11 January 2015

Reject The Keystone XL Pipeline Petition To President Obama As It Offers Americans Nothing But The "Opportunity" To Have Their Lands Seized To Benefit A Canadian "Dirty" Oil Company And Live In Fear Of A Catastrophic Uncontrolled Spill To Wipe Out Their Livelihoods And Homes Completely

       Sunday, 11 December 2014, WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Ninth Amendment editorial board asks readers please to consider signing the below linked petition to President Obama urging him to stop the Keystone XL pipeline before it cuts a dirty swath all the way down the middle of our beautiful country solely to benefit a Canadian "Dirty Oil" company and the Republicans who have been paid off to support it, even those readers who do support the responsible drilling for and use of fossil fuels while keeping in mind all of our obligation to the next generations to pass on a planet that not only barely sustains life but is the remarkable Earth that was created for the pleasure and enjoyment of us all.  Keystone XL is none of that just as it is not a long-term job creator other than for a handful of people (except when it starts rupturing with age creating the immediate need for an army of environmental experts doubtless coming in from elsewhere to mitigate the damage).
       Keystone XL benefits longer-term no Americans whatsoever other than corrupt Republicans who line their pockets with the bribes that keep them bringing the dead Keystone XL project back time and time again like a filthy zombie leaking blood from every orifice forever looking for an unlocked door to lurch into our Homeland and your home. The sole beneficiary is a Canadian "dirty oil" company specializing already in destroying Canada's environment with its foul "tar sands" extraction laying waste to all land it touches, and finally it offers no benefit whatsoever to any Americans in terms of long-term jobs, oil revenues or reserves or anything else except it does guarantee a huge gash of poison and constant danger of catastrophe ripped all the way from Canada through unwilling Americans' property to the Gulf of Mexico where it all will be dumped into the global oil market if anything making American oil less valuable.
       There is absolutely no good reason for any honest American to support this project or allow our politicians to give it the go-ahead. It is uneuivocally bad news all round for this Great Land and our People who love it with no redeeming feature whatsoever unless one wishes to make a filthy Canadian oil company even richer content not only to destroy their country but ours as well. Please do not just say "no" to the XL Pipeline, just say "no thank you" not in our or anyone else's lifetimes. Back off and leave us alone as we have problems enough of our own and the world's challenges to handle. We do not need your problems as well. So in the words of Michael Jackson big Canadian dirty oil you can "Just beat it!"

CREDO Action
Tell President Obama: Time to reject Keystone XL
Sign the petition to President Obama:
This is a make or break moment for your climate legacy. Serious progress against climate change requires consistent action, not just words. Immediately reject the Keystone XL pipeline and apply your climate test to all federal decisions on fossil fuel projects - whether for domestic use or export.
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Dear Martin,
It’s the decision that the State Department and White House has been using as their reason to delay: The Nebraska Supreme Court just announced a ruling that upholds the Keystone XL route.
The President and State Department put the official National Interest Determination process on hold last April pending a ruling in Nebraska. Now, President Obama must finally make a decision.
Now that Republicans control the Senate, even if the president rejects the pipeline, they will try to force approval again and again and again. In fact, the House voted today to force approval on a bill the president has already declared he would veto because it falls outside of the National Interest Determination process -- which the Nebraska decision now restarts.
Regardless of what the fossil fuel industry is able to ram through Congress, the next step in our fight to stop this dirty tar sands oil pipeline is for the president to finally declare that it is not in our national interest.
The past year has made it clearer than ever that Keystone XL is a climate disaster that fails the test he set. If President Obama is serious about being a global leader for climate action and recognizing his moral responsibility to act for future generations, he simply must reject Keystone XL.
Thanks for all you do.
Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
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