06 October 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Legalization Of Recreational And All Marijuana In Alaska, Nation's Capital District Of Columbia, And Oregon Urged By Entire New York Times Editorial Board

       Monday, 6 October 2014, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - In another significant blow to vicious international criminal organizations that have flourished and gone on to spread harder drugs, forced whole countries into needless tragedies of mass violence, facilitated a proliferation of deadly weapons and criminal behavior to all points of the globe, corrupted whole governments and the world's financial institutions and law enforcement agencies at every level, funded terror organizations that have taken what was a phony "war" into very real wars funded globally destabilizing countries and terrorizing whole populations worldwide, put untold millions of persons behind bars for non-violent conduct often with racially disgraceful prison terms either effectively or by operation of highly questionable operation of law in misguided mandatory prison terms leaving any sentencing discretion in the hands of the vulgar abuses of prosecutors rather than the courts, reeked havoc on the United States Constitution's most fundamental rights once protecting citizens from unwarranted invasions of privacy, searches and seizures without legally sufficient cause, turned all law enforcement actions into unnecessarily violent and characteristically unnecessarily military-style raids by overpowering force against citizens on the streets, in their cars, and even into the once-sanctity of their homes often causing lifelong trauma for citizens in all walks of life who law enforcement seem long ago in this country completely to have forgotten are innocent until proven guilty and often diverting much-needed law enforcement resources from crimes against others of real concern to the American people, propelled the Courts into tortured interpretations and disparaging distortions and destruction of the Constitution (just because the word "drugs" appears in prosecutions and now untold judicial opinions which by the Courts' own reasoning one day now with a keystroke can be changed in a moment from "drugs" to "unauthorized" or "threatening papers" or whatever the State may choose) and caused so much other needless thoughtless harm and suffering it would take volumes to recount along with the huge amount of vital tax, monetary, human and other precious resources that have been completely needlessly diverted that the members of the editorial board of the Ninth Amendment a quarter of a century ago had the opportunity to and did predict these very results to some of the United States' and Great Britain's present and future leading legal minds (at the same time that The Economist's cover editorial called unequivocally for the decriminalization of all drugs) that were perfectly obvious even from another quarter century earlier with the introduction for totally unrelated politically expedient reasons by the disgraced Republican criminal resigned former President Richard M. Nixon and his administration with the introduction of its characteristically totally phony "War on Drugs" now the entire editorial board of the New York Times in its issue of this date now being printed finally calls for what it states is supported by the fact that "a majority of Americans favor legalization" of marijuana thus the Times in all three jurisdictions Alaska, the Nation's Capital the District of Columbia, and Oregon in the United States where the issue is on next month's ballot noting that marijuana is "far less harmful than alcohol" calls for citizens wholesale rejection of the prohibition of pot by what the Times calls a "misguided federal ban". Interested readers may read the The New York Times entire editorial board's front page announcement's full editorial by following the link below.


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