01 March 2012

Hypocrite Obama Perpetuates the Phony War on Drugs While Senator Feinstein Tries to Undo Some of Obama's Constitution Dismantling

  •      Wednesday, 29 February 2012, BARBARY COAST, CALIFORNIA - Again a hearty
    "welcome back" to Ninth Amendment readers with whom our editorial staff and global bureaus are pleased to be able to share a wealth of new material which includes Ninth Amendment comments which continue consistently to be published digitally in the New York Times probably because we are the only ones awake at our Western United States newsroom to submit comments shortly after new Times material is made public for comment. The Ninth Amendment routinely reminds readers to avoid SETTING FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING" SIMPLY TO READ UNLIMITED FREE CONTENT OF THE DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES.
  •      The fact for the day is that this week former San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein now Senator Feinstein launches hearings on bills to undo to some degree the damage done by hypocrite President Obama's December 2011 signing of a law with some typically cynical name a la the "Patriot Act" which allows United States law enforcement, secret agents, the military or whomever to arrest without charge and hold indefinitely without notice, charge, or trial any person including American citizens for suspicion of involvement apparently including even thinking about terrorist activity. Senator Feinstein's proposed legislation apparently does not however entirely do away with this obviously sickeningly unconstitutional law but retains parts of it whereas Senator Ron Paul's proposed legislation apparently does away with the heinous law altogether.
  •      The hidden fact for the day is that President Barack Obama once again has entirely abandoned the principles which he allegedly espoused when he first ran for President of the United States. Whether it was Obama's "admission" that although his dealing and use of drugs had been "selfish", his assurance that should he follow George "little shrub" Bush (himself a long-time cocaine user and also a hard-drinking crackhead in his earlier years as a totally unsuccessful Texas "businessman" constantly bailed out by "Daddy" and his friends who eventually gave "little shrub" the Texas Rangers baseball franchise)  as President he Obama would mandate treatment rather than incarceration for non-violent "drug" crimes  which of course turned out to be a total lie. In fact the Obama Administration without blinking immediately following the debacle of the "little shrub" Bush Presidency ADOPTED wholesale the entire drug law enforcement budget of the Bush White House verbatim and fully embraced the forty-year losing phony "war on drugs" ever since.
  •      In fact the dismantling of the United States Constitution has continued relentlessly under the policies of the Obama Administration, from directives to the Justice Department to the CIA to the maintaining of Guantanamo Bay and the imprisonment without notice, trial or charges for indefinite and perhaps permanent periods of time available not only to all citizens of the world but also American citizens abroad or right at home in the United States. Perhaps "secret" worldwide CIA torture prisons have been curbed but they of course have been replaced with a slew of new abuses including assassinations by drone which REQUIRE Obama's signing off on each murder.  Obama obviously figured he got the vote he needed in the last election so screw the people who got him elected. After all where else are they going to run now? 
  •      The Ninth Amendment had to figure something was a little off with the guy after he invited his "special guests" over to the White House "Situation Room" to watch the Osama bin Laden assassination live in surround-sound while he and the guests munched on pizza to which he eagerly returned after spending about thirty seconds sharing the good news with the American people. Where in the world one might ask can Presidents such as Obama come up with these so-called attorneys who are capable of convoluting the "law" to the point where murder is just fine even if now in the interests of safety the CIA drones routinely knock off a few dozen more totally innocent civilians from afar than the CIA did when the assassinations used to be "up close and personal"?
  •      And what God help us all are so-called "legal experts" sworn to uphold the Constitution doing in the Obama Justice Department or White House disparaging, dismantling and altogether just ignoring the fundamental rights afforded Americans in what once was a COMPACT with the American people that these rights were to be held to be inalienable and should the American people's rights be disparaged and the Constitution ignored by the State altogether then any fool knows that the consequence was to be and will be that there was NO LONGER ANY LEGITIMATE BASIS FOR THOSE IN GOVERNMENT TO CLAIM ANY POWER WHATSOEVER OVER THE PEOPLE?
     On that note the Ninth Amendment below presents verbatim its comment published in the digital New York Times in response to an apparently re-issued article on the unavailability of medicines re-published in response to a physician's recent publication of a book describing his disgust with a system of "medical care" which has itself fallen prey to the new police state where "medical care" no longer has anything to do with doctors ministering to the needs of sick patients but instead has become just another element of the fear of the legal consequences should doctors be foolish enough not to recognize that what is needed to practice medicine in the United States is an understanding that an M.D. means nothing but a D.E.A. agent with a G.E.D., no medical training, and a badge who is the one calling the shots. The goal of course being now completely unrelated to relief from pain, healing, or anything silly enough to be mentioned in the Hippocratic oath, but rather making damn sure that NO ONE FEELS GOOD. The Ninth Amendment editorial board's comment published in the digital edition of the New York Times follows.
     As recently explained by the editorial board of the Ninth Amendment log at www.waronnothing.blogspot.com these days there simply is no need to get an M.D. as it is useless for practicing medicine. The best route to providing medical "care" is just to get one's G.E.D. and join the D.E.A. At night you can flash your badge, get free drinks in bars with your fellow warriors in the phony war on drugs, and then crash your government-issue car into a lamppost on the drive to the strip bar. (On this subject also Google the heartbreaking story of Miami U.S. Attorney Melvin Coffee called to D.C. by Janet Reno and fired on the spot at the tarmac simply for biting a stripper on the rear-end a few hours shortly before dawn after a particularly grueling day losing in the courtroom). As for the best drugs certainly avoid the pharmacies or the streets, as the best drugs exclusively are available through the C.I.A., legendary great politicians' medicine cabinets such as Senator Joseph McCarthy and President Richard M. Nixon, or in the nearest police drug evidence locker and dispensary.

Copyright 2012 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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