to the most undeserving rich who in turn are all that keep these sorry Republicans in office and out of the unemployment line eating dirt if well-fed Republican Senators have their way as they have pledged before even taking office to eliminate food stamps completely.

Copyright 2015 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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