07 October 2014

Texas Congressional Members Ask U.S Attorney General Holder To Open Federal Criminal Investigation Of Corrupt Woman-Hating AG "Dark Money" Greg "Payday" Abbott Following "Scathing" State Audit Finding $222 Million In Texas Taxpayer Perry Pet "Enterprise Fund" Money Given To Non-Applicant Non-Job Creators With Abbott "Undersight" GIving $1.4 Million Bribes Back To Abbott Who Now Blames And Distances Himself From Perry Slushfund

       Tuesday, 7 October 2014, WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Ninth Amendment editorial board has observed that in the wake of last week's request that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder launch a federal criminal investigation into whether it was illegal and/or unethical for corrupt Woman-Hating Texas "Dark Money" A.G. Greg "Payday" Abbott to sit by with blindfolds on as the Perry pet "Texas Enterprise Fund" or more appropriately "Perry Payback Taxpayer Slushfund" Abbott oversaw doled out "disbursements" of at least $222 million of Texas taxpayer money without requiring any requests nor applications and/or disbursed it to recipients who "were not required to create new jobs" according to a "scathing" Texas state audit that found these were not "mandated" requirements during the first two years of Perry unilaterally announcing such grants with no prior disclosure claiming they were from his "new deal-making" fund.
       Well that much claimed by since indicted lameduck corrupt Republican Idiot Texas Governor Rick "Payback" Perry certainly does seem to be true as he did use the taxpayers money apparently to fund "deal-making" by doling out hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money which Abbott was supposed to but did not oversee so as to recover improperly disbursed funds to "politically connected" companies as to which Abbott later refused to provide any documentation to the Dallas Morning News which he in fact neglected to mention also did not exist. The News was able to report that it had obtained documentation of $1.4 million in bribes in the now familiar form of Abbott "campaign donations" effectively giving Texas taxpayers' money back to Abbott which similar practice of essentially bribe-taking was reported here with named major law firms as well as countless others with contemporaneous pending decisions before long-corrupt A.G. Abbott while also making regular large "campaign donations" to him for essentially non-existent campaigns.
       Apparently following one from the Perry playbook exemplified by his fine example to all criminal defendants of smirking in mugshots according to Republican special prosecutor Michael McCrum and immediately leaving the country upon his federal grand jury indictments for two counts of "abuse of power" playing down the prospect of the 99-year prison term he now is facing Abbott's spokesperson Jerry Strickland apparently came out swinging on himself on responding to Attorney General Holder's requested federal criminal investigation of Abbott making what the San Antonio Express-News in the linked-to article below called "his strongest yet defense of both the office and his boss" immediately evading the issue telling lies about Abbott's release of documents and accusing the Democratic Congressional delegation of having "a poor understanding of the law". 
       It is not known to the editorial board of the Ninth Amendment how qualified Abbott's spokesman Strickland himself is in the law such as having attended law school or his degree of legal scholarship such that he is comfortable accusing Texas' Congressional national lawmakers of "having a poor understanding of the law". It is not known for example if Mr. Strickland reviewed his boss Abbott's earlier statement regarding the law in which Abbott observed that in the Attorney General's office certain matters were not within Abbott's purview because they involved no more than "making legal determinations".  
       Both in the case of Perry and Abbott the Ninth Amendment has observed most matters that would be of some heightened concerns to persons in such similar positions as having been indicted for two felony counts by a federal grand jury and now facing a trial which just on these counts could result in a 99-year prison term or as in the case of Abbott having a group of members of one's states Congressional delegation requesting of the United States Attorney General that he have the Department of Justice launch a federal criminal and ethics investigation of him for a matter related to the indicted Perry's that on the part of both Republican high office holders such a cavalier attitude may actually be a subterfuge for some greater degree of concern than they are prepared to share at this time although it has been noted that the particularly carefree Perry did greatly buttress his so far Texas taxpayer funded legal defense team with some more $400 an hour lawyers which he even took the extraordinary step of diverting from his own campaign fund rather than his usual course of taking it directly from Texas taxpayer's pockets.
       In addition the brave Abbott spokesperson Strickland taking Texas' Congressional nation's lawmakers to task for "having a poor understanding of the law" Abbott's campaign dream team went on to try to discourage voters from even turning out to the polls in classic Republican style by noting that Abbott has over $30 million remaining in his "warchest" ($10 million of which was used to reserve TV time well in advance no doubt for voters to spend more quality in depth time getting to know if Abbott actually has any specific plan to accomplish anything or just to attack Wendy Davis some more) as opposed to Wendy Davis' $5.9 million going into the final month which Abbott's team described as her campaign now"being broke". 
       They failed to note that since Wendy Davis announced her candidacy she has collected at least as much as Abbott in campaign contributions although his may have been "matched" by more outside donors, doubtless the usual out-of-state suspects and dirty businesses and fugitive payday loan crowd looking for refuge with Abbott running from Utah state and federal investigations. The difference in remaining campaign funds comes from the fact that Abbott has as readers may have guessed spent the past ten years collecting $30 million in bribes in the form of "campaign donations" from entities with matters before corrupt A.G. Abbott despite the fact that Abbott effectively was running for nothing seriously contested and therefore could save up that much for his campaign "warchest" now with who knows how much in leftover bribes perhaps to buy a nice place up in Horseshoe Bay like genius real estate investor Perry.
       As for corrupt woman-hating A.G. "dark money" Greg "payday" Abbott it similarly may be worth noting that he is now starting to take a noticeably wider berth from Perry as the two apparently start breaking ranks with Abbott now specifically "blaming" Perry for not informing him of grants Perry was announcing for his "Perry Enterprise Taxpayer Slushfund" in contravention of the law that it be done no later than at the "finalization" of such grants although Abbott now claims Perry knew they had been finalized over a year before and never informed Abbott. Likewise as Abbott scrambled in recent debates from Wendy Davis honing in on the growing scandal Abbott courageously responded that he "had questioned [Perry's] fund since the beginning of his campaign" 
       The San Antonio Express-News article linked to below unfortunately is one for which readers only can read the first paragraph and see yet another picture of the bespectacled Perry unless readers have a subscription or figure out how to bypass the paper's paywall probably by visiting their favorite search site.  

Copyright Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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