09 March 2012

"Loyal" Democrat House Members Eager For More of the "Good Life" Flock Back To Obama Because Republican Equals Economic Depression, Obama Betrays Constitution

     Friday, March 9 2012, WASHINGTON, D.C. - In that once swamp known as Washington, D.C. Democratic candidates reportedly flock back to President Obama in their desperate bids to see what else they can milk from the United States by winning another term as can be seen in the New York Times article linked to our comment digitally published below. Readers again gently are reminded that they should AVOID READING FREE UNLIMITED CONTENT FROM THE DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES USING READERS' FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS SET TO "PRIVATE BROWSING" the Times now having acknowledged the failure of its paywall by firing the executive who implemented it and now desperately trying to sell digital subscriptions alone without obligating one to also deforest the planet by paying for hard copy papers as well. So much for the Times administration.
     The Ninth Amendment in a rare disclosure of functional organization informs interested readers that it operates on the principle of an enlightened monarchy but for the fact that there is no monarch and it inevitably reverses decisions under verbal abuse from staff members.
      The fact for the day is that the place to go in San Francisco reportedly hot hot hot is Polk Street where just last night in a block's space one could see about ten emergency vehicles including S.F.PD. police vehicles, Highway Patrol cars apparently having chased a vehicle from some freeway of which there are none in the area, and of course random ambulances and ladder fire trucks from Station 3 around the corner. Naturally local merchants who sell almost exclusively alcohol, complex devices for smoking "tobacco", street weapons, and pizza were delighted with the turnout and no doubt eagerly await tonight's which should roughly double last night's it now being the weekend. Oh, and one last thing possibly of interest, curiosity or otherwise to readers, a large truck sponsored by Larry Flynt's Broadway club with a glass aquarium on the back featuring five naked dancing women and behind a police car honking at the car between and swerving to the center of Polk Street to get a better look.
     Not particularly related to today's post featuring the most recent Ninth Amendment comment posted in response to the above-mentioned article and digitally published by the New York Times (verbatim with FIVE! minor editorial corrections) but perhaps of intense interest, disgust, or some other response of our faithful readers whom we strive of course to keep completely informed with one fast source of all pertinent news.
     Incidentally the hidden fact for the day is that the ostensible headquarters of the National Security Agency (West) although not as easy to find as the George Herbert Walker Bush Center for National Intelligence (CIA) in Mclean, Virginia is about five blocks away from the San Francisco Federal Building in fact on Post Street east of Polk right next door to above-mentioned S.F Fire Station 3 standing four stories tall (visible above ground) with a neon sign reading "Diva" at the top below a roof bristling with antennas. Diva also apparently serves as an after-hours nightclub due to U.S. Government cutbacks.
     The Ninth Amendment's Times' digitally published comment follows:
    • BigMartin
    • waronnothing
    President Obama is no idiot tool of the rich. Or as rich as "I am Poor-Boy R[o]mney". No doubt it is obvious to him that the filed [stet - field] of Republican primary candidates are a pack of losers a la once-disgraced is not enough clowns such as Newt Gingrich. Any casual student of history knows that Repbulican [stet] presidents from George "little shrub" Bush back to all Republicans before instituted policies which have been the cause of ALL significant economic depressions. It has taken a Democratic President subsequently to save us.
    The Ninth Amendment at www.waronnothing.blogspot.com notes that Republcans [stet] have pandered to the tiny rich elite while getting the votes needed by manipulating less fortunate Americans with rhetoric meaning nothing to the Republicans while cynically intentionally perpetuating their ignorance.
    Our editorial board is disgusted with President Obama's continuation and expansion of policies destroying our fundamental rights under that sacred pact with the American people known as the United States Constitution . He has exponentially accelerated the obliteration of our rights following the footsteps and worse making permanent misdeeds of George "little shrub" Bush.
    Were it not for that uniquely sacred document crafted in 1789 we would not be the Country we have become and most likely would be long gone. Had Republicans been Founding Fathers we might have given the Country [stet - a month]. Had it been the work of the Bush criminal conspiracy perhaps a week.

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