05 March 2012

President Obama's Israeli "Pact" That Was Not, New Materials From Our Vaults, NSA Signals Intelligence FOIA Requests, Occuwhat? Outlawed

     Monday, 5 March 2012, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - The Ninth Amendment reminds readers to avoid reading FREE UNLIMITED DIGITAL CONTENT OF THE NEW YORK TIMES SIMPLY BY SETTING READERS' FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING. We are pleased to report we now have completed a blue-ribbon review of our archival materials. No, readers, we are not collecting in storage containers all material ever printed or published or filmed by humankind up through the first decades of the internet to insure that some "true record" of the past will survive that cannot be altered merely by a computer command which will enable those who would be so inclined to "change history" at will bu t at least must go to the trouble of publishing a book, research paper or perhaps something in hard copy to refute the existence of true historical events. We understand someone else is working on that project.
     The Ninth Amendment merely wishes for reasons of consistency and historical integrity to publish in this post and a few that follow some relatively recent posts prepared for publication which were never earlier in fact converted from draft to final publication as our IT staff overlooked clicking the "Publish Post" icon as IT has been so busy studying the signals intelligence information, coloring books, pornographic videos and poorly redacted pages sent in response to the Ninth Amendment's FOIA requests of the National Security Agency.
     The fact for the day is that President Obama has gone so far as expressly to assure Israel that the United States will engage in nuclear war or worse if it is in the "defense" interests of Israel, with particular emphasis focused on any possible nuclear weapon capability of Iran being pre-emptively responded to probably with complete annihilation despite repeated top intelligence reports from executive "national intelligence" agencies that Iran has dismantled its nuclear program. These reports are believed to be likely inaccurate as many such previous reports have been on different "foreign intelligence" matters such as Iraq except perhaps must significantly reports of suspicious pre-9/11 global activity which were completely ignored.
     The hidden fact for the day is that Israel is not known to have made any similar such reciprocal pledge to engage in nuclear war or worse on behalf of  the United States should this country's "national security" interests be challenged, must recently allegedly in Afghanistan and Iraq where on each front to the best of the Ninth Amendments' global bureaus' information any Israeli troops fighting alongside the United States and NATO allies were noticeably absent. As, in fact, Israeli military power used in support primarily of United States "national security" interests has been absent from all United States conflicts since Israel came into existence so far as our research department knows.
     This trade-off sounds somewhat reminiscent of the unspoken pacts regarding those hot-shot Wall Street investment bank gambles where their odds appear particularly favorable since the investment bank can only win for its own enormous profit or unlike most of us be bailed out also at a profit by the full faith and credit of OUR United States when it seemingly loses. This is known in the George Walker Bush National Intelligence Center near the petting zoo in Mclean, Virginia as a WIN-WIN situation.
     In any case on to a comment response submitted to the New York Times on Monday 17 September 2011 to the venerable Professor Paul Krugman in response to a piece he wrote. It is unclear at this time if the Ninth Amendment actually was digitally published in the Times but, in the words of Google "our best people are working on it". We are confident that our readers will grasp immediately that our comment was submitted in response to a piece of Professor Krugman's regarding what has come to be know as the "Occupy" movement, below the "occupied" area being Wall Streeet in a modest sort of way. (At present now having evolved into a re-definition overwhelmingly by the United States House of Representatives from a First Amendment assemblage -- many of the new Repbulican and "Tea Partier" members being completely unfamiliar with the document commonly known as the United States Constitution -- into some sort of nationwide conspiracy of potential assassins to be hauled off in chains at the first opportunity).
      Thank you once again for clearly identifying in a straightforward manner another economic reality that here addresses the roots of the Wall Street protests that one would have thought was belaboring the obvious to anyone with a memory capable of recalling major events that have occurred in less than the last couple decades. The Ninth Amendment log fully supports you, sir, in hopefully finding the opportunity to issue reminders as needed. Meanwhile it appears the NYPD will take care to ensure that through the strategic use of unnecessary violent attacks, arrests, and movable outdoor prisons on peaceful protestors which obviously are widely broadcast instantaneously the NYPD itself soon will accomplish the nurturing of a modest protest into an event of unknown proportions that may give obscenely overpaid financial industry welfare ingrates and their cronies something more to do than whine.

Copyright 2012 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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