15 September 2009


     San Antonio, 14 September 2009, 5:05pnCST - Former disgraced "Presient" Bush "little shrub" was rushed today from a Tijuana jail by Saudi Arabian security forces to the decrepit "Air Force Five" which lurched off the runway as it nearly failed to achieve take off at Tijuana International Airport and Taco Stand.. Security Forces commented that it was "too bad" the plane did not crash but said there "is still hope" that it will.
     "It's a long way to Riyadh," one anonymous source commented as Saudi security forces followed behind in a state-of-the-art jet usually reserved for the Saudi family. Their plane in fact was one of the many used by the Saudi royal familty to exit the United States abruptly the morning of 11 September 2001 after a "pay off" of former "President" Bush and the Bush clan. It was of course almost all Saudi citizens who carried out the alleged "terrorist hijacked" plane attacks of that date.
     All Royal family Saudis were permitted to safely exit the United States accompanied by Wackenhut security personnel provided by an elite wing of the secuity company reportedly indirectly subconracted and managed by Vice President "Dick" Cheney. Mr. Cheney of course later privately made hundreds of millions of dollars off U.S. overseas operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other undisclosed locations with failed private security operations and "back-up" plans such as unusable runways and "tangential infrastructure" such as medical centers.  
     Mr. Bush is en route to Saudi Arabia to be stoned "maybe" to death for certain "unmentionable" activities with young boys with which he was videotaped at a party at the Saudi Arabian Tijuana consulate. He snuck into the consulate posing as a lobbyist on his weekend arrival in Mexico. Mexico does not allow stoning to death except for "certain crimes" specifically performed with donkeys and burros. Meanwhile the Saudis had "bought" Mr. Bush after viewing the security videotapes. It was later disclosed that several burros and donkeys were found in Mr. Bush' room at the Tijauna Suites and Burro Stable.
     No definitive video tape evidence could readily be identified by Mexican authorities. The field of vision largely was obsucured by hundreds of transsexual transients, dancers, and "other deviants" partying amongst the animals in Mr. Bush' room at the time of his arrest by Mexican authorities. "We could have gotten around that" Mexican authorities claim after the Saudis "bought" Mr. Bush and forced Air Force Five to take off for Riyadh.
     It was unclear late Tuesday if the Saudis were really going to stone Mr. Bush to death or "stop just short of that" so he could be executed in Texas where he faces capital charges in his arraignment next week. The U.S. Marshals announced that they would also like to get him next week after a federal grand jury indicted him for staging a coup d'etat, treason, idiocy in office, and his "mission accomplished" war in Iraq. Copyright 2009 by Big M and Little L, all United States and world rights expressly reserved.

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