14 March 2012

Krugman Hits Another One Out Of The Park - Good Luck With Your New Book!

    Wednesday, 14 March 2012, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Again the Ninth Amendment says"Thank you to our loyal  Readers" for your continued support of our log (blog is not a word).  The Ninth Amendment continues to seek out and expose those in our society who persist in exploiting the Working Class, abuse the less fortunate and ultimately most importantly have set out to DESTROY OUR CONSTITUTION. The Ninth Amendment routinely reminds readers to avoid SETTING FREE FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING" SIMPLY TO READ UNLIMITED FREE CONTENT OF THE DIGITAL NEW YORK TIMES.
     The fact of the day is that New York Times Columnist (and many other exceptional things as well, including a much faster and better writer than all of us here as he ceaselessly and modestly shares a seemingly endless stream of brilliant thoughts with his readers) Professor Paul Krugman widely is known to have won the Nobel Prize in Economics. Sadly as has proven inexorably to be the apparent undeniable truth as to that other Nobel "Peace" Prize winner aka Murderer Hypocrite Barack "Targeted Killing" Obama unlike Professor Krugman Obama now has conclusively by the admission of his own Administration of its heinous actions most recently "justified" as "targeted killings" of American citizens without any legal process or legal consultation on the part of the Administration.
     The hidden fact for the day which has remained less so it would seem with each passing moment is that the Ninth Amendment editorial staff is scrambling to identify any potential viable candidate for President who is neither flat-out unthinkable in that position or has proven themselves to be so. This member of the editorial board still holds forth a dream for someone of her own gender in that position, namely Hillary Clinton (who as many have observed comes with the bonus of housemate former President William Jefferson Clinton).
     Can the Constitution withstand the relentless mindless attacks from all sides without some sort of saving grace? How can the voters who previously elected Obama in all his apparent enlightened sincerity stomach his legacy of misleading all, breaking sacred promises and worse yet not even know what horrors they may endure should they feel they must support him for another term as President if only to prevent any of the possible Republican candidates from picking up the Office where George "little shrub" Bush left off? Namely on the eve of the Country's destruction on every front Bush set upon.
     Pardon the digression but then again perhaps Professor Krugman is another person just made for the job, though he would of course have to back off on a few of his other endeavors. Quite recently as mentioned in previous posts we lauded the fact that Dr.Krugman just now is having published a new book entitled Stop The Depression Now! from his foundation of firm unshakeable economic knowledge borne of intense intellect and rigorous education rather than a Gingrich-style "motto" scribbled on a cocktail napkin before the flight landed or "I was raised just a poor-boy" Romney's delusions. Colleague Little L's comment on our hopes for Professor Krugman succeeding in taking a guiding role in saving us all from disaster was digitally published earlier this month as republished verbatim below.

                    Lynn, Texas
    • We of the Ninth Amendment at www.waronnothing.blogspot.com look forward to your new book. You give us hope, Dr. Krugman and hope is a very important part of the human experience. As mentioned in my partner's last comment yesterday (all kidding aside), hope is about the future, and the future is very important to not just myself, but my entire family. With two young women, one in college and another in high school, I as well as all of our staff hope that your assessment is correct and will prove to be true. May your book be successful. We wish you nothing but the best, and we look forward to reading your articles today and everyday. You are truly a gifted and knowledgeable man.
    Copyright 2012 Little L and Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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