22 May 2011

Congressional Leaders Agree to Keep Key Unconstitutional Provisions of "Patriot" Act

Sunday, 22 May 2011 WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Ninth Amendment strongly discourages any readers from avoiding paying for UNLIMITED ACCESS TO THE NEW YORK TIMES DIGITAL EDITION SIMPLY BY SETTING THEIR FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". The New York Times management meanwhile in the past week expressed its satisfaction with the "success" of its multi-million dollar paywall in keeping readers from getting free "news" from the paper.
     On a far more serious note in the past week key Democratic and Republican Congressional leaders as well as behind-the-scenes encouragement from the consistently hypocritical Obama White House stunned Americans who had relied on the Democratic Presidential and Congressional candidates to allow the totally Unconstitutional "Patriotic Act" (here called the "Death of the US Constitution Act") to lapse instead of actually endorsing the Bush Administration's Act's most illegal and offensive provisions to agree on EXTENDING them another four years.
     It may be recalled that the so-called "Patriot Act" (so as to clearly imply that those who did not support it were not "patriotic") or rather the "Death of the US Constitution Act" literally was slipped past the United States Congress by the Bush White House (under orders from "acting President" Dick Cheney) in an absolutely heinous and illegal maneuver in a league with the Watergate break-in just on the heels of the 11 September 2001 "Terror Attacks".
     Although the provisions of the Act had been worked out through legitimate processes in Congress in the days before the vote on the Act, the United States public is fully aware that in the early hours of the morning of the vote on the Act, the White House slipped a "new" unreviewed (by Congress) version of the "Act" into the chambers of Congress just minutes before the distribution of the final text and vote my Congress. With the ink on the pages of the several hundred page "Bill" still wet, and not one member of Congress having had any possible opportunity to read it, Congress in the hysteria of the moment merely voted on it unread and passed the Death of the Constitution Act overwhelmingly.
     In the textbook example of "How a Bill is Not Born" even the criminals who slipped the forged draft into the chambers of Congress for an immediate vote saw fit to include "sunset provisions" in it realizing that after ten years pretty much everyone in the United States from the President to the least educated citizen would by 2011 realize that the document completely contradicted the spirit and mandates of the United States Constitution in literally thousands of places.
     Now most sadly not only Democratic Congressional leaders who know better and most horribly President Obama and his administration themselves have actually endorsed the extension for years of the Death of the US Constitution Act. President Obama should be all the more shamed, and all the less re-elected in 2012, for making it clear that he knew better in the 2008 Presidential election, and he knows better now.
     In yet another example of hypocritical actions that have piled up almost beyond count, President Obama essentially has once again after promised to remedy tragic Bush mistakes of the last Presidential Administration, yet has if anything fully embraced the horrible policies and acts of the preceding administration in doing his best to subject to the American people to "Bush Administration III- The Obama Years".
     Did they miss the news? Osama bin Laden is dead. The US States Government never needed the powers of the Death of the US Constitution Act anyway with which to begin. They merely just needed to learn how to their jobs, like police work for example.
    Finally, adding insult to injury, the Federal Bureau of Infestation (sic. "Investigation") now that it sees its multitude of Unconstitutional powers extending on up over the horizon and into the infinite, actually the into demise of the United States and all in which it believed just as the "terrorists" set them up, what do the now nearly unlimited powers of the United States Executive Branch and its multitude of "security" and "intelligence" agencies growing like a cancer do?
      Well, of course, turn back to whom but.... the Unabomber. Re-open that Tylenol Poisoning case from more than a quarter-century go. And they told us they had urgent matters to which to attend to keep "the world safe for democracy", or at least full law-enforcement funding and employment for eternity. Now with all those new powers re-established and apparently not even a voice in the wilderness (like the haunted ghost of a Founding Father) to stop them, they can really bring all those powers to bear on the Unabomber in his cell. They may at least just have him make a phone call once in a while, go for a walk in the "yard", or scribble on a piece of paper to show that now they can do anything without a warrant, a tap, or any sort of restriction on "law enforcement" forever.
     Perhaps should he still be able to hide to many secrets in his cell they could even ask for GREATER expansion of their powers under the Death to the United States Constitution Act, for after all, should anyone not immediately vote "yea" to an expansion of the Act, they must not be a "patriot", and that is something almost to horrible to think about. Perhaps an Obama candidate for indefinite detention in Guantanamo Bay without charges, without visitors, without lawyers, without the Red Cross, just the occasional recreational waterboarding in case there is, somewhere, somehow, that last little Tylenol pill sitting in a medicine cabinet waiting to wreak havoc on America and bring the whole empire crashing down.                                         

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