23 September 2009

Private Security Forces Triple Military Presence in Afghanistan

Wednesday, 23 September 2009, Kabul - Private security forces contracted by CIA triple NATO military presence in Afghanistan in one day. Private security forces, after being airlifted pallettes of fresh US $100 bills from CIA helicopters, continued to pour into Afghanistan in response to anticipation of "formal US Military requests" for more troops in Afghanistan. They immediately "deployed" in various areas with no consultation with US Military forces anticipating a "formal" request for aid. This is consistent with their other actions in various locations where they answer to no one, except perhaps the CIA who periodically drop them cash payments, but mostly are "on their own."
Reportedly they have deployed to remote areas of Afghanistan to torture locals for information on Al-Qaeda and particularly disliked Taliban personnel. Meanwhile CIA drones are carrying out "remote assassinations" of the same targets. Personnel laughed when asked about "due process of law", a concept of which they claimed to have "no information." Some showed signs of recognition that the United States was governed by a "Constitution" but most, many of whom are not "traditional" U.S. Citizens or legal residents, expressed no familiarity with the document or its alleged influence on the current U.S. Governments. Copyright 2009 by Big M and Little L all United States and world rights expressly reserved.

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